
Ad5001 2022-02-06 22:58:24 +00:00
parent f9c69589b7
commit 4582688e0e

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[← Previous chapter](User-Manual) | Chapter 0: Introduction ([≡ Index](User-Manual)) | [Next chapter →](User-Manual)
# Introduction: How LogarithmPlotter works
LogarithmPlotter is a software to create plots and graphs with a [logarithmic scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithmic_scale), the most well known kind being [Bode plots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bode_plot), which LogarithmPlotter helps create in asymptotic form. While logarithmic scales in the primary interest of LogarithmPlotter, LogarithmPlotter also supports non logarithmic scales, which may be required to use certain features.
To do that, LogarithmPlotter uses a system called Objects, which may seem familiar to you if you have used other plotting software like [Geogebra](https://geogebra.org).
An "object" is anything that can be reprensented on the graph. LogarithmPlotter allows you to create 9 types of objects:
- Points
- Texts (or labels)
- Functions
- Bode Magnitudes
- Bode Phases
- X Cursors (Cursors on the X scale)
- Sequences
- Distributions
**Note**: In the case of sequences, it's recommended to use the non logarithmic scale.
LogarithmPlotter will also create it's own objects automaticly when needed (for example, the sums of the bode gains and phases).
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