2024-09-18 22:51:23 +02:00

68 lines
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import pytest
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from shutil import which
from os.path import exists
from re import match
from PySide6.QtGui import QColor
from LogarithmPlotter.util import latex
def latex_obj():
directory = TemporaryDirectory()
obj = latex.Latex(directory)
if not obj.checkLatexInstallation():
raise Exception("Cannot run LaTeX tests without a proper LaTeX installation. Make sure to install a LaTeX distribution, DVIPNG, and the calligra package, and run the tests again.")
yield obj
class TestLatex:
def test_check_install(self, latex_obj: latex.Latex) -> None:
assert latex_obj.latexSupported == True
assert latex_obj.checkLatexInstallation() == True
bkp = [latex.DVIPNG_PATH, latex.LATEX_PATH]
# Check what happens when one is missing.
latex.DVIPNG_PATH = None
assert latex_obj.latexSupported == False
assert latex_obj.checkLatexInstallation() == False
latex.DVIPNG_PATH = bkp[0]
latex.LATEX_PATH = None
assert latex_obj.latexSupported == False
assert latex_obj.checkLatexInstallation() == False
# Reset
[latex.DVIPNG_PATH, latex.LATEX_PATH] = bkp
def test_render(self, latex_obj: latex.Latex) -> None:
result = latex_obj.render(r"\frac{d\sqrt{\mathrm{f}(x \times 2.3)}}{dx}", 14, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255))
# Ensure result format
assert type(result) == str
[path, width, height] = result.split(",")
assert exists(path)
assert match(r"\d+", width)
assert match(r"\d+", height)
# Ensure it returns errors on invalid latex.
with pytest.raises(latex.RenderError):
latex_obj.render(r"\nonexistant", 14, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255))
# Replace latex bin with one that returns errors
bkp = latex.LATEX_PATH
latex.LATEX_PATH = which("false")
with pytest.raises(latex.RenderError):
latex_obj.render(r"\mathrm{f}(x)", 14, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255))
latex.LATEX_PATH = bkp
def test_prerendered(self, latex_obj: latex.Latex) -> None:
args = [r"\frac{d\sqrt{\mathrm{f}(x \times 2.3)}}{dx}", 14, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)]
prerendered = latex_obj.findPrerendered(*args)
assert type(prerendered) == str
[path, width, height] = prerendered.split(",")
assert exists(path)
assert match(r"\d+", width)
assert match(r"\d+", height)
prerendered2 = latex_obj.findPrerendered(args[0], args[1]+2, args[2])
assert prerendered2 == ""