Update: it seems to have something to do with privacy-center.org, but I can't load their website.
I didn't check yet theses websites however, it's likely that they use some kind of custom checkboxes based around buttons which would explain why they escape detection.
I would need to change a…
Hello, I found another project that allows to run MCPE on Linux. As I said, I'm currently focused a few other projects that takes up a lot of the little time I have nowadays. Furthermore, as I didn't really keep up with the new PocketMine versions, updating my plugins might require quite a bit of relearning on my side with the new APIs. However, I will consider updating it when I'll be finished with at least one of my side projects.
Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the kind offer, but I'm currently working on another project that's currently taking most of my time. In addition, I haven't kept up to date with the latest PocketMine API, nor have I a way to test my plugins anymore considering MCPE's launcher on Linux doesn't work anymore.
You may have more luck trying out a BetterGen fork like Poggit-Orphanage's, or paying a professional PocketMine programmer to upgrade the plugin.
However, if another project like MCPE's launcher on Linux emerges, I might consider updating some of my old plugins (like BetterGen, Functions, or PlayerSelectors) when I'm finished with my current project.
Hello, This plugin hasn't been updated for the latest version of PHP (which uses strong typing, and is used by pocketmine). I don't have the motivation to go through each of my old plugins to update them to add strong typing return.
I'm sorry but I'm no longer interested enough in MCPE to keep up with the latest APIs of Pocketmine.