This commit is contained in:
Ad5001 2016-08-17 13:35:42 +03:00
parent 959d7149db
commit 343275eb74
5 changed files with 360 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
BoxOfDevs General Software License 1.1 BoxOfDevs General Software License 1.1.1
========================================= =========================================
This license is designed to be used with any free open source softwares. It can be found @ This license is designed to be used with any free open source softwares. It can be found @
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The License: refers to the BoxOfDevs International Software License 1.0. The License: refers to the BoxOfDevs International Software License 1.1.1
The Software: refers to any works licensed under The License. The Software: refers to any works licensed under The License.
The Modification: refers to any modified version of The Software. The Modification: refers to any modified version of The Software.
The Redistribution: refers to any redistributions of The Software/The Modification. The Redistribution: refers to any redistributions of The Software/The Modification.
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ b. Sell any part of The Software/The Modification for profit.
2. The User Cannot: 2. The User Cannot:
a. Hold The Author responsible for any unknown errors. a. Hold The Author responsible for any unknown errors.
b. Claim The Software/The Modification/The Redistribution as entirely The User's product. b. Claim The Software/The Modification/The Redistribution as entirely The User's product.
c. Use the software without crediting the Author.
3. The Author Cannot: 3. The Author Cannot:
a. Restrict The User in any way not specified by The License. a. Restrict The User in any way not specified by The License.
b. Distribute any form of The Software without proper documentation. b. Distribute any form of The Software without proper documentation.

View file

@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ InGame4: "> > > CLICK TO SPECTATE < < <"
redstone: Example redstone: Example
spleef: Spleef spleef: Spleef
world: LoupGarou world: LoupGarou
tntrun: TNTRun
... ...

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#world: #world:
# maxplayers: 8 # maxplayers: 8
# minplayers: 2 # minplayers: 2
# SnowLevels: [8, 13]
# center: [x, z] # center: [x, z]
# SnowBlock: 80 # SnowBlock: 80
# WinCommand: give {winner} diamond # WinCommand: give {winner} diamond
@ -14,7 +13,6 @@
spleef: spleef:
maxplayers: 8 maxplayers: 8
minplayers: 2 minplayers: 2
SnowLevels: [8, 13]
center: [0, 0] center: [0, 0]
SnowBlock: 80 SnowBlock: 80
WinCommand: "give {winner} diamond" WinCommand: "give {winner} diamond"

games/TNTRun.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
use Ad5001\GameManager\Game;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\ListTag;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\StringTag;
class TNTRun extends Game {
public function __construct(string $name, Level $level) {
parent::__construct($name, $level);
$this->getLogger()->info("TNTRun enabled ! Thanks for choosing TNTRun and remeber to leave a 'review' on if you like it :)");
$text = '# Welcome to TNTRun config !
# Configure here the max stuffs about the TNTRun game.
# Example:
# maxplayers: 8
# minplayers: 2
# center: [x, z]
# TNTBlock: 13
# WinCommand: give {winner} diamond
# # This is optional but if you want super customisation...
# # WinPHPCode: "$this->getServer()->broadcastMessage($this->winner . \' won the game !\');"
if(!file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . "/config.yml")) {
file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder()."/config.yml", $text);
if($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName()) == null) {
$this->getConfig()->set($this->getLevel()->getName(), ["minplayers" => 2, "maxplayers" => 8, "center" =>[0, 0], "TNTBlock" => 13, "WinCommand" => "give {winner} diamond"]);
$this->doubleJump = [];
$this->registerCommand("tntrun", "Main TNTRun command !", "/tntrun <subcommand> [parameter]", [], "gamemanager.command.op");
public function onGameStart() {
$this->layers = [];
for($y = 0; $y <= 128; $y++) {
if($this->getLevel()->getBlock(new Vector3($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][0], $y, $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][1]))->getId() == $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["TNTBlock"]) {
$this->layers[] = $y;
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $player) {
$player->sendMessage("§l§o§6[§r§l§bTNTRun§o§6]§r§f Game started !");
$i = Item::get(Item::FEATHER, 0, 10);
$i->setCompoundTag(\pocketmine\nbt\NBT::parseJSON('{display:{Name:"§rDouble jump"},doubleJump:"true"}'));
$this->doubleJump[$player->getName()] = 10;
public function onInteract(\pocketmine\event\player\PlayerInteractEvent $event) {
if($event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getId() == Item::FEATHER and $event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->hasCompoundTag()) {
// echo $event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getCompoundTag();
if(strpos($event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getCompoundTag(), "doubleJump")) {
$yaw = $event->getPlayer()->yaw;
if (0 <= $yaw and $yaw < 22.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 0, -15040, -0.125);
} elseif (22.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 67.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 15040, -15040, -0.125);
} elseif (67.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 112.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 15040, 0, -0.125);
} elseif (112.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 157.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 15040, 15040, -0.125);
} elseif (157.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 202.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 0, 15040, -0.125);
} elseif (202.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 247.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, -15040, 15040, -0.125);
} elseif (247.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 292.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, -15040, 0, -0.125);
} elseif (292.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 337.5) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, -15040, -15040, -0.125);
} elseif (337.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 360) {
$this->doubleJump($event->getPlayer(), 0, 0, -15040, -0.125);
public function doubleJump(Player $player, $damage, $x, $z, $base) {
$f = sqrt(-$x * -$x + -$z * -$z);
if($f <= 0){
$f = 1 / $f;
$motion = new Vector3($player->motionX, $player->motionY, $player->motionZ);
$motion->x /= 2;
$motion->y /= 2;
$motion->z /= 2;
$motion->x += -$x * $f * -$base;
$motion->y = 0.75;
// echo $motion->y;
$motion->z += -$z * $f * -$base;
// if($motion->y > $base){
// $motion->y = $base + 0.2;
// }
if(!isset($this->doubleJump[$player->getName()])) {
$this->doubleJump[$player->getName()] = 10;
if($this->doubleJump[$player->getName()] > 0) {
$player->sendPopup("§c" . $this->doubleJump[$player->getName()] . " double jumps left");
public function tpSafePlayer(Player $player) {
$xrand = rand(-3 * count($this->getLevel()->getPlayers()) - 1, 3 * count($this->getLevel()->getPlayers()) - 1);
$zrand = rand(-3 * count($this->getLevel()->getPlayers()) - 1, 3 * count($this->getLevel()->getPlayers()) - 1);
$v3 = new Vector3($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][0] + $xrand, $this->layers[count($this->layers) - 1], $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][0] + $xrand);
if($this->getLevel()->getBlock($v3)->getId() == $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["TNTBlock"] and $this->getLevel()->getBlock(new Vector3($v3->x, $v3->y+1, $v3->z))->getId() == 0) {
$player->teleport(new Vector3($v3->x, $v3->y+1, $v3->z));
return true;
} else {
return $this->tpSafePlayer($player);
public function onGameStop() {
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
if($p !== $this->winner) {
$p->sendMessage("§l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f" . $this->winner->getName() . " won the game ! Teleporting back to spawn...");
} else {
$this->winner->sendMessage("§l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§fYou won the game ! Teleporting back to spawn...");
if(isset($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["WinCommand"])) {
$this->getServer()->dispatchCommand(new \pocketmine\command\ConsoleCommandSender(), str_ireplace("{winner}", $this->winner->getName(), $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["WinCommand"]));
if(isset($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["WinPHPCode"])) {
foreach($this->layers as $y) {
for($x = -3 * count($this->getMaxPlayers()) + $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][0]; $x <= 3 * count($this->getMaxPlayers()) + $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][0]; $x++) {
for($z = -3 * count($this->getMaxPlayers()) + $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][1]; $z <= 3 * count($this->getMaxPlayers()) + $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["center"][1]; $z++) {
if($this->getLevel()->getBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z))->getId() == 0) {
$this->getLevel()->setBlock(new Vector3($x, $y, $z), Item::fromString($this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["TNTBlock"])->getBlock());
public function onJoin(Player $player) {
if($this->main->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) + 1 >= $this->getMinPlayers() and !$this->isStarted()) {
// $this->getLogger()->info("Started !");
$h = $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask($t = new TNTRunStartTask($this), 20);
if(isset($this->task)) {
$this->task = $t;
if($this->main->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) + 1 > $this->getMaxPlayers() and !$this->isStarted()) {
$player->sendMessage("Too many players already in the game !");
} elseif(!$this->isStarted()) {
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
$p->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . $player->getName() . " joined the TNTRun game. " . ($this->getMinPlayers() - $this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) - 1) ." players left before starting !");
$player->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . "You joined the TNTRun game. " . ($this->getMinPlayers() - $this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) - 1) ." players left before starting !");
public function onQuit(Player $player) {
if($player->isSurvival() or $player->isAdventure()) {
if($this->isStarted()) {
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
$p ->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . $player->getName() . " left the TNTRun game. {$this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel())} players left !", [$this->getLevel()->getPlayers()]);
$player->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . "You left the TNTRun game. " . ($this->getMinPlayers() - $this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel())) ." players left !");
} else {
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
$p ->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . $player->getName() . " left the TNTRun game. {$this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel())} players left before starting !", [$this->getLevel()->getPlayers()]);
$player->sendMessage(\pocketmine\utils\TextFormat::YELLOW . "You left the TNTRun game. " . ($this->getMinPlayers() - $this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel())) ." players left before starting !");
public function onPlayerDeath(\pocketmine\event\player\PlayerDeathEvent $event) {
if(($this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) - 1) == 1) {
foreach($this->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
if($p->isSurvival()) {
$this->winner = $p;
} elseif(($this->getPlugin()->getInGamePlayers($this->getLevel()) - 1) == 0) {
$this->winner = $event->getPlayer();
public function onBreak(\pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent $event) {
if($event->getPlayer()->isOp() and $player->isCreative() and !$this->isStarted()) {
public function onEntityDamage(\pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent $event) {
if(!in_array($event->getCause(), [7, 11, 12, 13, 14])) {
public function onCommand(\pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, \pocketmine\command\Command $cmd, $label, array $args) {
if(strtolower($cmd->getName()) == "tntrun") {
if(isset($args[0])) {
switch(strtolower($args[0])) {
case "start":
if(isset($this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()])) {
if(!$this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()]->isStarted() and $this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()]->getName() == "TNTRun") {
case "stop":
if(isset($this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()])) {
if($this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()]->isStarted() and $this->gm->getLevels()[$sender->getLevel()->getName()]->getName() == "TNTRun") {
$this->winner = $sender;
public function getMinPlayers() : int {
// echo $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["minplayers"] . PHP_EOL;
return $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["minplayers"];
public function getMaxPlayers() : int {
// echo $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["maxplayers"] . PHP_EOL;
return $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["maxplayers"];
public function getName() : string {
return "TNTRun";
class TNTRunStartTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask {
public function __construct(TNTRun $main) {
$this->seconds = 0;
$this->main = $main;
public function onRun($tick) {
if($this->getOwner()->getInGamePlayers($this->main->getLevel()) < $this->main->getMinPlayers()) {
$this->main->getServer()->broadcastMessage("Start cancelled ! Not enought players to start !");
} else {
switch($this->seconds) {
case 0:
case 10:
case 20:
case 25:
case 26:
case 27:
case 28:
case 29:
foreach($this->main->getLevel()->getPlayers() as $p) {
$p->sendMessage("§l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f " . strval(30 - $this->seconds) . " seconds left before the game starts !");
case 30:
$this->main->broadcastMessage("§l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f 5 seconds before starts breaking...");
case 35:
$h = $this->main->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask($this->main->task = new TNTRunBreakBlockTask($this->main), 5);
class TNTRunBreakBlockTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask {
public function __construct(TNTRun $main) {
$this->level = $main->getLevel();
$this->main = $main;
public function onRun($tick) {
foreach($this->level->getPlayers() as $p) {
if($this->level->getBlock(new Vector3($p->x, $p->y-1, $p->z))->getId() == $this->main->getConfig()->get($this->level->getName())["TNTBlock"]) {
$this->level->setBlock(new Vector3($p->x, $p->y-1, $p->z), new Block(0, 0));

games/TNTRun/config.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Welcome to TNTRun config !
# Configure here the max stuffs about the TNTRun game.
# Example:
# maxplayers: 8
# minplayers: 2
# center: [x, z]
# TNTBlock: 80
# WinCommand: give {winner} diamond
# # This is optional but if you want super customisation...
# WinPHPCode: "$this->getServer()->broadcastMessage($this->winner . ' won the game !');"