Ad5001 fde2526c54
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2024-01-11 00:11:09 +01:00

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* LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions.
* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.Setting 1.0 as Setting
import "js/objects.js" as Objects
import "js/mathlib.js" as MathLib
import "js/historylib.js" as HistoryLib
\qmltype PickLocationOverlay
\inqmlmodule eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter
\brief Overlay used to pick a new location for an object.
Provides an overlay over the canvas that can be shown when the user clicks the "Set position" button
on a specific object. It allows the user to pick a new location on the canvas to place the object at.
This overlay allows to set the precision of the pick as well as whether the pick should be on the plot grid.
\sa LogarithmPlotter, LogGraphCanvas
Item {
id: pickerRoot
visible: false
clip: true
\qmlsignal PickLocationOverlay::picked(var obj)
Emitted when a location has been picked
The corresponding handler is \c onPicked.
signal picked(var obj)
\qmlproperty var PickLocationOverlay::canvas
logGraphCanvas instance.
property var canvas
\qmlproperty string PickLocationOverlay::objType
Type of object whose position the user is picking.
property string objType: 'Point'
\qmlproperty string PickLocationOverlay::objType
Name of the object whose position the user is picking.
property string objName: 'A'
\qmlproperty bool PickLocationOverlay::pickX
true if the property in propertyX is pickable.
property bool pickX: true
\qmlproperty bool PickLocationOverlay::pickY
true if the property in propertyY is pickable.
property bool pickY: true
\qmlproperty string PickLocationOverlay::propertyX
Name of the object's property whose x value is being changed.
property string propertyX: 'x'
\qmlproperty string PickLocationOverlay::propertyY
Name of the object's property whose y value is being changed.
property string propertyY: 'y'
\qmlproperty int PickLocationOverlay::precision
Precision of the picked value (post-dot precision).
property alias precision: precisionSlider.value
\qmlproperty bool PickLocationOverlay::userPickX
true if the user can and wants to be picking a position on the x axis.
readonly property bool userPickX: pickX && pickXCheckbox.checked
\qmlproperty bool PickLocationOverlay::userPickY
true if the user can and wants to be picking a position on the y axis.
readonly property bool userPickY: pickY && pickYCheckbox.checked
Rectangle {
color: sysPalette.window
opacity: 0.35
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
id: picker
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: parent.visible
cursorShape: Qt.CrossCursor
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
onClicked: function(mouse) {
if(mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { // Validate
let newValueX = !parent.userPickX ? null : parseValue(picked.mouseX.toString(), objType, propertyX)
let newValueY = !parent.userPickY ? null : parseValue(picked.mouseY.toString(), objType, propertyY)
let obj = Objects.currentObjectsByName[objName]
// Set values
if(parent.userPickX && parent.userPickY) {
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.EditedPosition(
objName, objType, obj[propertyX], newValueX, obj[propertyY], newValueY
obj[propertyX] = newValueX
obj[propertyY] = newValueY
} else if(parent.userPickX) {
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.EditedProperty(
objName, objType, propertyX, obj[propertyX], newValueX
obj[propertyX] = newValueX
} else if(parent.userPickY) {
history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.EditedProperty(
objName, objType, propertyY, obj[propertyY], newValueY
obj[propertyY] = newValueY
pickerRoot.visible = false;
Rectangle {
id: pickerSettings
radius: 15
color: sysPalette.window
width: pickerSettingsColumn.width + 30;
height: pickerSettingsColumn.height + 20
property bool folded: false;
x: -15 - ((width-55) * folded);
y: 10
z: 2
Row {
id: pickerSettingsColumn
anchors {
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
leftMargin: 20
topMargin: 10
spacing: 15
property int cellHeight: 15
Column {
spacing: 5
// width: 100
Text {
text: qsTr("Pointer precision:")
color: sysPalette.windowText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
Text {
text: qsTr("Snap to grid:")
color: sysPalette.windowText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
CheckBox {
id: pickXCheckbox
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
text: qsTr("Pick X")
checked: pickX
visible: pickX
Column {
spacing: 5
Slider {
id: precisionSlider
from: 0
value: 2
to: 10
stepSize: 1
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
ToolTip {
parent: precisionSlider.handle
visible: precisionSlider.pressed
text: precisionSlider.value.toFixed(0)
CheckBox {
id: snapToGridCheckbox
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
// text: qsTr("Snap to grid")
checked: false
CheckBox {
id: pickYCheckbox
height: pickerSettingsColumn.cellHeight
text: qsTr("Pick Y")
checked: pickY
visible: pickY
Button {
width: 24
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
flat: true
onClicked: pickerSettings.folded = !pickerSettings.folded
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.delay: 200
ToolTip.text: pickerSettings.folded ? qsTr("Open picker settings") : qsTr("Hide picker settings")
Setting.Icon {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: 18
height: 18
color: sysPalette.windowText
source: `../icons/common/settings.svg`
Rectangle {
id: xCursor
width: 1
height: parent.height
color: 'black'
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: canvas.x2px(picked.mouseX)
visible: parent.userPickX
Rectangle {
id: yCursor
width: parent.width
height: 1
color: 'black'
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.topMargin: canvas.y2px(picked.mouseY)
visible: parent.userPickY
Text {
id: picked
x: picker.mouseX - width - 5
y: picker.mouseY - height - 5
color: 'black'
property double axisX: canvas.xaxisstep1
property double mouseX: {
let xpos = canvas.px2x(picker.mouseX)
if(snapToGridCheckbox.checked) {
if(canvas.logscalex) {
// Calculate the logged power
let pow = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(xpos)))
return pow*Math.round(xpos/pow)
} else {
return canvas.xaxisstep1*Math.round(xpos/canvas.xaxisstep1)
} else {
return xpos.toFixed(parent.precision)
property double mouseY: {
let ypos = canvas.px2y(picker.mouseY)
if(snapToGridCheckbox.checked) {
return canvas.yaxisstep1*Math.round(ypos/canvas.yaxisstep1)
} else {
return ypos.toFixed(parent.precision)
text: {
if(parent.userPickX && parent.userPickY)
return `(${mouseX}, ${mouseY})`
else if(parent.userPickX)
return `X = ${mouseX}`
else if(parent.userPickY)
return `Y = ${mouseY}`
return qsTr('(no pick selected)')
\qmlmethod void History::parseValue(string value, string objType, string propertyName)
Parses a given \c value as an expression or a number depending on the type of \c propertyName of all \c objType.
function parseValue(value, objType, propertyName) {
if(Objects.types[objType].properties()[propertyName] == 'number')
return parseFloat(value)
return new MathLib.Expression(value)