Ad5001 7912cbd5b9
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Fixing quite a few bugs. v0.1.2
2021-09-30 20:36:05 +02:00

158 lines
6.1 KiB

* LogarithmPlotter - Create graphs with logarithm scales.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.pragma library
.import "common.js" as Common
.import "../objects.js" as Objects
.import "../mathlib.js" as MathLib
.import "../historylib.js" as HistoryLib
.import "../parameters.js" as P
class PhaseBode extends Common.ExecutableObject {
static type(){return 'Phase Bode'}
static displayType(){return 'Bode Phase'}
static displayTypeMultiple(){return 'Bode Phases'}
static properties() {return {
'om_0': new P.ObjectType('Point'),
'phase': 'Expression',
'unit': new P.Enum('°', 'deg', 'rad'),
'labelPosition': new P.Enum('above', 'below', 'left', 'right', 'above-left', 'above-right', 'below-left', 'below-right'),
'labelX': 'number'
constructor(name = null, visible = true, color = null, labelContent = 'name + value',
om_0 = '', phase = 90, unit = '°', labelPosition = 'above', labelX = 1) {
if(name == null) name = Common.getNewName('φ')
if(name == 'φ') name = 'φ₀' // φ is reserved for sum of BODE phases (Somme phases Bode).
super(name, visible, color, labelContent)
this.type = 'Phase Bode'
if(typeof phase == 'number' || typeof phase == 'string') phase = new MathLib.Expression(phase.toString())
this.phase = phase
if(typeof om_0 == "string") {
// Point name or create one
om_0 = Objects.getObjectByName(om_0, 'Point')
if(om_0 == null) {
// Create new point
om_0 = Objects.createNewRegisteredObject('Point')
om_0.name = Common.getNewName('ω')
om_0.color = this.color
om_0.labelContent = 'name'
om_0.labelPosition = this.phase.execute() >= 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top'
HistoryLib.history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.CreateNewObject(om_0.name, 'Point', om_0.export()))
labelPosition = 'below'
this.om_0 = om_0
this.unit = unit
this.labelPosition = labelPosition
this.labelX = labelX
export() {
return [this.name, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent,
this.om_0.name, this.phase.toEditableString(), this.unit, this.labelPosition, this.labelX]
getReadableString() {
return `${this.name}: ${this.phase.toString(true)}${this.unit} at ${this.om_0.name} = ${this.om_0.x}`
execute(x=1) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = MathLib.executeExpression(x)
if(x < this.om_0.x) {
return this.om_0.y.execute()
} else {
return this.om_0.y.execute() + this.phase.execute()
simplify(x = 1) {
var xval = x
if(typeof x == 'string') xval = MathLib.executeExpression(x)
if(xval < this.om_0.x) {
return this.om_0.y.toString()
} else {
var newExp = this.om_0.y.toEditableString() + ' + ' + this.phase.toEditableString()
return (new MathLib.Expression(newExp)).toString()
canExecute(x = 1) {
return true
draw(canvas, ctx) {
var baseX = canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute())
var omy = this.om_0.y.execute()
var augmt = this.phase.execute()
var baseY = canvas.y2px(omy)
var augmtY = canvas.y2px(omy+augmt)
// Before change line.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, 0, baseY, Math.min(baseX, canvas.canvasSize.height), baseY)
// Transition line.
canvas.drawLine(ctx, baseX, baseY, baseX, augmtY)
// After change line
canvas.drawLine(ctx, Math.max(0, baseX), augmtY, canvas.canvasSize.width, augmtY)
// Label
var text = this.getLabel()
ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif`
var textSize = canvas.measureText(ctx, text)
var posX = canvas.x2px(this.labelX)
var posY = canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX))
switch(this.labelPosition) {
case 'above':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width/2, posY-textSize.height)
case 'below':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width/2, posY+textSize.height)
case 'left':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY-textSize.height/2)
case 'right':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY-textSize.height/2)
case 'above-left':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY-textSize.height)
case 'above-right':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY-textSize.height)
case 'below-left':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY+textSize.height)
case 'below-right':
canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY+textSize.height)
update() {
if(Objects.currentObjects['Somme phases Bode'] != undefined && Objects.currentObjects['Somme phases Bode'].length > 0) {
Objects.currentObjects['Somme phases Bode'][0].recalculateCache()
} else {
Objects.createNewRegisteredObject('Somme phases Bode')