Changing version, making Helper objects globals, adding their polyfills.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 77 additions and 71 deletions
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
from shutil import which
__VERSION__ = "0.5.0"
is_release = True
__VERSION__ = "0.5.1"
is_release = False
# Check if development version, if so get the date of the latest git patch
@ -112,9 +112,12 @@ def run():
global tmpfile
helper = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
latex = Latex(tempdir)
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Runtime', engine.newObject())
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Helper", helper)
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Latex", latex)
modules = engine.newObject()
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Runtime', modules)
engine.globalObject().setProperty('Helper', engine.newQObject(helper))
engine.globalObject().setProperty("Latex", engine.newQObject(latex))
# engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Helper", helper)
# engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("Latex", latex)
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("TestBuild", "--test-build" in argv)
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("StartTime", dep_time)
@ -44,16 +44,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
color: sysPalette.window
title: "LogarithmPlotter " + (settings.saveFilename != "" ? " - " + settings.saveFilename.split('/').pop() : "") + (history.saved ? "" : "*")
SystemPalette {
id: sysPalette; colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active
Component.onCompleted: {
// LatexJS initialization.
Runtime.Latex.enabled = Helper.getSettingBool("enable_latex")
Runtime.Latex.Renderer = Latex
Runtime.Latex.defaultColor = sysPalette.windowText
SystemPalette { id: sysPalette; colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active }
SystemPalette { id: sysPaletteIn; colorGroup: SystemPalette.Disabled }
menuBar: appMenu.trueItem
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ export class Action {
throw new Error("Cannot render an item as LaTeX when LaTeX is disabled.")
let imgDepth = Runtime.History.imageDepth
let [src, width, height] = Latex.Renderer.render(
let [src, width, height] = Latex.render(
imgDepth * (Runtime.History.fontSize + 2),
@ -27,4 +27,29 @@ qsTr = qsTr || function(string) { throw new Error('qsTr not implemented.'); }
/** @type {function(string, string): string} */
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP || function(string, string) { throw new Error('QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP not implemented.'); }
/** @type {function(string|boolean|int): string} */
String.prototype.arg = String.prototype.arg || function(parameter) { throw new Error('arg not implemented.'); }
String.prototype.arg = String.prototype.arg || function(parameter) { throw new Error('arg not implemented.'); }
/** Typehints for Helper. */
const Helper = {
/** @type {function(string): boolean} */
getSettingBool: (setting) => true,
/** @type {function(string): int} */
getSettingInt: (setting) => 0,
/** @type {function(string): string} */
getSetting: (setting) => '',
/** @type {function(string, boolean)} */
setSettingBool: (setting, value) => {},
/** @type {function(string, int)} */
setSettingInt: (setting, value) => 0,
/** @type {function(string, string)} */
setSetting: (setting, value) => '',
/** @type {function(string, string)} */
write: (filename, data) => {},
/** @type {function(string): string} */
load: (filename) => '',
const Latex = {
/** @type {function(string, number, string): string} */
render: (latex_markup, font_size, color) => '',
@ -50,11 +50,12 @@ class LatexAPI extends RuntimeAPI {
* true if latex has been enabled by the user, false otherwise.
this.enabled = false
this.enabled = Helper.getSettingBool("enable_latex")
* LaTeX python backend QObject.
* Mirror method for Python object.
* @type {function(string, number, string): string}.
this.Renderer = null
this.render = Latex.render
@ -51,17 +51,19 @@ $$$$ $markup $$$$
class Latex(QObject):
Base class to convert Latex equations into PNG images with custom font color and size.
It doesn't have any python dependency, but requires a working latex installation and
dvipng to be installed on the system.
def __init__(self, tempdir: TemporaryDirectory):
self.tempdir = tempdir
def check_latex_install(self):
Checks if the current latex installation is valid.
@ -69,22 +71,23 @@ class Latex(QObject):
if LATEX_PATH is None:
print("No Latex installation found.")
if "--test-build" not in argv:
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex setup", QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "No Latex installation found.\nIf you already have a latex distribution installed, make sure it's installed on your path.\nOtherwise, you can download a Latex distribution like TeX Live at"))
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex setup",
QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "No Latex installation found.\nIf you already have a latex distribution installed, make sure it's installed on your path.\nOtherwise, you can download a Latex distribution like TeX Live at"))
elif DVIPNG_PATH is None:
print("DVIPNG not found.")
if "--test-build" not in argv:
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex setup", QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "DVIPNG was not found. Make sure you include it from your Latex distribution."))
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex setup", QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "DVIPNG was not found. Make sure you include it from your Latex distribution."))
def latexSupported(self):
return LATEX_PATH is not None and DVIPNG_PATH is not None
@Slot(str, float, QColor, result=str)
def render(self, latex_markup: str, font_size: float, color: QColor) -> str:
Prepares and renders a latex string into a png file.
markup_hash = "render"+str(hash(latex_markup))
markup_hash = "render" + str(hash(latex_markup))
export_path = path.join(, f'{markup_hash}_{int(font_size)}_{color.rgb()}')
if self.latexSupported and not path.exists(export_path + ".png"):
print("Rendering", latex_markup, export_path)
@ -101,21 +104,21 @@ class Latex(QObject):
# self.convert_dvi_to_png(latex_path, export_path+"@2", font_size*2, color)
# self.convert_dvi_to_png(latex_path, export_path+"@3", font_size*3, color)
# self.convert_dvi_to_png(latex_path, export_path+"@4", font_size*4, color)
except Exception as e: # One of the processes failed. A message will be sent every time.
except Exception as e: # One of the processes failed. A message will be sent every time.
raise e
img = QImage(export_path);
img = QImage(export_path)
# Small hack, not very optimized since we load the image twice, but you can't pass a QImage to QML and expect it to be loaded
return f'{export_path}.png,{img.width()},{img.height()}'
def create_latex_doc(self, export_path: str, latex_markup: str):
Creates a temporary latex document with base file_hash as file name and a given expression markup latex_markup.
ltx_path = export_path + ".tex"
f = open(export_path + ".tex", 'w')
f.write(DEFAULT_LATEX_DOC.substitute(markup = latex_markup))
def convert_latex_to_dvi(self, export_path: str):
Converts a TEX file to a DVI file.
@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ class Latex(QObject):
export_path + ".tex"
def convert_dvi_to_png(self, dvi_path: str, export_path: str, font_size: float, color: QColor):
Converts a DVI file to a PNG file.
@ -135,61 +138,44 @@ class Latex(QObject):
depth = int(font_size * 72.27 / 100) * 10
'-T', 'tight', # Make sure image borders are as tight around the equation as possible to avoid blank space.
'--truecolor', # Make sure it's rendered in 24 bit colors.
'-D',f'{depth}', # Depth of the image
'-bg', 'Transparent', # Transparent background
'-fg',f'{fg}', # Foreground of the wanted color.
f'{dvi_path}.dvi', # Input file
'-o',f'{export_path}.png', # Output file
'-T', 'tight', # Make sure image borders are as tight around the equation as possible to avoid blank space.
'--truecolor', # Make sure it's rendered in 24 bit colors.
'-D', f'{depth}', # Depth of the image
'-bg', 'Transparent', # Transparent background
'-fg', f'{fg}', # Foreground of the wanted color.
f'{dvi_path}.dvi', # Input file
'-o', f'{export_path}.png', # Output file
def run(self, process: list):
Runs a subprocess and handles exceptions and messages them to the user.
proc = Popen(process, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=2) # 2 seconds is already FAR too long.
out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=2) # 2 seconds is already FAR too long.
if proc.returncode != 0:
# Process errored
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex",
QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "An exception occured within the creation of the latex formula.\nProcess '{}' ended with a non-zero return code {}:\n\n{}\nPlease make sure your latex installation is correct and report a bug if so.")
.format(" ".join(process), proc.returncode, str(out, 'utf8')+"\n"+str(err,'utf8')))
raise Exception(" ".join(process) + " process exited with return code " + str(proc.returncode) + ":\n" + str(out, 'utf8')+"\n"+str(err,'utf8'))
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex",
QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "An exception occured within the creation of the latex formula.\nProcess '{}' ended with a non-zero return code {}:\n\n{}\nPlease make sure your latex installation is correct and report a bug if so.")
.format(" ".join(process), proc.returncode,
str(out, 'utf8') + "\n" + str(err, 'utf8')))
raise Exception(
" ".join(process) + " process exited with return code " + str(proc.returncode) + ":\n" + str(out,
'utf8') + "\n" + str(
err, 'utf8'))
except TimeoutExpired as e:
# Process timed out
out, err = proc.communicate()
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter - Latex",
QCoreApplication.translate("latex", "An exception occured within the creation of the latex formula.\nProcess '{}' took too long to finish:\n{}\nPlease make sure your latex installation is correct and report a bug if so.")
.format(" ".join(process), str(out, 'utf8')+"\n"+str(err,'utf8')))
raise Exception(" ".join(process) + " process timed out:\n" + str(out, 'utf8')+"\n"+str(err,'utf8'))
def cleanup(self, export_path):
.format(" ".join(process), str(out, 'utf8') + "\n" + str(err, 'utf8')))
raise Exception(" ".join(process) + " process timed out:\n" + str(out, 'utf8') + "\n" + str(err, 'utf8'))
def cleanup(self, export_path):
Removes auxiliary, logs and Tex temporary files.
for i in [".tex", ".aux", ".log"]:
remove(export_path + i)
@Slot(str, float, QColor, result=str)
def render_legacy(self, latexstring, font_size, color = True):
exprpath = path.join(, f'{hash(latexstring)}_{font_size}_{color.rgb()}.png')
print("Rendering", latexstring, exprpath)
if not path.exists(exprpath):
fg = color.convertTo(QColor.Rgb)
fg = f'rgb {fg.redF()} {fg.greenF()} {fg.blueF()}'
preview('$${' + latexstring + '}$$', viewer='file', filename=exprpath, dvioptions=[
"-T", "tight",
"-z", "0",
f"-D {int(font_size * 72.27 / 100) * 10}", # See for convertion
"-bg", "Transparent",
"-fg", fg],
img = QImage(exprpath);
# Small hack, not very optimized since we load the image twice, but you can't pass a QImage to QML and expect it to be loaded
return f'{exprpath},{img.width()},{img.height()}'
Add table
Reference in a new issue