Ad5001 f76b601139
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Fixing tons of bugs.
1. Height of object list items should be adaptable to image's heights.
2. Fixed object positioning
3. Buttons of object rows are now vertically centered.
4. Fixing expr-eval not recognizing certain characters as part of the variable.
5. Fixing silent error when misentering variables preventing you from changing the expression again.
6. Fixing points in gains and phases having name-related issues.
7. (in the previous commit) Fixing invisible buttons at the end of the object row when not changing tabs.
2022-10-18 02:55:15 +02:00

402 lines
15 KiB

* LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions.
* Copyright (C) 2022 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.pragma library
.import "../utils.js" as Utils
.import "../objects.js" as Objects
.import "../math/latex.js" as Latex
.import "../parameters.js" as P
.import "../math/common.js" as C
// This file contains the default data to be imported from all other objects
* Creates a new name for an object, based on the \c allowedLetters.
* If variables with each of the allowedLetters is created, a subscript
* number is added to the name.
* @return {string} New unused name for a new object.
function getNewName(allowedLetters) {
// Allows to get a new name, based on the allowed letters,
// as well as adding a sub number when needs be.
var newid = 0
var ret
do {
var letter = allowedLetters[newid % allowedLetters.length]
var num = Math.floor((newid - (newid % allowedLetters.length)) / allowedLetters.length)
ret = letter + (num > 0 ? Utils.textsub(num-1) : '')
newid += 1
} while(ret in Objects.currentObjectsByName)
return ret
* Class to extend for every type of object that
* can be drawn on the canvas.
class DrawableObject {
* Base name of the object. Needs to be constant over time.
* @return {string} Type of the object.
static type(){return 'Unknown'}
* Translated name of the object to be shown to the user.
* @return {string}
static displayType(){return 'Unknown'}
* Translated name of the object in plural form to be shown to the user.
* @return {string}
static displayTypeMultiple(){return 'Unknowns'}
* True if this object can be created by the user, false if it can only
* be instantiated by other objects
* @return {bool}
static createable() {return true}
* List of properties used in the Object Editor.
* Properties are set with key as property name and
* value as it's type name (e.g 'Expression', 'string'...),
* an Enum for enumerations, an ObjectType for DrawableObjects
* with a specific type, a List instance for lists, a
* Dictionary instance for dictionaries...
* If the property is to be translated, the key should be passed
* through the QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP macro in that form:
* [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','key')]
* Enums that are translated should be indexed in parameters.js and
* then be linked directly here.
* @return {Dictionary}
static properties() {return {}}
* True if this object can be executed, so that an y value might be computed
* for an x value. Only ExecutableObjects have that property set to true.
* @return {bool}
static executable() {return false}
* Base constructor for the object.
* @param {string} name - Name of the object
* @param {bool} visible - true if the object is visible, false otherwise.
* @param {color} color - Color of the object (can be string or QColor)
* @param {Enum} labelContent - One of 'null', 'name' or 'name + value' describing the content of the label.
* @constructor()
constructor(name, visible = true, color = null, labelContent = 'name + value') {
if(color == null) color = Utils.getRandomColor()
this.type = 'Unknown'
this.name = name
this.visible = visible
this.color = color
this.labelContent = labelContent // "null", "name", "name + value"
this.requiredBy = []
this.requires = []
* Serilizes the object in an array that can be JSON serialized.
* These parameters will be re-entered in the constructor when restored.
* @return {array}
export() {
// Should return what will be inputed as arguments when a file is loaded (serializable form)
return [this.name, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent]
* String representing the object that will be displayed to the user.
* It allows for 2 lines and translated text, but it shouldn't be too long.
* @return {string}
getReadableString() {
return `${this.name} = Unknown`
* Latex markuped version of the readable string.
* Every non latin character should be passed as latex symbols and formulas
* should be in latex form.
* See ../latex.js for helper methods.
* @return {string}
getLatexString() {
return this.getReadableString()
* Readable string content of the label depending on the value of the \c latexContent.
* @return {string}
getLabel() {
switch(this.labelContent) {
case 'name':
return this.name
case 'name + value':
return this.getReadableString()
case 'null':
return ''
* Latex markup string content of the label depending on the value of the \c latexContent.
* Every non latin character should be passed as latex symbols and formulas
* should be in latex form.
* See ../latex.js for helper methods.
* @return {string}
getLatexLabel() {
switch(this.labelContent) {
case 'name':
return Latex.variable(this.name)
case 'name + value':
return this.getLatexString()
case 'null':
return ''
* Callback method when one of the properties of the object is updated.
update() {
// Refreshing dependencies.
for(let obj of this.requires)
obj.requiredBy = obj.requiredBy.filter(dep => dep != this)
// Checking objects this one depends on
this.requires = []
let properties = this.constructor.properties()
for(let property in properties)
if(properties[property] == 'Expression' && this[property] != null) {
// Expressions with dependencies
for(let objName of this[property].requiredObjects()) {
if(objName in C.currentObjectsByName) {
if(this[property].cached && this[property].requiredObjects().length > 0)
// Recalculate
} else if(typeof properties[property] == 'object' && 'type' in properties[property] && properties[property] == 'ObjectType' && this[property] != null) {
// Object dependency
// Updating objects dependent on this one
for(let req of this.requiredBy)
* Callback method when the object is about to get deleted.
delete() {
for(let toRemove of this.requiredBy) {
* Abstract method. Draw the object onto the \c canvas with the 2D context \c ctx.
* @param {Canvas} canvas
* @param {Context2D} ctx
draw(canvas, ctx) {}
* Applicates a \c drawFunction with two position arguments depending on
* both the \c posX and \c posY of where the label should be displayed,
* and the \c labelPosition which declares the label should be displayed
* relatively to that position.
* @param {string|Enum} labelPosition - Position of the label relative to the marked position
* @param {number} offset - Margin between the position and the object to be drawn
* @param {Dictionary} size - Size of the label item, containing two properties, "width" and "height"
* @param {number} posX - Component of the marked position on the x-axis
* @param {number} posY - Component of the marked position on the y-axis
* @param {function} drawFunction - Function with two arguments (x, y) that will be called to draw the label
drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, offset, size, posX, posY, drawFunction) {
switch(labelPosition) {
case 'center':
drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY-size.height/2)
case 'top':
case 'above':
drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY-size.height-offset)
case 'bottom':
case 'below':
drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY+offset)
case 'left':
drawFunction(posX-size.width-offset, posY-size.height/2)
case 'right':
drawFunction(posX+offset, posY-size.height/2)
case 'top-left':
case 'above-left':
drawFunction(posX-size.width, posY-size.height-offset)
case 'top-right':
case 'above-right':
drawFunction(posX+offset, posY-size.height-offset)
case 'bottom-left':
case 'below-left':
drawFunction(posX-size.width-offset, posY+offset)
case 'bottom-right':
case 'below-right':
drawFunction(posX+offset, posY+offset)
* Automatically draw text (by default the label of the object on the \c canvas with
* the 2D context \c ctx depending on user settings.
* This method takes into account both the \c posX and \c posY of where the label
* should be displayed, including the \c labelPosition relative to it.
* The text is get both through the \c getLatexFunction and \c getTextFunction
* depending on whether to use latex.
* Then, it's displayed using the \c drawFunctionLatex (x,y,imageData) and
* \c drawFunctionText (x,y,text) depending on whether to use latex.
* @param {Canvas} canvas
* @param {Context2D} ctx
* @param {string|Enum} labelPosition - Position of the label relative to the marked position
* @param {number} posX - Component of the marked position on the x-axis
* @param {number} posY - Component of the marked position on the y-axis
* @param {bool} forceText - Force the rendering of the label as text
* @param {function|null} getLatexFunction - Function (no argument) to get the latex markup to be displayed
* @param {function|null} getTextFunction - Function (no argument) to get the text to be displayed
* @param {function|null} drawFunctionLatex - Function (x,y,imageData) to display the latex image
* @param {function|null} drawFunctionText - Function (x,y,text,textSize) to display the text
drawLabel(canvas, ctx, labelPosition, posX, posY, forceText = false,
getLatexFunction = null, getTextFunction = null, drawFunctionLatex = null, drawFunctionText = null) {
// Default functions
if(getLatexFunction == null)
getLatexFunction = this.getLatexLabel.bind(this)
if(getTextFunction == null)
getTextFunction = this.getLabel.bind(this)
if(drawFunctionLatex == null)
drawFunctionLatex = (x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height)
if(drawFunctionText == null)
drawFunctionText = (x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, x, y+textSize.height) // Positioned from left bottom
// Drawing the label
let offset
if(!forceText && Latex.enabled) { // TODO: Check for user setting with Latex.
// With latex
let drawLblCb = function(canvas, ctx, ltxImg) {
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+ctx.lineWidth/2, ltxImg, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionLatex(x,y,ltxImg))
let ltxLabel = getLatexFunction();
if(ltxLabel != "")
canvas.renderLatexImage(ltxLabel, this.color, drawLblCb.bind(this))
} else {
// Without latex
let text = getTextFunction()
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
let textSize = canvas.measureText(ctx, text)
this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+ctx.lineWidth/2, textSize, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionText(x,y,text,textSize))
toString() {
return this.name;
* Class to be extended for every object on which
* an y for a x can be computed with the execute function.
* If a value cannot be found during execute, it will
* return null. However, theses same x values will
* return false when passed to canExecute.
class ExecutableObject extends DrawableObject {
* Returns the corresponding y value for an x value.
* If the object isn't defined on the given x, then
* this function will return null.
* @param {number} x
* @returns {number|null}
execute(x = 1) {return 0}
* Returns false if the object isn't defined on the given x, true otherwise.
* @param {number} x
* @returns {bool}
canExecute(x = 1) {return true}
* Returns the simplified expression string for a given x.
* @param {number} x
* @returns {bool}
simplify(x = 1) {return '0'}
* True if this object can be executed, so that an y value might be computed
* for an x value. Only ExecutableObjects have that property set to true.
* @return {bool}
static executable() {return true}
* Registers the object \c obj in the object list.
* @param {DrawableObject} obj - Object to be registered.
function registerObject(obj) {
// Registers an object to be used in LogarithmPlotter.
// This function is called from autoload.js
if(obj.prototype instanceof DrawableObject) {
Objects.types[obj.type()] = obj
} else {
console.error("Could not register object " + (obj.type()) + ", as it isn't a DrawableObject.")