Ad5001 ffe09a2b3d
Beginning v0.1.3
Confined packages (snapcraft & flatpak) won't show error messages related to update checks.
2022-01-12 14:39:23 +01:00

21 lines
795 B

logarithmplotter (0.1.3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Fixed bug: Confined packages (snapcraft & flatpak) won't show error messages related to update checks.
-- Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu> Mon, 30 Sep 2021 20:00:00 +0200
logarithmplotter (0.1.2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Fixed bug: Unable to move Bode diagrams elements when having deleted the sum element.
* Fixed bug: Names were not not being changed from previous object when editing a new one.
* Fixed bug: Bode Magnitude was not drawn far enough
* Fixed bug: Bode Magnitude had undefined ending.
* Fixed other bugs from v0.1.1.
-- Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu> Mon, 30 Sep 2021 20:00:00 +0200
logarithmplotter (0.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Initial release.
-- Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu> Mon, 06 Jun 2021 08:48:28 +0200