Table of Contents
Customizing your world
Customizing the way your world generate is one of the main points of BetterGen generator.
It introduces a whole customization system, options, that includes:
- preventing some biomes from being generated
- preventing some structures from being generated.
Options are JSON encoded, and array are strings, but separated by a comma.
You can set the options when generating a world by using /createworld <world name> betternormal <seed> <options>
The "delBio" options allows you to prevent some biomes from being generated.
It's an array which biomes should be separated by a comma.
List of applicable biomes:
- Ocean
- Plains
- BetterDesert
- OakForest
- BirchForest
- SakuraForest
- BetterIcePlains
- BetterMesa
- BetterMesaPlains
- BetterRiver
You can use can use options like
This deletes Oceans and rivers biomes
The "delStruct" options allows you to prevent some structures from being generated.
Please note thought that custom biomes added by some other plugins might not be prevented from being generated.
It's an array which structures should be separated by a comma.
List of applicable structures:
- Lakes
- Caves
- Ravines
- Mineshafts
- FloatingIslands
- Ores
- Cactus
- Deadbush
- SugarCane
- Temples
- Wells
- Bushes (forest ones)
- FallenTrees
- Trees
- TallGrass
- Igloos
By defaults, lakes are prevented, but you can remove this using this option. Thought use them as your own risk.
You can use can use options like
This will deletes Temples and wells from the desert.