Ad5001 ec800e622d
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Separating objects.js in their new respective files, adding basic time measurement system.
2021-08-14 18:57:29 +02:00

275 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* LogarithmPlotter - Create graphs with logarithm scales.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQml 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick 2.12
// Auto loading all objects.
import "js/objs/autoload.js" as ALObjects
import "js/objects.js" as Objects
import eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.ObjectLists 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: root
visible: true
width: 1000
height: 500
color: sysPalette.window
title: "LogarithmPlotter " + (settings.saveFilename != "" ? " - " + settings.saveFilename.split('/').pop() : "")
SystemPalette { id: sysPalette; colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active }
SystemPalette { id: sysPaletteIn; colorGroup: SystemPalette.Disabled }
History { id: history }
menuBar: appMenu.trueItem
AppMenuBar {id: appMenu}
About {id: about}
Alert {
id: alert
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 5
z: 3
Drawer {
id: sidebar
width: 300
height: parent.height
y: root.menuBar.height
readonly property bool inPortrait: root.width < root.height
modal: inPortrait
interactive: inPortrait
position: inPortrait ? 0 : 1
visible: !inPortrait
TabBar {
id: sidebarSelector
width: parent.width
anchors.top: parent.top
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Objects")
icon.name: 'polygon-add-nodes'
icon.color: sysPalette.windowText
//height: 24
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Settings")
icon.name: 'preferences-system-symbolic'
icon.color: sysPalette.windowText
//height: 24
TabButton {
text: qsTr("History")
icon.name: 'view-history'
icon.color: sysPalette.windowText
//height: 24
StackLayout {
id: sidebarContents
anchors.top: sidebarSelector.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.topMargin: 5
anchors.leftMargin: 5
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: sidebarSelector.height
width: parent.width - 5
currentIndex: sidebarSelector.currentIndex
z: -1
clip: true
ObjectLists {
id: objectLists
onChanged: drawCanvas.requestPaint()
Settings {
id: settings
onChanged: drawCanvas.requestPaint()
HistoryBrowser {
id: historyBrowser
LogGraphCanvas {
id: drawCanvas
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: sidebar.inPortrait ? parent.left : sidebar.right
height: parent.height
width: sidebar.inPortrait ? parent.width : parent.width - sidebar.position*sidebar.width
x: sidebar.position*sidebar.width
xmin: settings.xmin
ymax: settings.ymax
xzoom: settings.xzoom
yzoom: settings.yzoom
xlabel: settings.xaxislabel
ylabel: settings.yaxislabel
yaxisstep: settings.yaxisstep
xaxisstep: settings.xaxisstep
logscalex: settings.logscalex
linewidth: settings.linewidth
textsize: settings.textsize
showxgrad: settings.showxgrad
showygrad: settings.showygrad
property bool firstDrawDone: false
onPainted: if(!firstDrawDone) {
firstDrawDone = true;
console.info("First paint done in " + (new Date().getTime()-(StartTime*1000)) + "ms")
if(TestBuild == true) {
console.log("Plot drawn in canvas, terminating test of build in 100ms.")
function saveDiagram(filename) {
if(['json', 'lpf', 'lgg'].indexOf(filename.split('.')[filename.split('.').length-1]) == -1)
filename += '.lpf'
settings.saveFilename = filename
var objs = {}
for(var objType in Objects.currentObjects){
objs[objType] = []
for(var obj of Objects.currentObjects[objType]) {
Helper.write(filename, JSON.stringify({
"xzoom": settings.xzoom,
"yzoom": settings.yzoom,
"xmin": settings.xmin,
"ymax": settings.ymax,
"xaxisstep": settings.xaxisstep,
"yaxisstep": settings.yaxisstep,
"xaxislabel": settings.xaxislabel,
"yaxislabel": settings.yaxislabel,
"logscalex": settings.logscalex,
"linewidth": settings.linewidth,
"showxgrad": settings.showxgrad,
"showygrad": settings.showygrad,
"textsize": settings.textsize,
"history": history.serialize(),
"width": root.width,
"height": root.height,
"objects": objs,
"type": "logplotv1"
alert.show("Saved plot to '" + filename.split("/").pop() + "'.")
function loadDiagram(filename) {
let basename = filename.split("/").pop()
alert.show("Loading file '" + basename + "'.")
let data = JSON.parse(Helper.load(filename))
let error = "";
if(Object.keys(data).includes("type") && data["type"] == "logplotv1") {
// Importing settings
settings.saveFilename = filename
settings.xzoom = data["xzoom"]
settings.yzoom = data["yzoom"]
settings.xmin = data["xmin"]
settings.ymax = data["ymax"]
settings.xaxisstep = data["xaxisstep"]
settings.yaxisstep = data["yaxisstep"]
settings.xaxislabel = data["xaxislabel"]
settings.yaxislabel = data["yaxislabel"]
settings.logscalex = data["logscalex"]
if("showxgrad" in data)
settings.showxgrad = data["showxgrad"]
if("showygrad" in data)
settings.textsize = data["showygrad"]
if("linewidth" in data)
settings.linewidth = data["linewidth"]
if("textsize" in data)
settings.textsize = data["textsize"]
if("history" in data)
root.height = data["height"]
root.width = data["width"]
// Importing objects
Objects.currentObjects = {}
for(var objType in data['objects']) {
if(Object.keys(Objects.types).indexOf(objType) > -1) {
Objects.currentObjects[objType] = []
for(var objData of data['objects'][objType]) {
var obj = new Objects.types[objType](...objData)
} else {
error += "Unknown object type: " +objType + "\n";
// Refreshing sidebar
if(sidebarSelector.currentIndex == 0) {
// For some reason, if we load a file while the tab is on object,
// we get stuck in a Qt-side loop? Qt bug or side-effect here, I don't know.
sidebarSelector.currentIndex = 1
} else {
} else {
error = "Invalid file provided."
if(error != "") {
alert.show("Could not save file: " + error)
// TODO: Error handling
alert.show("Loaded file '" + basename + "'.")
Timer {
id: delayRefreshTimer
repeat: false
interval: 1
onTriggered: sidebarSelector.currentIndex = 0
Timer {
id: testBuildTimer
repeat: false
interval: 100
onTriggered: Qt.quit() // Quit after paint on test build
function copyDiagramToClipboard() {
var file = Helper.gettmpfile()
alert.show("Copied plot screenshot to clipboard!")