Creating Canvas JS Module.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
This commit is contained in:
36 changed files with 797 additions and 590 deletions
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def run():
helper = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
latex = Latex(tempdir)
modules = engine.newObject()
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Runtime', modules)
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Modules', modules)
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Helper', engine.newQObject(helper))
engine.globalObject().setProperty("Latex", engine.newQObject(latex))
# engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Helper", helper)
@ -103,17 +103,17 @@ MenuBar {
title: qsTr("&Create")
// Services repeater
Repeater {
model: Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.types)
model: Object.keys(Modules.Objects.types)
MenuItem {
text: Runtime.Objects.types[modelData].displayType()
visible: Runtime.Objects.types[modelData].createable()
text: Modules.Objects.types[modelData].displayType()
visible: Modules.Objects.types[modelData].createable()
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
|||| modelData
icon.source: './icons/objects/' + modelData + '.svg'
icon.color: sysPalette.buttonText
onTriggered: {
var newObj = Runtime.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(modelData)
var newObj = Modules.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(modelData)
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.CreateNewObject(, modelData, newObj.export()))
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ MenuBar {
checked: Helper.getSettingBool("enable_latex")
onTriggered: {
Helper.setSettingBool("enable_latex", checked)
Runtime.Latex.enabled = checked
Modules.Latex.enabled = checked
|||| 'Expression'
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ Item {
Component.onCompleted: {
Runtime.History.history = historyObj
Runtime.History.themeTextColor = sysPalette.windowText
Runtime.History.imageDepth = Screen.devicePixelRatio
Modules.History.history = historyObj
Modules.History.themeTextColor = sysPalette.windowText
Modules.History.imageDepth = Screen.devicePixelRatio
@ -126,37 +126,6 @@ Canvas {
property int maxgradx: 20
\qmlproperty var LogGraphCanvas::yaxisstepExpr
Expression for the y axis step (used to create labels).
property var yaxisstepExpr: (new MathLib.Expression(`x*(${yaxisstep})`))
\qmlproperty double LogGraphCanvas::yaxisstep1
Value of the for the y axis step.
property double yaxisstep1: yaxisstepExpr.execute(1)
\qmlproperty int LogGraphCanvas::drawMaxY
Minimum value of y that should be drawn onto the canvas.
property int drawMaxY: Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(ymax), Math.abs(px2y(canvasSize.height)))/yaxisstep1)
\qmlproperty var LogGraphCanvas::xaxisstepExpr
Expression for the x axis step (used to create labels).
property var xaxisstepExpr: (new MathLib.Expression(`x*(${xaxisstep})`))
\qmlproperty double LogGraphCanvas::xaxisstep1
Value of the for the x axis step.
property double xaxisstep1: xaxisstepExpr.execute(1)
\qmlproperty int LogGraphCanvas::drawMaxX
Maximum value of x that should be drawn onto the canvas.
property int drawMaxX: Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(xmin), Math.abs(px2x(canvasSize.width)))/xaxisstep1)
\qmlproperty var LogGraphCanvas::imageLoaders
Dictionary of format {image: [callback.image data]} containing data for defered image loading.
@ -168,7 +137,10 @@ Canvas {
property var ctx
Component.onCompleted: imageLoaders = {}
Component.onCompleted: {
imageLoaders = {}
Modules.Canvas.initialize(canvas, drawingErrorDialog)
Native.MessageDialog {
id: drawingErrorDialog
@ -183,27 +155,7 @@ Canvas {
onPaint: function(rect) {
if(rect.width == canvas.width) { // Redraw full canvas
ctx = getContext("2d");
ctx.lineWidth = linewidth
for(var objType in Runtime.Objects.currentObjects) {
for(var obj of Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType]){
ctx.strokeStyle = obj.color
ctx.fillStyle = obj.color
try {
obj.draw(canvas, ctx)
} catch(e) {
// Drawing throws an error. Generally, it's due to a new modification (or the opening of a file)
drawingErrorDialog.showDialog(objType,, e.message)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
@ -216,277 +168,4 @@ Canvas {
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::reset(var ctx)
Resets the canvas to a blank one with default setting using 2D \c ctx.
function reset(ctx){
// Reset
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
// Drawing the log based graph
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawGrille(var ctx)
Draws the grid using 2D \c ctx.
function drawGrille(ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = "#C0C0C0"
if(logscalex) {
for(var xpow = -maxgradx; xpow <= maxgradx; xpow++) {
for(var xmulti = 1; xmulti < 10; xmulti++) {
drawXLine(ctx, Math.pow(10, xpow)*xmulti)
} else {
for(var x = 0; x < drawMaxX; x+=1) {
drawXLine(ctx, x*xaxisstep1)
drawXLine(ctx, -x*xaxisstep1)
for(var y = 0; y < drawMaxY; y+=1) {
drawYLine(ctx, y*yaxisstep1)
drawYLine(ctx, -y*yaxisstep1)
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawAxises(var ctx)
Draws the graph axises using 2D \c ctx.
function drawAxises(ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"
var axisypos = logscalex ? 1 : 0
drawXLine(ctx, axisypos)
drawYLine(ctx, 0)
var axisypx = x2px(axisypos) // X coordinate of Y axis
var axisxpx = y2px(0) // Y coordinate of X axis
// Drawing arrows
drawLine(ctx, axisypx, 0, axisypx-10, 10)
drawLine(ctx, axisypx, 0, axisypx+10, 10)
drawLine(ctx, canvasSize.width, axisxpx, canvasSize.width-10, axisxpx-10)
drawLine(ctx, canvasSize.width, axisxpx, canvasSize.width-10, axisxpx+10)
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawLabels(var ctx)
Draws all labels (graduation & axises labels) using 2D \c ctx.
function drawLabels(ctx) {
var axisypx = x2px(logscalex ? 1 : 0) // X coordinate of Y axis
var axisxpx = y2px(0) // Y coordinate of X axis
// Labels
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
ctx.fillText(ylabel, axisypx+10, 24)
var textSize = ctx.measureText(xlabel).width
ctx.fillText(xlabel, canvasSize.width-14-textSize, axisxpx-5)
// Axis graduation labels
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize-4}px sans-serif`
var txtMinus = ctx.measureText('-').width
if(showxgrad) {
if(logscalex) {
for(var xpow = -maxgradx; xpow <= maxgradx; xpow+=1) {
var textSize = ctx.measureText("10"+Utils.textsup(xpow)).width
if(xpow != 0)
drawVisibleText(ctx, "10"+Utils.textsup(xpow), x2px(Math.pow(10,xpow))-textSize/2, axisxpx+16+(6*(xpow==1)))
} else {
for(var x = 1; x < drawMaxX; x += 1) {
var drawX = x*xaxisstep1
var txtX = xaxisstepExpr.simplify(x).replace(/^\((.+)\)$/, '$1')
var textSize = measureText(ctx, txtX, 6).height
drawVisibleText(ctx, txtX, x2px(drawX)-4, axisxpx+textsize/2+textSize)
drawVisibleText(ctx, '-'+txtX, x2px(-drawX)-4, axisxpx+textsize/2+textSize)
if(showygrad) {
for(var y = 0; y < drawMaxY; y += 1) {
var drawY = y*yaxisstep1
var txtY = yaxisstepExpr.simplify(y).replace(/^\((.+)\)$/, '$1')
var textSize = ctx.measureText(txtY).width
drawVisibleText(ctx, txtY, axisypx-6-textSize, y2px(drawY)+4+(10*(y==0)))
if(y != 0)
drawVisibleText(ctx, '-'+txtY, axisypx-6-textSize-txtMinus, y2px(-drawY)+4)
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawXLine(var ctx, double x)
Draws an horizontal line at \c x plot coordinate using 2D \c ctx.
function drawXLine(ctx, x) {
if(isVisible(x, ymax)) {
drawLine(ctx, x2px(x), 0, x2px(x), canvasSize.height)
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawXLine(var ctx, double x)
Draws an vertical line at \c y plot coordinate using 2D \c ctx.
function drawYLine(ctx, y) {
if(isVisible(xmin, y)) {
drawLine(ctx, 0, y2px(y), canvasSize.width, y2px(y))
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawVisibleText(var ctx, string text, double x, double y)
Writes multline \c text onto the canvas using 2D \c ctx.
\note The \c x and \c y properties here are relative to the canvas, not the plot.
function drawVisibleText(ctx, text, x, y) {
if(x > 0 && x < canvasSize.width && y > 0 && y < canvasSize.height) {
text.toString().split("\n").forEach(function(txt, i){
ctx.fillText(txt, x, y+(canvas.textsize*i))
\qmlmethod void LogGraphCanvas::drawVisibleImage(var ctx, var image, double x, double y)
Draws an \c image onto the canvas using 2D \c ctx.
\note The \c x, \c y \c width and \c height properties here are relative to the canvas, not the plot.
function drawVisibleImage(ctx, image, x, y, width, height) {
//console.log("Drawing image", isImageLoaded(image), isImageError(image))
markDirty(Qt.rect(x, y, width, height));
ctx.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height)
/*if(true || (x > 0 && x < canvasSize.width && y > 0 && y < canvasSize.height)) {
\qmlmethod var LogGraphCanvas::measureText(var ctx, string text)
Measures the wicth and height of a multiline \c text that would be drawn onto the canvas using 2D \c ctx.
Return format: dictionary {"width": width, "height": height}
function measureText(ctx, text) {
let theight = 0
let twidth = 0
let defaultHeight = ctx.measureText("M").width // Approximate but good enough!
text.split("\n").forEach(function(txt, i){
theight += defaultHeight
if(ctx.measureText(txt).width > twidth) twidth = ctx.measureText(txt).width
return {'width': twidth, 'height': theight}
\qmlmethod double LogGraphCanvas::x2px(double x)
Converts an \c x coordinate to it's relative position on the canvas.
It supports both logarithmic and non logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
function x2px(x) {
if(logscalex) {
var logxmin = Math.log(xmin)
return (Math.log(x)-logxmin)*xzoom
} else return (x - xmin)*xzoom
\qmlmethod double LogGraphCanvas::y2px(double y)
Converts an \c y coordinate to it's relative position on the canvas.
The y axis not supporting logarithmic scale, it only support linear convertion.
function y2px(y) {
return (ymax-y)*yzoom
\qmlmethod double LogGraphCanvas::px2x(double px)
Converts an x \c px position on the canvas to it's corresponding coordinate on the plot.
It supports both logarithmic and non logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
function px2x(px) {
if(logscalex) {
return Math.exp(px/xzoom+Math.log(xmin))
} else return (px/xzoom+xmin)
\qmlmethod double LogGraphCanvas::px2x(double px)
Converts an x \c px position on the canvas to it's corresponding coordinate on the plot.
It supports both logarithmic and non logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
function px2y(px) {
return -(px/yzoom-ymax)
\qmlmethod bool LogGraphCanvas::isVisible(double x, double y)
Checks whether a plot point (\c x, \c y) is visible or not on the canvas.
function isVisible(x, y) {
return (x2px(x) >= 0 && x2px(x) <= canvasSize.width) && (y2px(y) >= 0 && y2px(y) <= canvasSize.height)
\qmlmethod bool LogGraphCanvas::drawLine(var ctx, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Draws a line from plot point (\c x1, \c y1) to plot point (\c x2, \¢ y2) using 2D \c ctx.
function drawLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
\qmlmethod bool LogGraphCanvas::drawDashedLine2(var ctx, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Draws a dashed line from plot point (\c x1, \c y1) to plot point (\c x2, \¢ y2) using 2D \c ctx.
function drawDashedLine2(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, dashPxSize = 5) {
ctx.setLineDash([dashPxSize, dashPxSize]);
drawLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
\qmlmethod bool LogGraphCanvas::drawDashedLine(var ctx, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Draws a dashed line from plot point (\c x1, \c y1) to plot point (\c x2, \¢ y2) using 2D \c ctx.
(Legacy slower method)
function drawDashedLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, dashPxSize = 10) {
var distance = Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2))
var progPerc = dashPxSize/distance
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
for(var i = 0; i < 1; i += progPerc) {
ctx.lineTo(x1-(x1-x2)*i, y1-(y1-y2)*i)
ctx.moveTo(x1-(x1-x2)*(i+progPerc/2), y1-(y1-y2)*(i+progPerc/2))
\qmlmethod var LogGraphCanvas::renderLatexImage(string ltxText, color)
Renders latex markup \c ltxText to an image and loads it. Returns a dictionary with three values: source, width and height.
function renderLatexImage(ltxText, color, callback) {
let [ltxSrc, ltxWidth, ltxHeight] = Latex.render(ltxText, textsize, color).split(",")
let imgData = {
"source": ltxSrc,
"width": parseFloat(ltxWidth),
"height": parseFloat(ltxHeight)
if(!isImageLoaded(ltxSrc) && !isImageLoading(ltxSrc)){
// Wait until the image is loaded to callback.
imageLoaders[ltxSrc] = [callback, imgData]
} else {
// Callback directly
callback(canvas, ctx, imgData)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick
// Auto loading all modules.
import "js/modules.js" as Modules
import "js/autoload.js" as ModulesAutoload
import eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.History 1.0
import eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.ObjectLists 1.0
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
filename += '.lpf'
settings.saveFilename = filename
var objs = {}
for(var objType in Runtime.Objects.currentObjects){
for(var objType in Modules.Objects.currentObjects){
objs[objType] = []
for(var obj of Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType]) {
for(var obj of Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType]) {
@ -255,19 +255,19 @@ ApplicationWindow {
root.width = data["width"]
// Importing objects
Runtime.Objects.currentObjects = {}
Runtime.Object.keys(Objects.currentObjectsByName).forEach(key => {
delete Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[key];
Modules.Objects.currentObjects = {}
Modules.Object.keys(Objects.currentObjectsByName).forEach(key => {
delete Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[key];
// Required to keep the same reference for the copy of the object used in expression variable detection.
// Another way would be to change the reference as well, but I feel like the code would be less clean.
for(let objType in data['objects']) {
if(Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.types).indexOf(objType) > -1) {
Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType] = []
if(Object.keys(Modules.Objects.types).indexOf(objType) > -1) {
Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType] = []
for(let objData of data['objects'][objType]) {
let obj = new Runtime.Objects.types[objType](...objData)
Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[] = obj
let obj = new Modules.Objects.types[objType](...objData)
Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[] = obj
} else {
error += qsTr("Unknown object type: %1.").arg(objType) + "\n";
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
// Updating object dependencies.
for(let objName in Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
for(let objName in Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
// Importing history
if("history" in data)
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ Repeater {
} catch(e) {
// Error in expression or domain
parsingErrorDialog.showDialog(propertyName, newValue, e.message)
@ -187,8 +188,8 @@ Repeater {
// Base, untranslated version of the model.
property var baseModel: selectObjMode ?
isRealObject ? [qsTr("+ Create new %1").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[propertyType.objType].displayType())] : [])
isRealObject ? [qsTr("+ Create new %1").arg(Modules.Objects.types[propertyType.objType].displayType())] : [])
: propertyType.values
// Translated version of the model.
model: selectObjMode ? baseModel : propertyType.translatedValues
@ -198,20 +199,20 @@ Repeater {
if(selectObjMode) {
// This is only done when what we're selecting are Objects.
// Setting object property.
var selectedObj = Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[baseModel[newIndex]]
var selectedObj = Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[baseModel[newIndex]]
if(newIndex != 0) {
// Make sure we don't set the object to null.
if(selectedObj == null) {
// Creating new object.
selectedObj = Runtime.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(propertyType.objType)
selectedObj = Modules.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(propertyType.objType)
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.CreateNewObject(, propertyType.objType, selectedObj.export()))
baseModel = Runtime.Objects.getObjectsName(propertyType.objType).concat(
isRealObject ? [qsTr("+ Create new %1").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[propertyType.objType].displayType())] :
baseModel = Modules.Objects.getObjectsName(propertyType.objType).concat(
isRealObject ? [qsTr("+ Create new %1").arg(Modules.Objects.types[propertyType.objType].displayType())] :
currentIndex = baseModel.indexOf(
//Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex].requiredBy = obj[propertyName].filter((obj) => !=
//Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex].requiredBy = obj[propertyName].filter((obj) => !=
obj.requiredBy = obj.requiredBy.filter((obj) => !=
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.EditedProperty(
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ Repeater {
|||, objType, propertyName,
obj[propertyName], exported
//Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex][propertyName] = exported
//Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex][propertyName] = exported
obj[propertyName] = exported
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Popup.BaseDialog {
\qmlproperty var EditorDialog::obj
Instance of the object being edited.
property var obj: Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex]
property var obj: Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex]
\qmlproperty var EditorDialog::posPicker
Reference to the global PositionPicker QML object.
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Popup.BaseDialog {
Label {
id: dlgTitle
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
text: qsTr("Edit properties of %1 %2").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[objEditor.objType].displayType()).arg(
text: qsTr("Edit properties of %1 %2").arg(Modules.Objects.types[objEditor.objType].displayType()).arg(
font.pixelSize: 20
color: sysPalette.windowText
@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ Popup.BaseDialog {
onChanged: function(newValue) {
let newName = Utils.parseName(newValue)
if(newName != '' && != newName) {
if(newName in Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName) {
if(newName in Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName) {
} else {
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.NameChanged(
||||, objEditor.objType, newName
Runtime.Objects.renameObject(, newName)
objEditor.obj = Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objEditor.objType][objEditor.objIndex]
Modules.Objects.renameObject(, newName)
objEditor.obj = Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objEditor.objType][objEditor.objIndex]
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Popup.BaseDialog {
function open() {
dlgCustomProperties.model = [] // Reset
let objProps = Runtime.Objects.types[objEditor.objType].properties()
let objProps = Modules.Objects.types[objEditor.objType].properties()
dlgCustomProperties.model = Object.keys(objProps).map(prop => [prop, objProps[prop]]) // Converted to 2-dimentional array.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Column {
// Open editor
objectEditor.obj = obj
objectEditor.objType = obj.type
objectEditor.objIndex = Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[obj.type].indexOf(obj)
objectEditor.objIndex = Modules.Objects.currentObjects[obj.type].indexOf(obj)
// Disconnect potential link
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ Column {
width: parent.width
columns: 3
Repeater {
model: Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.types)
model: Object.keys(Modules.Objects.types)
Button {
id: createBtn
width: 96
visible: Runtime.Objects.types[modelData].createable()
visible: Modules.Objects.types[modelData].createable()
height: visible ? width*0.8 : 0
// The KDE SDK is kinda buggy, so it respects neither specified color nor display propreties.
//display: AbstractButton.TextUnderIcon
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Column {
anchors.rightMargin: 4
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
font.pixelSize: 14
text: Runtime.Objects.types[modelData].displayType()
text: Modules.Objects.types[modelData].displayType()
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
clip: true
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Column {
ToolTip.text: label.text
onClicked: {
let newObj = Runtime.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(modelData)
let newObj = Modules.Objects.createNewRegisteredObject(modelData)
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.CreateNewObject(, modelData, newObj.export()))
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ScrollView {
ListView {
id: objectsListView
model: Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.types)
model: Object.keys(Modules.Objects.types)
//width: implicitWidth //objectListList.width - (implicitHeight > objectListList.parent.height ? 20 : 0)
implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height + footerItem.height + 10
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ScrollView {
id: objTypeList
property string objType: objectsListView.model[index]
property var editingRows: []
model: Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType]
model: Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType]
width: objectsListView.width
implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
visible: model != undefined && model.length > 0
@ -69,23 +69,23 @@ ScrollView {
CheckBox {
id: typeVisibilityCheckBox
checked: Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType] != undefined ? Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType].every(obj => obj.visible) : true
checked: Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType] != undefined ? Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType].every(obj => obj.visible) : true
onClicked: {
for(var obj of Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType]) obj.visible = this.checked
for(var obj of Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType]) obj.visible = this.checked
for(var obj of objTypeList.editingRows) obj.objVisible = this.checked
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: checked ?
qsTr("Hide all %1").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple()) :
qsTr("Show all %1").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple())
qsTr("Hide all %1").arg(Modules.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple()) :
qsTr("Show all %1").arg(Modules.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple())
Label {
id: typeHeaderText
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
text: qsTranslate("control", "%1: ").arg(Runtime.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple())
text: qsTranslate("control", "%1: ").arg(Modules.Objects.types[objType].displayTypeMultiple())
font.pixelSize: 20
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ ScrollView {
delegate: ObjectRow {
id: controlRow
width: objTypeList.width
obj: Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType][index]
obj: Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType][index]
posPicker: positionPicker
onChanged: {
obj = Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType][index]
obj = Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType][index]
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ ScrollView {
function update() {
for(var objType in objectListList.listViews) {
objectListList.listViews[objType].model = Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[objType]
objectListList.listViews[objType].model = Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType]
@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ Item {
id: objDescription
anchors.left: objVisibilityCheckBox.right
anchors.right: deleteButton.left
height: Runtime.Latex.enabled ? Math.max(parent.minHeight, latexDescription.height+4) : parent.minHeight
height: Modules.Latex.enabled ? Math.max(parent.minHeight, latexDescription.height+4) : parent.minHeight
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
text: Runtime.Latex.enabled ? "" : obj.getReadableString()
text: Modules.Latex.enabled ? "" : obj.getReadableString()
font.pixelSize: 14
Image {
id: latexDescription
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
visible: Runtime.Latex.enabled
visible: Modules.Latex.enabled
property double depth: Screen.devicePixelRatio
property var ltxInfo: visible ? Latex.render(obj.getLatexString(), depth*(parent.font.pixelSize+2), parent.color).split(",") : ["","0","0"]
source: visible ? ltxInfo[0] : ""
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Item {
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
objEditor.obj = Runtime.Objects.currentObjects[obj.type][index]
objEditor.obj = Modules.Objects.currentObjects[obj.type][index]
objEditor.objType = obj.type
objEditor.objIndex = index
//objEditor.editingRow = objectRow
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ Item {
function deleteRecursively(object) {
for(let toRemove of object.requiredBy)
if(Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[] != undefined) {
if(Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[] != undefined) {
// Object still exists
// Temporary fix for objects require not being propertly updated.
object.requiredBy = []
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.DeleteObject(
||||, object.type, object.export()
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Item {
if(mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { // Validate
let newValueX = !parent.userPickX ? null : parseValue(picked.mouseX.toString(), objType, propertyX)
let newValueY = !parent.userPickY ? null : parseValue(picked.mouseY.toString(), objType, propertyY)
let obj = Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[objName]
let obj = Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[objName]
// Set values
if(parent.userPickX && parent.userPickY) {
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.EditedPosition(
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Item {
color: 'black'
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: canvas.x2px(picked.mouseX)
anchors.leftMargin: Modules.Canvas.x2px(picked.mouseX)
visible: parent.userPickX
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Item {
color: 'black'
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.topMargin: canvas.y2px(picked.mouseY)
anchors.topMargin: Modules.Canvas.y2px(picked.mouseY)
visible: parent.userPickY
@ -282,25 +282,26 @@ Item {
x: picker.mouseX - width - 5
y: picker.mouseY - height - 5
color: 'black'
property double axisX: canvas.xaxisstep1
property double axisX: Modules.Canvas.axesStep.x.value
property double axisY: Modules.Canvas.axesStep.y.value
property double mouseX: {
let xpos = canvas.px2x(picker.mouseX)
let xpos = Modules.Canvas.px2x(picker.mouseX)
if(snapToGridCheckbox.checked) {
if(canvas.logscalex) {
// Calculate the logged power
let pow = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(xpos)))
return pow*Math.round(xpos/pow)
} else {
return canvas.xaxisstep1*Math.round(xpos/canvas.xaxisstep1)
return axisX*Math.round(xpos/axisX)
} else {
return xpos.toFixed(parent.precision)
property double mouseY: {
let ypos = canvas.px2y(picker.mouseY)
let ypos = Modules.Canvas.px2y(picker.mouseY)
if(snapToGridCheckbox.checked) {
return canvas.yaxisstep1*Math.round(ypos/canvas.yaxisstep1)
return axisY*Math.round(ypos/axisY)
} else {
return ypos.toFixed(parent.precision)
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ Item {
Parses a given \c value as an expression or a number depending on the type of \c propertyName of all \c objType.
function parseValue(value, objType, propertyName) {
if(Runtime.Objects.types[objType].properties()[propertyName] == 'number')
if(Modules.Objects.types[objType].properties()[propertyName] == 'number')
return parseFloat(value)
return new MathLib.Expression(value)
@ -391,9 +391,9 @@ Item {
property string objectName: isEnteringProperty ?
( ? parent.previousToken.value : parent.previousToken2.value)
: ""
property bool doesObjectExist: isEnteringProperty && (objectName in Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
property bool doesObjectExist: isEnteringProperty && (objectName in Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
property var objectProperties: doesObjectExist ?
Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[objectName] :
Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[objectName] :
categoryItems: Object.keys(objectProperties)
autocompleteGenerator: (item) => {
@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ Item {
visbilityCondition: parent.currentToken.identifier && !
itemStartIndex: functionsList.itemStartIndex + functionsList.model.length
itemSelected: parent.itemSelected
categoryItems: Runtime.Objects.getObjectsName("ExecutableObject").filter(obj => obj != self)
categoryItems: Modules.Objects.getObjectsName("ExecutableObject").filter(obj => obj != self)
autocompleteGenerator: (item) => {return {
'text': item, 'annotation': Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[item] == null ? '' : Objects.currentObjectsByName[item].constructor.displayType(),
'text': item, 'annotation': Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[item] == null ? '' : Objects.currentObjectsByName[item].constructor.displayType(),
'autocomplete': item+'()', 'cursorFinalOffset': -1
baseText: parent.visible ? parent.currentToken.value : ""
@ -475,9 +475,9 @@ Item {
visbilityCondition: parent.currentToken.identifier && !
itemStartIndex: executableObjectsList.itemStartIndex + executableObjectsList.model.length
itemSelected: parent.itemSelected
categoryItems: Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName).filter(obj => obj != self)
categoryItems: Object.keys(Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName).filter(obj => obj != self)
autocompleteGenerator: (item) => {return {
'text': item, 'annotation': `${Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[item].constructor.displayType()}`,
'text': item, 'annotation': `${Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[item].constructor.displayType()}`,
'autocomplete': item+'.', 'cursorFinalOffset': 0
baseText: parent.visible ? parent.currentToken.value : ""
@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ Item {
throw new Error(qsTranslate('error', 'Object cannot be dependent on itself.'))
// Recursive dependencies
let dependentOnSelfObjects = expr.requiredObjects().filter(
(obj) => Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName[obj].getDependenciesList()
(obj) => Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName[obj].getDependenciesList()
if(dependentOnSelfObjects.length == 1)
throw new Error(qsTranslate('error', 'Circular dependency detected. Object %1 depends on %2.').arg(dependentOnSelfObjects[0].toString()).arg(control.self))
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ ScrollView {
label: qsTr("Max X")
icon: "settings/xmax.svg"
width: settings.settingWidth
value: canvas.px2x(canvas.canvasSize.width).toFixed(2)
value: Modules.Canvas.px2x(canvas.width).toFixed(2)
onChanged: function(xvaluemax) {
if(xvaluemax > settings.xmin) {
settings.xzoom = settings.xzoom * canvas.canvasSize.width/(canvas.x2px(xvaluemax)) // Adjusting zoom to fit. = (end)/(px of current point)
settings.xzoom = settings.xzoom * canvas.width/(Modules.Canvas.x2px(xvaluemax)) // Adjusting zoom to fit. = (end)/(px of current point)
} else {
||||"Maximum x value must be superior to minimum.")
@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ ScrollView {
label: qsTr("Min Y")
icon: "settings/ymin.svg"
width: settings.settingWidth
defValue: canvas.px2y(canvas.canvasSize.height).toFixed(2)
defValue: Modules.Canvas.px2y(canvas.height).toFixed(2)
onChanged: function(yvaluemin) {
if(yvaluemin < settings.ymax) {
settings.yzoom = settings.yzoom * canvas.canvasSize.height/(canvas.y2px(yvaluemin)) // Adjusting zoom to fit. = (end)/(px of current point)
settings.yzoom = settings.yzoom * canvas.height/(Modules.Canvas.y2px(yvaluemin)) // Adjusting zoom to fit. = (end)/(px of current point)
} else {
||||"Minimum y value must be inferior to maximum.")
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Item {
property int positionChangeTimer: 0
function updatePosition(deltaX, deltaY) {
settingsInstance.xmin = (canvas.px2x(canvas.x2px(settingsInstance.xmin)-deltaX))
settingsInstance.xmin = (Modules.Canvas.px2x(Modules.Canvas.x2px(settingsInstance.xmin)-deltaX))
settingsInstance.ymax += deltaY/canvas.yzoom
settingsInstance.ymax = settingsInstance.ymax.toFixed(4)
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Item {
prevY = mouse.y
onPositionChanged: function(mouse) {
if(positionChangeTimer == 3) {
@ -118,12 +119,14 @@ Item {
positionChangeTimer = 0
onReleased: function(mouse) {
let deltaX = mouse.x - prevX
let deltaY = mouse.y - prevY
updatePosition(deltaX, deltaY)
parent.endPositionChange(deltaX, deltaY)
onWheel: function(wheel) {
// Scrolling
let scrollSteps = Math.round(wheel.angleDelta.y / 120)
@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
.import "objs/autoload.mjs" as Autoload
.import "math/latex.mjs" as Latex
.import "history/common.mjs" as HistoryCommon
.import "canvas.mjs" as CanvasAPI
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
* LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions.
* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import {Module} from "./modules.mjs"
import {textsup} from "./utils.mjs"
import {Expression} from "./mathlib.mjs"
class CanvasAPI extends Module {
constructor() {
super('Canvas', [
/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */
this._canvas = null
/** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */
this._ctx = null
* @type {Object}
* @property {function(string, string, string)} showDialog
* @private
this._drawingErrorDialog = null
* @type {Object.<string, {expression: Expression, value: number, maxDraw: number}>}
this.axesSteps = {
x: {
expression: null,
value: -1,
maxDraw: -1
y: {
expression: null,
value: -1,
maxDraw: -1
initialize(canvasObject, drawingErrorDialog) {
this._canvas = canvasObject
this._drawingErrorDialog = drawingErrorDialog
get width() { return this._canvas.width }
get height() { return this._canvas.height }
* Minimum x of the diagram, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get xmin() { return this._canvas.xmin }
* Zoom on the x-axis of the diagram, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get xzoom() { return this._canvas.xzoom }
* Maximum y of the diagram, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get ymax() { return this._canvas.ymax }
* Zoom on the y-axis of the diagram, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get yzoom() { return this._canvas.yzoom }
* Label used on the x-axis, provided from settings.
* @returns {string}
get xlabel() { return this._canvas.xlabel }
* Label used on the y-axis, provided from settings.
* @returns {string}
get ylabel() { return this._canvas.ylabel }
* Width of lines that will be drawn into the canvas, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get linewidth() { return this._canvas.linewidth }
* Font size of the text that will be drawn into the canvas, provided from settings.
* @returns {number}
get textsize() { return this._canvas.textsize }
* True if the canvas should be in logarithmic mode, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean}
get logscalex() { return this._canvas.logscalex }
* True if the x graduation should be shown, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean}
get showxgrad() { return this._canvas.showxgrad }
* True if the y graduation should be shown, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean}
get showygrad() { return this._canvas.showygrad }
* Max power of the logarithmic scaled on the x axis in logarithmic mode.
* @returns {number}
get maxgradx() { return this._canvas.maxgradx }
// Methods to draw the canvas
* Redraws the entire canvas
redraw() {
this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d")
this._ctx.lineWidth = this.linewidth
for(let objType in Modules.Objects.currentObjects) {
for(let obj of Modules.Objects.currentObjects[objType]){
this._ctx.strokeStyle = obj.color
this._ctx.fillStyle = obj.color
try {
} catch(e) {
// Drawing throws an error. Generally, it's due to a new modification (or the opening of a file)
this._drawingErrorDialog.showDialog(objType,, e.message)
this._ctx.lineWidth = 1
* Calculates informations for drawing gradations for axes.
* @private
_computeAxes() {
let exprY = new Expression(`x*(${this._canvas.yaxisstep})`)
let y1 = exprY.execute(1)
let exprX = new Expression(`x*(${this._canvas.xaxisstep})`)
let x1 = exprX.execute(1)
this.axesSteps = {
x: {
expression: exprX,
value: x1,
maxDraw: Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.xmin), Math.abs(this.px2x(this.width)))/x1)
y: {
expression: exprY,
value: y1,
maxDraw: Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.ymax), Math.abs(this.px2y(this.height)))/y1)
* Resets the canvas to a blank one with default setting.
* @private
// Reset
this._ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
this._ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"
this._ctx.font = `${this.textsize}px sans-serif`
* Draws the grid.
* @private
_drawGrid() {
this._ctx.strokeStyle = "#C0C0C0"
if(this.logscalex) {
for(let xpow = -this.maxgradx; xpow <= this.maxgradx; xpow++) {
for(let xmulti = 1; xmulti < 10; xmulti++) {
this.drawXLine(Math.pow(10, xpow)*xmulti)
} else {
for(let x = 0; x < this.axesSteps.x.maxDraw; x+=1) {
for(let y = 0; y < this.axesSteps.y.maxDraw; y+=1) {
* Draws the graph axes.
* @private
_drawAxes() {
this._ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"
let axisypos = this.logscalex ? 1 : 0
let axisypx = this.x2px(axisypos) // X coordinate of Y axis
let axisxpx = this.y2px(0) // Y coordinate of X axis
// Drawing arrows
this.drawLine(axisypx, 0, axisypx-10, 10)
this.drawLine(axisypx, 0, axisypx+10, 10)
this.drawLine(this.width, axisxpx, this.width-10, axisxpx-10)
this.drawLine(this.width, axisxpx, this.width-10, axisxpx+10)
* Resets the canvas to a blank one with default setting.
* @private
_drawLabels() {
let axisypx = this.x2px(this.logscalex ? 1 : 0) // X coordinate of Y axis
let axisxpx = this.y2px(0) // Y coordinate of X axis
// Labels
this._ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"
this._ctx.font = `${this.textsize}px sans-serif`
this._ctx.fillText(this.ylabel, axisypx+10, 24)
let textWidth = this._ctx.measureText(this.xlabel).width
this._ctx.fillText(this.xlabel, this.width-14-textWidth, axisxpx-5)
// Axis graduation labels
this._ctx.font = `${this.textsize-4}px sans-serif`
let txtMinus = this._ctx.measureText('-').width
if(this.showxgrad) {
if(this.logscalex) {
for(let xpow = -this.maxgradx; xpow <= this.maxgradx; xpow+=1) {
textWidth = this._ctx.measureText("10"+textsup(xpow)).width
if(xpow !== 0)
this.drawVisibleText("10"+textsup(xpow), this.x2px(Math.pow(10,xpow))-textWidth/2, axisxpx+16+(6*(xpow===1)))
} else {
for(let x = 1; x < this.axesSteps.x.maxDraw; x += 1) {
let drawX = x*this.axesSteps.x.value
let txtX = this.axesSteps.x.expression.simplify(x).replace(/^\((.+)\)$/, '$1')
let textHeight = this.measureText(txtX).height
this.drawVisibleText(txtX, this.x2px(drawX)-4, axisxpx+this.textsize/2+textHeight)
this.drawVisibleText('-'+txtX, this.x2px(-drawX)-4, axisxpx+this.textsize/2+textHeight)
if(this.showygrad) {
for(let y = 0; y < this.axesSteps.y.maxDraw; y += 1) {
let drawY = y*this.axesSteps.y.value
let txtY = this.axesSteps.y.expression.simplify(y).replace(/^\((.+)\)$/, '$1')
textWidth = this._ctx.measureText(txtY).width
this.drawVisibleText(txtY, axisypx-6-textWidth, this.y2px(drawY)+4+(10*(y===0)))
if(y !== 0)
this.drawVisibleText('-'+txtY, axisypx-6-textWidth-txtMinus, this.y2px(-drawY)+4)
this._ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
// Public functions
* Draws an horizontal line at x plot coordinate.
* @param {number} x
drawXLine(x) {
if(this.isVisible(x, this.ymax)) {
this.drawLine(this.x2px(x), 0, this.x2px(x), this.height)
* Draws an vertical line at y plot coordinate
* @param {number} y
* @private
drawYLine(y) {
if(this.isVisible(this.xmin, y)) {
this.drawLine(0, this.y2px(y), this.width, this.y2px(y))
* Writes multiline text onto the canvas.
* NOTE: The x and y properties here are relative to the canvas, not the plot.
* @param {string} text
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
drawVisibleText(text, x, y) {
if(x > 0 && x < this.width && y > 0 && y < this.height) {
text.toString().split("\n").forEach((txt, i) => {
this._ctx.fillText(txt, x, y+(this.textsize*i))
* Draws an image onto the canvas.
* NOTE: The x, y width and height properties here are relative to the canvas, not the plot.
* @param {CanvasImageSource} image
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
drawVisibleImage(image, x, y, width, height) {
this._canvas.markDirty(Qt.rect(x, y, width, height));
this._ctx.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height)
* Measures the width and height of a multiline text that would be drawn onto the canvas.
* @param {string} text
* @returns {{width: number, height: number}}
measureText(text) {
let theight = 0
let twidth = 0
let defaultHeight = this.textsize * 1.2 // Approximate but good enough!
for(let txt of text.split("\n")) {
theight += defaultHeight
if(this._ctx.measureText(txt).width > twidth) twidth = this._ctx.measureText(txt).width
return {'width': twidth, 'height': theight}
* Converts an x coordinate to its relative position on the canvas.
* It supports both logarithmic and non-logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
* @param {number} x
* @returns {number}
x2px(x) {
if(this.logscalex) {
let logxmin = Math.log(this.xmin)
return (Math.log(x)-logxmin)*this.xzoom
} else return (x - this.xmin)*this.xzoom
* Converts an y coordinate to it's relative position on the canvas.
* The y-axis not supporting logarithmic scale, it only supports linear conversion.
* @param {number} y
* @returns {number}
y2px(y) {
return (this.ymax-y)*this.yzoom
* Converts an x px position on the canvas to it's corresponding coordinate on the plot.
* It supports both logarithmic and non-logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
* @param {number} px
* @returns {number}
px2x(px) {
if(this.logscalex) {
return Math.exp(px/this.xzoom+Math.log(this.xmin))
} else return (px/this.xzoom+this.xmin)
* Converts an x px position on the canvas to it's corresponding coordinate on the plot.
* It supports both logarithmic and non logarithmic scale depending on the currently selected mode.
* @param {number} px
* @returns {number}
px2y(px) {
return -(px/this.yzoom-this.ymax)
* Checks whether a plot point (x, y) is visible or not on the canvas.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @returns {boolean}
isVisible(x, y) {
return (this.x2px(x) >= 0 && this.x2px(x) <= this.width) && (this.y2px(y) >= 0 && this.y2px(y) <= this.height)
* Draws a line from plot point (x1, y1) to plot point (x2, y2).
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this._ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
this._ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
* Draws a dashed line from plot point (x1, y1) to plot point (x2, y2).
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
* @param {number} dashPxSize
drawDashedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, dashPxSize = 6) {
this._ctx.setLineDash([dashPxSize/2, dashPxSize]);
this.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
* Renders latex markup ltxText to an image and loads it. Returns a dictionary with three values: source, width and height.
* @param {string} ltxText
* @param {string} color
* @param {function({width: number, height: number, source: string})} callback
renderLatexImage(ltxText, color, callback) {
let [ltxSrc, ltxWidth, ltxHeight] = Latex.render(ltxText, this.textsize, color).split(",")
let imgData = {
"source": ltxSrc,
"width": parseFloat(ltxWidth),
"height": parseFloat(ltxHeight)
if(!this._canvas.isImageLoaded(ltxSrc) && !this._canvas.isImageLoading(ltxSrc)){
// Wait until the image is loaded to callback.
this._canvas.imageLoaders[ltxSrc] = [callback, imgData]
} else {
// Callback directly
// Context methods
get font() { return this._ctx.font }
set font(value) { return this._ctx.font = value }
* Draws an act on the canvas centered on a point.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} radius
* @param {number} startAngle
* @param {number} endAngle
* @param {boolean} counterclockwise
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise=false) {
this._ctx.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise)
* Draws a filled circle centered on a point.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} radius
disc(x, y, radius) {
this._ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
* Draws a filled rectangle onto the canvas.
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} w
* @param {number} h
fillRect(x, y, w, h) {
this._ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h)
/** @type {CanvasAPI} */
Modules.Canvas = Modules.Canvas || new CanvasAPI()
export const API = Modules.Canvas
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { RuntimeAPI } from "../runtime.mjs"
import { Module } from "../modules.mjs"
import Latex from "../math/latex.mjs"
class HistoryCommonAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
class HistoryCommonAPI extends Module {
constructor() {
super('History', [
// History QML object
this.history = null;
@ -31,12 +31,16 @@ class HistoryCommonAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
this.imageDepth = 2;
this.fontSize = 14;
undo() { this.history.undo() }
redo() { this.history.redo() }
addToHistory(action) { this.history.addToHistory(action) }
/** @type {HistoryCommonAPI} */
Runtime.History = Runtime.History || new HistoryCommonAPI()
Modules.History = Modules.History || new HistoryCommonAPI()
export const API = Runtime.History
export const API = Modules.History
export class Action {
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ export class Action {
* @returns {string}
getIconRichText(type) {
return `<img source="../icons/objects/${type}.svg" style="color: ${Runtime.History.themeTextColor};" width=18 height=18></img>`
return `<img source="../icons/objects/${type}.svg" style="color: ${Modules.History.themeTextColor};" width=18 height=18></img>`
@ -107,11 +111,11 @@ export class Action {
renderLatexAsHtml(latexString) {
throw new Error("Cannot render an item as LaTeX when LaTeX is disabled.")
let imgDepth = Runtime.History.imageDepth
let imgDepth = Modules.History.imageDepth
let [src, width, height] = Latex.render(
imgDepth * (Runtime.History.fontSize + 2),
imgDepth * (Modules.History.fontSize + 2),
return `<img src="${src}" width="${parseInt(width)/imgDepth}" height="${parseInt(height)/imgDepth}" style="vertical-align: middle"/>`
@ -19,9 +19,7 @@
.pragma library
.import "expr-eval.js" as ExprEval
.import "../../runtime.mjs" as R
let RuntimeAPI = R.RuntimeAPI
.import "../../modules.mjs" as M
const evalVariables = {
// Variables not provided by expr-eval.js, needs to be provided manually
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ const evalVariables = {
"false": false
class ExprParserAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
class ExprParserAPI extends M.Module {
constructor() {
super('ExprParser', [
/** @type {ObjectsAPI} */
this.currentVars = {}
this.Internals = ExprEval
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ class ExprParserAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
/** @type {ExprParserAPI} */
Runtime.ExprParser = Runtime.ExprParser || new ExprParserAPI()
Modules.ExprParser = Modules.ExprParser || new ExprParserAPI()
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// Type polyfills for IDEs.
// Never directly imported.
Runtime = Runtime || {}
Modules = Modules || {}
/** @type {function(string, string): string} */
qsTranslate = qsTranslate || function(category, string) { throw new Error('qsTranslate not implemented.'); }
/** @type {function(string): string} */
@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP || function(string, string) { throw new Er
/** @type {function(string|boolean|int): string} */
String.prototype.arg = String.prototype.arg || function(parameter) { throw new Error('arg not implemented.'); }
const Qt = {
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @returns {{x, width, y, height}}
rect: function(x, y, width, height) {
return {x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height};
/** Typehints for Helper. */
const Helper = {
/** @type {function(string): boolean} */
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ import * as Utils from "../utils.mjs"
export class Expression {
constructor(expr) {
throw new Error('Expression parser not initialized.')
throw new Error('Objects API not initialized.')
this.expr = Utils.exponentsToExpression(expr)
this.calc = Runtime.ExprParser.parse(this.expr).simplify()
this.calc = Modules.ExprParser.parse(this.expr).simplify()
this.cached = this.isConstant()
this.cachedValue = null
if(this.cached && this.allRequirementsFullfilled())
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
this.latexMarkup = Latex.expression(this.calc.tokens)
@ -48,26 +48,26 @@ export class Expression {
allRequirementsFullfilled() {
return this.requiredObjects().every(objName => objName in Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
return this.requiredObjects().every(objName => objName in Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
undefinedVariables() {
return this.requiredObjects().filter(objName => !(objName in Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName))
return this.requiredObjects().filter(objName => !(objName in Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName))
recache() {
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
execute(x = 1) {
if(this.cached) {
if(this.cachedValue == null)
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
this.cachedValue = this.calc.evaluate(Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
return this.cachedValue
Runtime.ExprParser.currentVars = Object.assign({'x': x}, Runtime.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
return this.calc.evaluate(Runtime.ExprParser.currentVars)
Modules.ExprParser.currentVars = Object.assign({'x': x}, Modules.Objects.currentObjectsByName)
return this.calc.evaluate(Modules.ExprParser.currentVars)
simplify(x) {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { RuntimeAPI } from '../runtime.mjs'
import { Module } from '../modules.mjs'
const unicodechars = ["α","β","γ","δ","ε","ζ","η",
@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ const equivalchars = ["\\alpha","\\beta","\\gamma","\\delta","\\epsilon","\\zeta
"\\pi", "\\infty"]
class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
class LatexAPI extends Module {
constructor() {
super('Latex', [
/** @type {ExprParserAPI} */
* true if latex has been enabled by the user, false otherwise.
@ -161,18 +160,18 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
let type = item.type
switch(type) {
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.INUMBER:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.INUMBER:
if(item.value === Infinity) {
} else if(typeof item.value === 'number' && item.value < 0) {
} else if(Array.isArray(item.value)) {
nstack.push('[' +', ') + ']');
nstack.push('[' +', ') + ']');
} else {
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IOP2:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP2:
n2 = nstack.pop();
n1 = nstack.pop();
f = item.value;
@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + ".");
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IOP3: // Thirdiary operator
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP3: // Thirdiary operator
n3 = nstack.pop();
n2 = nstack.pop();
n1 = nstack.pop();
@ -222,11 +221,11 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
throw new EvalError('Unknown operator ' + ope + '.');
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IVAR:
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IVARNAME:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IVAR:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IVARNAME:
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IOP1: // Unary operator
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP1: // Unary operator
n1 = nstack.pop();
f = item.value;
switch(f) {
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNCALL:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNCALL:
argCount = item.value;
args = [];
while (argCount-- > 0) {
@ -252,14 +251,14 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
// Handling various functions
nstack.push(this.functionToLatex(f, args))
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNDEF:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNDEF:
nstack.push(this.par(n1 + '(' + args.join(', ') + ') = ' + n2));
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IMEMBER:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IMEMBER:
n1 = nstack.pop();
nstack.push(n1 + '.' + item.value);
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IARRAY:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IARRAY:
argCount = item.value;
args = [];
while (argCount-- > 0) {
@ -267,10 +266,10 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
nstack.push('[' + args.join(', ') + ']');
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IEXPR:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IEXPR:
nstack.push('(' + this.expression(item.value) + ')');
case Runtime.ExprParser.Internals.IENDSTATEMENT:
case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IENDSTATEMENT:
throw new EvalError('invalid Expression');
@ -284,6 +283,6 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
/** @type {LatexAPI} */
Runtime.Latex = Runtime.Latex || new LatexAPI()
Modules.Latex = Modules.Latex || new LatexAPI()
export default Runtime.Latex
export default Modules.Latex
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export class Sequence extends Expr.Expression {
this.latexValues = Object.assign({}, baseValues)
for(let n in this.calcValues)
if(['string', 'number'].includes(typeof this.calcValues[n])) {
let parsed = Runtime.ExprParser.parse(this.calcValues[n].toString()).simplify()
let parsed = Modules.ExprParser.parse(this.calcValues[n].toString()).simplify()
this.latexValues[n] = Latex.expression(parsed.tokens)
this.calcValues[n] = parsed.evaluate()
@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ export class Sequence extends Expr.Expression {
cache(n = 1) {
let str = Utils.simplifyExpression(this.calc.substitute('n', n-this.valuePlus).toString())
let expr = Runtime.ExprParser.parse(str).simplify()
let expr = Modules.ExprParser.parse(str).simplify()
// Cache values required for this one.
if(!this.calcValues[n-this.valuePlus] && n-this.valuePlus > 0)
// Setting current variables
Runtime.ExprParser.currentVars = Object.assign(
Modules.ExprParser.currentVars = Object.assign(
{'n': n-this.valuePlus}, // Just in case, add n (for custom functions)
{[]: this.calcValues}
this.calcValues[n] = expr.evaluate(Runtime.ExprParser.currentVars)
this.calcValues[n] = expr.evaluate(Modules.ExprParser.currentVars)
toString(forceSign=false) {
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
* Base class for global APIs in runtime.
export class RuntimeAPI {
export class Module {
* @param {string} name - Name of the API
* @param {(RuntimeAPI|undefined)[]} requires - List of APIs required to initialize this one.
* @param {(Module|undefined)[]} requires - List of APIs required to initialize this one.
constructor(name, requires = []) {
console.log(`Loading module ${name}...`)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export class RuntimeAPI {
* Checks if all requirements are defined.
* @param {(RuntimeAPI|undefined)[]} requires
* @param {(Module|undefined)[]} requires
* @param {string} name
__check_requirements(requires, name) {
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { RuntimeAPI } from './runtime.mjs'
import { Module } from './modules.mjs'
class ObjectsAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
class ObjectsAPI extends Module {
constructor() {
@ -107,6 +107,6 @@ class ObjectsAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
/** @type {ObjectsAPI} */
Runtime.Objects = Runtime.Objects || new ObjectsAPI()
Modules.Objects = Modules.Objects || new ObjectsAPI()
export default Runtime.Objects
export default Modules.Objects
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import XCursor from "xcursor.mjs"
import Sequence from "sequence.mjs"
import RepartitionFunction from "repartition.mjs"
if(Object.keys(Runtime.Objects.types).length === 0) {
if(Object.keys(Modules.Objects.types).length === 0) {
@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
import { getRandomColor, textsub } from "../utils.mjs"
import Objects from "../objects.mjs"
import Latex from "../math/latex.mjs"
import {RuntimeAPI} from "../runtime.mjs"
import {Module} from "../modules.mjs"
// This file contains the default data to be imported from all other objects
class ObjectsCommonAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
class ObjectsCommonAPI extends Module {
constructor() {
super('ObjectsCommon', [
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ class ObjectsCommonAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
/** @type {ObjectsCommonAPI} */
Runtime.ObjectsCommon = Runtime.ObjectsCommon || new ObjectsCommonAPI()
Modules.ObjectsCommon = Modules.ObjectsCommon || new ObjectsCommonAPI()
export const API = Runtime.ObjectsCommon
export const API = Modules.ObjectsCommon
* Class to extend for every type of object that
@ -269,18 +269,17 @@ export class DrawableObject {
for(let toRemove of this.requiredBy) { // Normally, there should be none here, but better leave nothing just in case.
for(let toRemoveFrom of this.requires) {
toRemoveFrom.requiredBy = toRemoveFrom.requiredBy.filter(o => o !== this)
* Abstract method. Draw the object onto the \c canvas with the 2D context \c ctx.
* @param {Canvas} canvas
* Abstract method. Draw the object onto the \c canvas with the.
* @param {CanvasAPI} canvas
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
draw(canvas, ctx) {}
draw(canvas) {}
* Applicates a \c drawFunction with two position arguments depending on
@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ export class DrawableObject {
* Then, it's displayed using the \c drawFunctionLatex (x,y,imageData) and
* \c drawFunctionText (x,y,text) depending on whether to use latex.
* @param {Canvas} canvas
* @param {CanvasAPI} canvas
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
* @param {string|Enum} labelPosition - Position of the label relative to the marked position
* @param {number} posX - Component of the marked position on the x-axis
@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ export class DrawableObject {
* @param {function|null} drawFunctionLatex - Function (x,y,imageData) to display the latex image
* @param {function|null} drawFunctionText - Function (x,y,text,textSize) to display the text
drawLabel(canvas, ctx, labelPosition, posX, posY,forceText = false,
drawLabel(canvas, labelPosition, posX, posY,forceText = false,
getLatexFunction = null, getTextFunction = null, drawFunctionLatex = null, drawFunctionText = null) {
// Default functions
if(getLatexFunction == null)
@ -362,25 +361,25 @@ export class DrawableObject {
if(getTextFunction == null)
getTextFunction = this.getLabel.bind(this)
if(drawFunctionLatex == null)
drawFunctionLatex = (x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height)
drawFunctionLatex = (x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height)
if(drawFunctionText == null)
drawFunctionText = (x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, x, y+textSize.height) // Positioned from left bottom
drawFunctionText = (x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(text, x, y+textSize.height) // Positioned from left bottom
// Drawing the label
let offset
if(!forceText && Latex.enabled) {
// With latex
let drawLblCb = function(canvas, ctx, ltxImg) {
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+ctx.lineWidth/2, ltxImg, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionLatex(x,y,ltxImg))
let drawLblCb = ((ltxImg) => {
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+canvas.linewidth/2, ltxImg, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionLatex(x,y,ltxImg))
let ltxLabel = getLatexFunction();
if(ltxLabel != "")
if(ltxLabel !== "")
canvas.renderLatexImage(ltxLabel, this.color, drawLblCb.bind(this))
} else {
// Without latex
let text = getTextFunction()
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
let textSize = canvas.measureText(ctx, text)
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+ctx.lineWidth/2, textSize, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionText(x,y,text,textSize))
canvas.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
let textSize = canvas.measureText(text)
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+canvas.linewidth/2, textSize, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionText(x,y,text,textSize))
@ -104,17 +104,17 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
return ''
draw(canvas, ctx) {
Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, this.expression, this.definitionDomain, this.destinationDomain, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines)
draw(canvas) {
Function.drawFunction(canvas, this.expression, this.definitionDomain, this.destinationDomain, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines)
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
* Reusable in other objects.
* Drawing small traits every few pixels
static drawFunction(canvas, ctx, expr, definitionDomain, destinationDomain, drawPoints = true, drawDash = true) {
static drawFunction(canvas, expr, definitionDomain, destinationDomain, drawPoints = true, drawDash = true) {
let pxprecision = 10
let previousX = canvas.px2x(0)
let previousY = null;
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
if(previousX === null) previousX =
previousY = expr.execute(previousX)
if(!drawPoints && !drawDash) return
while(previousX !== null && canvas.x2px(previousX) < canvas.canvasSize.width) {
while(previousX !== null && canvas.x2px(previousX) < canvas.width) {
// Reconverted for canvas to fix for logarithmic scales.
let currentX =;
let currentY = expr.execute(currentX)
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
if((definitionDomain.includes(currentX) || definitionDomain.includes(previousX)) &&
(destinationDomain.includes(currentY) || destinationDomain.includes(previousY))) {
canvas.drawDashedLine(ctx, canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY))
canvas.drawDashedLine(canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY))
if(drawPoints) {
ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2)
ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10)
canvas.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2)
canvas.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10)
previousX = currentX
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
if(drawPoints) {
// Drawing the last cross
ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2)
ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10)
canvas.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2)
canvas.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10)
} else {
// Use max precision if function is trigonometrical on log scale.
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
// Calculate the previousY at the start of the canvas
previousY = expr.execute(previousX)
for(let px = pxprecision; px < canvas.canvasSize.width; px += pxprecision) {
for(let px = pxprecision; px < canvas.width; px += pxprecision) {
let currentX = canvas.px2x(px)
if(!definitionDomain.includes(previousX) && definitionDomain.includes(currentX)) {
// Should draw up to currentX, but NOT at previousX.
@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ export default class Function extends ExecutableObject {
} while(!definitionDomain.includes(currentX) && currentX !== previousX)
// This max variation is needed for functions with asymptotical vertical lines (e.g. 1/x, tan x...)
let maxvariation = (canvas.px2y(0)-canvas.px2y(canvas.canvasSize.height))
let maxvariation = (canvas.px2y(0)-canvas.px2y(canvas.height))
if(definitionDomain.includes(previousX) && definitionDomain.includes(currentX)) {
let currentY = expr.execute(currentX)
if(destinationDomain.includes(currentY)) {
if(previousY != null && destinationDomain.includes(previousY) && Math.abs(previousY-currentY) < maxvariation) {
canvas.drawLine(ctx, canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY))
canvas.drawLine(canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY))
previousY = currentY
@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ export default class GainBode extends ExecutableObject {
if(om_0 == null) {
// Create new point
om_0 = Objects.createNewRegisteredObject('Point', [Common.getNewName('ω'), true, this.color, 'name'])
HistoryAPI.history.addToHistory(new CreateNewObject(, 'Point', om_0.export()))
HistoryAPI.addToHistory(new CreateNewObject(, 'Point', om_0.export()))
labelPosition = 'below'
/** @type {Point} */
this.om_0 = om_0
this.pass = pass
if(typeof gain == 'number' || typeof gain == 'string') gain = new Expression(gain.toString())
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ export default class GainBode extends ExecutableObject {
simplify(x = 1) {
let xval = x
if(typeof x == 'string') xval = executeExpression(x)
if((this.pass === 'high' && xval < this.om_0.x) || (this.pass === 'low' && xval > this.om_0.x)) {
if((this.pass === 'high' && xval < this.om_0.x.execute()) || (this.pass === 'low' && xval > this.om_0.x.execute())) {
let dbfn = new Expression(`${this.gain.execute()}*(ln(x)-ln(${this.om_0.x}))/ln(10)+${this.om_0.y}`)
return dbfn.simplify(x)
} else {
@ -110,29 +111,29 @@ export default class GainBode extends ExecutableObject {
return true
draw(canvas, ctx) {
let base = [canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x), canvas.y2px(this.om_0.y)]
draw(canvas) {
let base = [canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute()), canvas.y2px(this.om_0.y.execute())]
let dbfn = new Expression(`${this.gain.execute()}*(log10(x)-log10(${this.om_0.x}))+${this.om_0.y}`)
let inDrawDom = new EmptySet()
if(this.pass === 'high') {
// High pass, linear line from beginning, then constant to the end.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, base[0], base[1], canvas.canvasSize.width, base[1])
canvas.drawLine(base[0], base[1], canvas.width, base[1])
inDrawDom = parseDomain(`]-inf;${this.om_0.x}[`)
} else {
// Low pass, constant from the beginning, linear line to the end.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, base[0], base[1], 0, base[1])
canvas.drawLine(base[0], base[1], 0, base[1])
inDrawDom = parseDomain(`]${this.om_0.x};+inf[`)
Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, dbfn, inDrawDom, Domain.R)
Function.drawFunction(canvas, dbfn, inDrawDom, Domain.R)
// Dashed line representing break in function
var xpos = canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute())
var dashPxSize = 10
for(var i = 0; i < canvas.canvasSize.height && this.omGraduation; i += dashPxSize*2)
canvas.drawLine(ctx, xpos, i, xpos, i+dashPxSize)
let xpos = canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute())
let dashPxSize = 10
for(let i = 0; i < canvas.height && this.omGraduation; i += dashPxSize*2)
canvas.drawLine(xpos, i, xpos, i+dashPxSize)
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
update() {
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export default class PhaseBode extends ExecutableObject {
/** @type {Point} */
this.om_0 = om_0
this.unit = unit
this.labelPosition = labelPosition
@ -100,21 +101,21 @@ export default class PhaseBode extends ExecutableObject {
return true
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
let baseX = canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute())
let omy = this.om_0.y.execute()
let augmt = this.phase.execute()
let baseY = canvas.y2px(omy)
let augmtY = canvas.y2px(omy+augmt)
// Before change line.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, 0, baseY, Math.min(baseX, canvas.canvasSize.height), baseY)
canvas.drawLine(0, baseY, Math.min(baseX, canvas.height), baseY)
// Transition line.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, baseX, baseY, baseX, augmtY)
canvas.drawLine(baseX, baseY, baseX, augmtY)
// After change line
canvas.drawLine(ctx, Math.max(0, baseX), augmtY, canvas.canvasSize.width, augmtY)
canvas.drawLine(Math.max(0, baseX), augmtY, canvas.width, augmtY)
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
update() {
@ -58,24 +58,22 @@ export default class Point extends DrawableObject {
return [, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent, this.x.toEditableString(), this.y.toEditableString(), this.labelPosition, this.pointStyle]
draw(canvas, ctx) {
var [canvasX, canvasY] = [canvas.x2px(this.x.execute()), canvas.y2px(this.y.execute())]
var pointSize = 8+(ctx.lineWidth*2)
draw(canvas) {
let [canvasX, canvasY] = [canvas.x2px(this.x.execute()), canvas.y2px(this.y.execute())]
let pointSize = 8+(canvas.linewidth*2)
switch(this.pointStyle) {
case '●':
ctx.ellipse(canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY-pointSize/2, pointSize, pointSize)
canvas.disc(canvasX, canvasY, pointSize/2)
case '✕':
canvas.drawLine(ctx, canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY-pointSize/2, canvasX+pointSize/2, canvasY+pointSize/2)
canvas.drawLine(ctx, canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY+pointSize/2, canvasX+pointSize/2, canvasY-pointSize/2)
canvas.drawLine(canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY-pointSize/2, canvasX+pointSize/2, canvasY+pointSize/2)
canvas.drawLine(canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY+pointSize/2, canvasX+pointSize/2, canvasY-pointSize/2)
case '+':
ctx.fillRect(canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY-1, pointSize, 2)
ctx.fillRect(canvasX-1, canvasY-pointSize/2, 2, pointSize)
canvas.fillRect(canvasX-pointSize/2, canvasY-1, pointSize, 2)
canvas.fillRect(canvasX-1, canvasY-pointSize/2, 2, pointSize)
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvasX, canvasY)
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvasX, canvasY)
@ -92,61 +92,51 @@ export default class RepartitionFunction extends ExecutableObject {
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
let currentY = 0;
let keys = Object.keys(this.probabilities).map(idx => parseInt(idx)).sort((a,b) => a-b)
if(canvas.isVisible(keys[0],this.probabilities[keys[0]].replace(/,/g, '.'))) {
canvas.drawLine(0, canvas.y2px(0), canvas.x2px(keys[0]), canvas.y2px(0))
if(canvas.isVisible(keys[0],0)) {
ctx.arc(canvas.x2px(keys[0])+4,canvas.y2px(0), 4, Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2);
canvas.arc(canvas.x2px(keys[0])+4,canvas.y2px(0), 4, Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2);
for(let i = 0; i < keys.length-1; i++) {
let idx = keys[i];
currentY += parseFloat(this.probabilities[idx].replace(/,/g, '.'));
if(canvas.isVisible(idx,currentY) || canvas.isVisible(keys[i+1],currentY)) {
if(canvas.isVisible(idx,currentY)) {
ctx.arc(canvas.x2px(idx),canvas.y2px(currentY), 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
canvas.disc(canvas.x2px(idx), canvas.y2px(currentY), 4)
if(canvas.isVisible(keys[i+1],currentY)) {
ctx.arc(canvas.x2px(keys[i+1])+4,canvas.y2px(currentY), 4, Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2);
canvas.arc(canvas.x2px(keys[i+1])+4,canvas.y2px(currentY), 4, Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2);
if(canvas.isVisible(keys[keys.length-1],currentY+parseFloat(this.probabilities[keys[keys.length-1]]))) {
canvas.y2px(currentY+parseFloat(this.probabilities[keys[keys.length-1]].replace(/,/g, '.'))),
canvas.y2px(currentY+parseFloat(this.probabilities[keys[keys.length-1]].replace(/,/g, '.')))
canvas.y2px(currentY+parseFloat(this.probabilities[keys[keys.length-1]].replace(/,/g, '.'))),
4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
currentY+parseFloat(this.probabilities[keys[keys.length-1]].replace(/,/g, '.'))
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ export default class Sequence extends ExecutableObject {
draw(canvas, ctx) {
Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, this.sequence, canvas.logscalex ? Domain.NE : Domain.N, Domain.R, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines)
draw(canvas) {
Function.drawFunction(canvas, this.sequence, canvas.logscalex ? Domain.NE : Domain.N, Domain.R, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines)
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export default class SommeGainsBode extends ExecutableObject {
let baseY = 0
let om0xGains = {1000000000: 0} // To draw the last part
let om0xPass = {1000000000: 'high'} // To draw the last part
Objects.currentObjects['Gain Bode'].forEach(function(gainObj) { // Sorting by their om_0 position.
for(/** @type {GainBode} */ let gainObj of Objects.currentObjects['Gain Bode']) { // Sorting by their om_0 position.
let om0x = gainObj.om_0.x.execute()
if(om0xGains[om0x] === undefined) {
om0xGains[om0x] = gainObj.gain.execute()
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ export default class SommeGainsBode extends ExecutableObject {
om0xPass[om0x+0.001] = gainObj.pass === 'high'
baseY += gainObj.execute(drawMin)
// Sorting the om_0x
let om0xList = Object.keys(om0xGains).map(x => parseFloat(x)) // THEY WERE CONVERTED TO STRINGS...
om0xList.sort((a,b) => a - b)
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ export default class SommeGainsBode extends ExecutableObject {
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
if(this.cachedParts.length > 0) {
for(let [dbfn, inDrawDom] of this.cachedParts) {
Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, dbfn, inDrawDom, Domain.R)
Function.drawFunction(canvas, dbfn, inDrawDom, Domain.R)
if(inDrawDom.includes(this.labelX)) {
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export default class SommePhasesBode extends ExecutableObject {
if(Objects.currentObjects['Phase Bode'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Recalculating cache phase')
for(let obj of Objects.currentObjects['Phase Bode']) {
for(/** @type {PhaseBode} */ let obj of Objects.currentObjects['Phase Bode']) {
if(phasesDict[obj.om_0.x.execute()] === undefined) {
phasesDict[obj.om_0.x.execute()] = obj.phase.execute()
@ -110,18 +110,18 @@ export default class SommePhasesBode extends ExecutableObject {
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
for(let i = 0; i < this.om0xList.length-1; i++) {
let om0xBegin = canvas.x2px(this.om0xList[i])
let om0xEnd = canvas.x2px(this.om0xList[i+1])
let baseY = canvas.y2px(this.phasesList[i])
let nextY = canvas.y2px(this.phasesList[i+1])
canvas.drawLine(ctx, om0xBegin, baseY, om0xEnd, baseY)
canvas.drawLine(ctx, om0xEnd, baseY, om0xEnd, nextY)
canvas.drawLine(om0xBegin, baseY, om0xEnd, baseY)
canvas.drawLine(om0xEnd, baseY, om0xEnd, nextY)
// Label
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)))
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ export default class Text extends DrawableObject {
return `\\textsf{${this.latexMarkupText()}}`
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
let yOffset = this.disableLatex ? canvas.textsize-4 : 0
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.x.execute()), canvas.y2px(this.y.execute())+yOffset, this.disableLatex)
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.x.execute()), canvas.y2px(this.y.execute())+yOffset, this.disableLatex)
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ export default class XCursor extends DrawableObject {
getTargetValueLatexLabel() {
var t = this.targetElement
var approx = ''
let t = this.targetElement
let approx = ''
if(this.approximate) {
approx = t.execute(this.x.execute())
approx = approx.toPrecision(this.rounding + Math.round(approx).toString().length)
@ -142,39 +142,35 @@ export default class XCursor extends DrawableObject {
draw(canvas, ctx) {
draw(canvas) {
let xpos = canvas.x2px(this.x.execute())
switch(this.displayStyle) {
case '— — — — — — —':
var dashPxSize = 10
for(var i = 0; i < canvas.canvasSize.height; i += dashPxSize*2)
canvas.drawLine(ctx, xpos, i, xpos, i+dashPxSize)
canvas.drawDashedLine(xpos, 0, xpos, canvas.height, 20)
case '⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺':
canvas.drawXLine(ctx, this.x.execute())
case '• • • • • • • • • •':
var pointDistancePx = 10
var pointSize = 2
for(var i = 0; i < canvas.canvasSize.height; i += pointDistancePx)
ctx.ellipse(xpos-pointSize/2, i-pointSize/2, pointSize, pointSize)
let pointDistancePx = 10
let pointSize = 2
for(let i = 0; i < canvas.height; i += pointDistancePx)
canvas.disc(xpos, i, pointSize)
// Drawing label at the top of the canvas.
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, xpos, 0, false, null, null,
(x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, x, 5, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height),
(x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, x, textSize.height+5))
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, xpos, 0, false, null, null,
(x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ltxImg.source, x, 5, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height),
(x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(text, x, textSize.height+5))
// Drawing label at the position of the target element.
if(this.targetValuePosition === 'Next to target' && this.targetElement != null) {
let ypos = canvas.y2px(this.targetElement.execute(this.x.execute()))
this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, xpos, ypos, false,
this.drawLabel(canvas, this.labelPosition, xpos, ypos, false,
this.getTargetValueLatexLabel.bind(this), this.getTargetValueLabel.bind(this),
(x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height),
(x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, x, y+textSize.height))
(x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height),
(x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(text, x, y+textSize.height))
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