Ad5001 ffe09a2b3d
Beginning v0.1.3
Confined packages (snapcraft & flatpak) won't show error messages related to update checks.
2022-01-12 14:39:23 +01:00

14 lines
501 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is the maintainence launcher for the snap, make necessary runtime environment changes to make the snap work here. You may also insert security confinement/deprecation/obsoletion notice of the snap here.
set \
-o errexit \
-o errtrace \
-o nounset \
-o pipefail
# GTK theme integration (we have Qt fetch the GTK theme mirroring the host Qt theme...)
# Finally run the next part of the command chain
exec "${@} --no-check-for-updates"