2016-07-31 13:34:41 +03:00

996 B


Make minigames easilier ! Gamemanager is a plugin that allow minigame writing a lot easilier with his easy api, disigned for per world minigame !
I made this for me at start but feel free to use it to write your own minigame !

How to make a game:

To make a game base, create a new file called "<YOUR_GAME_NAME>.php". Inside it, add a


extends Game { public function onGameStart() { // When the game start (enought players) // $this->getServer()->broadcastMessage("Game started on {$this->getLevel()->getName()}"); } public function onGameStop() { // When you stop the game. // $this->getServer()->broadcastMessage("Game stoped on {$this->getLevel()->getName()}"); } public function getName() : string { return ""; } public function getMaxPlayers() : int { // Return the max of the players return ; } // Write in progress :) } ``