We're now getting to 88% coverage on python. I don't think I can get it much higher between the statements that pytest doesn't count, the ones which aren't easy to reproduce in test env (eg no internet connection), and the ones essential to the app's startup workflow.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 201 additions and 42 deletions
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ tempdir = TemporaryDirectory()
tmpfile = path.join(tempdir.name, 'graph.png')
pwd = getcwd()
logarithmplotter_path = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
if path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "..")) not in sys_path:
sys_path.append(path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "..")))
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ def get_platform_qt_style(os) -> str:
def register_icon_directories() -> None:
icon_fallbacks = QIcon.fallbackSearchPaths()
base_icon_path = path.join(getcwd(), "qml", "eu", "ad5001", "LogarithmPlotter", "icons")
base_icon_path = path.join(logarithmplotter_path, "qml", "eu", "ad5001", "LogarithmPlotter", "icons")
paths = [["common"], ["objects"], ["history"], ["settings"], ["settings", "custom"]]
for p in paths:
icon_fallbacks.append(path.realpath(path.join(base_icon_path, *p)))
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ def create_qapp() -> QApplication:
app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "logarithmplotter.svg"))))
app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(path.realpath(path.join(logarithmplotter_path, "logarithmplotter.svg"))))
return app
@ -115,10 +116,12 @@ def install_translation(app: QApplication) -> QTranslator:
translator = QTranslator()
# Check if lang is forced.
forcedlang = [p for p in argv if p[:7] == "--lang="]
i18n_path = path.realpath(path.join(logarithmplotter_path, "i18n"))
locale = QLocale(forcedlang[0][7:]) if len(forcedlang) > 0 else QLocale()
if not translator.load(locale, "lp", "_", path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "i18n"))):
if not translator.load(locale, "lp", "_", i18n_path):
# Load default translation
translator.load(QLocale("en"), "lp", "_", path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "i18n")))
print("Loading default language en...")
translator.load(QLocale("en"), "lp", "_", i18n_path)
return translator
@ -133,8 +136,9 @@ def create_engine(helper: Helper, latex: Latex, dep_time: float) -> tuple[QQmlAp
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("TestBuild", "--test-build" in argv)
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("StartTime", dep_time)
engine.addImportPath(path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "qml")))
engine.load(path.realpath(path.join(getcwd(), "qml", "eu", "ad5001", "LogarithmPlotter", "LogarithmPlotter.qml")))
qml_path = path.realpath(path.join(logarithmplotter_path, "qml"))
engine.load(path.join(qml_path, "eu", "ad5001", "LogarithmPlotter", "LogarithmPlotter.qml"))
return engine, js_globals
@ -24,16 +24,29 @@ from PySide6 import __version__ as PySide6_version
from os import chdir, path
from json import loads
from sys import version as sys_version
from sys import version as sys_version, argv
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from LogarithmPlotter import __VERSION__
from LogarithmPlotter.util import config
SHOW_GUI_MESSAGES = "--test-build" not in argv
class InvalidFileException(Exception): pass
def show_message(msg: str) -> None:
Shows a GUI message if GUI messages are enabled
QMessageBox.warning(None, "LogarithmPlotter", msg, QMessageBox.OK)
raise InvalidFileException(msg)
class ChangelogFetcher(QRunnable):
def __init__(self, helper):
@ -44,7 +57,7 @@ class ChangelogFetcher(QRunnable):
msg_text = "Unknown changelog error."
# Fetching version
r = urlopen("https://api.ad5001.eu/changelog/logarithmplotter/?version=" + __VERSION__)
r = urlopen("https://api.ad5001.eu/changelog/logarithmplotter/?version=" + CHANGELOG_VERSION)
lines = r.readlines()
msg_text = "".join(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), lines)).strip()
@ -53,21 +66,16 @@ class ChangelogFetcher(QRunnable):
except URLError as e:
msg_text = QCoreApplication.translate("changelog", "Could not fetch update: {}.").format(str(e.reason))
class Helper(QObject):
changelogFetched = Signal(str)
gotChangelog = Signal(str)
def __init__(self, cwd: str, tmpfile: str):
self.cwd = cwd
self.tmpfile = tmpfile
def fetched(self, changelog: str):
@Slot(str, str)
def write(self, filename, filedata):
@ -93,20 +101,19 @@ class Helper(QObject):
if data[:5] == "LPFv1":
# V1 version of the file
data = data[5:]
elif data[0] == "{" and "type" in loads(data) and loads(data)["type"] == "logplotv1":
elif data[:3] == "LPF":
# More recent version of LogarithmPlotter file, but incompatible with the current format
msg = QCoreApplication.translate("This file was created by a more recent version of LogarithmPlotter and cannot be backloaded in LogarithmPlotter v{}.\nPlease update LogarithmPlotter to open this file.")
msg = QCoreApplication.translate('main',
"This file was created by a more recent version of LogarithmPlotter and cannot be backloaded in LogarithmPlotter v{}.\nPlease update LogarithmPlotter to open this file.")
raise InvalidFileException(msg.format(__VERSION__))
raise Exception("Invalid LogarithmPlotter file.")
except Exception as e: # If file can't be loaded
raise InvalidFileException("Invalid LogarithmPlotter file.")
except InvalidFileException as e: # If file can't be loaded
msg = QCoreApplication.translate('main', 'Could not open file "{}":\n{}')
QMessageBox.warning(None, 'LogarithmPlotter', msg.format(filename, e), QMessageBox.Ok) # Cannot parse file
show_message(msg.format(filename, e)) # Cannot parse file
msg = QCoreApplication.translate('main', 'Could not open file: "{}"\nFile does not exist.')
QMessageBox.warning(None, 'LogarithmPlotter', msg.format(filename), QMessageBox.Ok) # Cannot parse file
show_message(msg.format(filename)) # Cannot parse file
except NotADirectoryError as e:
@ -130,31 +137,27 @@ class Helper(QObject):
@Slot(str, result=str)
def getSetting(self, namespace):
return config.getSetting(namespace)
return str(config.getSetting(namespace))
@Slot(str, result=float)
def getSettingInt(self, namespace):
return config.getSetting(namespace)
return float(config.getSetting(namespace))
@Slot(str, result=bool)
def getSettingBool(self, namespace):
return config.getSetting(namespace)
return bool(config.getSetting(namespace))
@Slot(str, str)
def setSetting(self, namespace, value):
return config.setSetting(namespace, value)
return config.setSetting(namespace, str(value))
@Slot(str, bool)
def setSettingBool(self, namespace, value):
return config.setSetting(namespace, value)
return config.setSetting(namespace, bool(value))
@Slot(str, float)
def setSettingInt(self, namespace, value):
return config.setSetting(namespace, value)
def setLanguage(self, new_lang):
config.setSetting("language", new_lang)
return config.setSetting(namespace, float(value))
def getDebugInfos(self):
@ -167,7 +170,6 @@ class Helper(QObject):
def fetchChangelog(self):
changelog_cache_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "CHANGELOG.md")
if path.exists(changelog_cache_path):
# We have a cached version of the changelog, for env that don't have access to the internet.
f = open(changelog_cache_path);
@ -89,3 +89,4 @@ def check_for_updates(current_version, window):
runnable = UpdateCheckerRunnable(current_version, update_info)
return update_info
@ -17,18 +17,166 @@
import pytest
from os import getcwd
from os import getcwd, remove
from os.path import join
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from LogarithmPlotter.util import config
from json import loads
from shutil import copy2
from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, Signal, QThreadPool
from PySide6.QtGui import QImage
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
from LogarithmPlotter import __VERSION__ as version
from LogarithmPlotter.util import config, helper
from LogarithmPlotter.util.helper import ChangelogFetcher, Helper, InvalidFileException
pwd = getcwd()
helper.SHOW_GUI_MESSAGES = False
def temporary():
directory = TemporaryDirectory()
config.CONFIG_PATH = join(directory.name, "config.json")
tmpfile = join(directory.name, "graph.png")
yield tmpfile
yield tmpfile, directory
class MockHelperSignals(QObject):
changelogFetched = Signal(str)
def __init__(self, expect_404):
self.expect_404 = expect_404
self.changelog = None
def changelog_fetched(self, changelog):
self.changelog = changelog
class TestChangelog:
def test_exists(self, qtbot):
helper.CHANGELOG_VERSION = '0.5.0'
mock_helper = MockHelperSignals(False)
fetcher = ChangelogFetcher(mock_helper)
fetcher.run() # Does not raise an exception
qtbot.waitSignal(mock_helper.changelogFetched, timeout=10000)
assert type(mock_helper.changelog) == str
assert '404' not in mock_helper.changelog
def tests_no_exist(self, qtbot):
mock_helper = MockHelperSignals(True)
helper.CHANGELOG_VERSION = '1.0.0'
fetcher = ChangelogFetcher(mock_helper)
qtbot.waitSignal(mock_helper.changelogFetched, timeout=10000)
assert type(mock_helper.changelog) == str
assert '404' in mock_helper.changelog
class TestHelper:
def test_read(self, temporary):
# Test file reading and information loading.
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
data = obj.load("ci/test1.lpf")
assert type(data) == str
data = loads(data)
assert data['type'] == "logplotv1"
# Checking data['types'] of valid file.
# See https://git.ad5001.eu/Ad5001/LogarithmPlotter/wiki/LogarithmPlotter-file-format-v1.0
assert type(data['width']) == int
assert type(data['height']) == int
assert type(data['xzoom']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['yzoom']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['xmin']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['ymax']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['xaxisstep']) == str
assert type(data['yaxisstep']) == str
assert type(data['xaxislabel']) == str
assert type(data['yaxislabel']) == str
assert type(data['logscalex']) == bool
assert type(data['linewidth']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['showxgrad']) == bool
assert type(data['showygrad']) == bool
assert type(data['textsize']) in (int, float)
assert type(data['history']) == list and len(data['history']) == 2
assert type(data['history'][0]) == list
assert type(data['history'][1]) == list
for action_list in data['history']:
for action in action_list:
assert type(action[0]) == str
assert type(action[1]) == list
assert type(data['objects']) == dict
for obj_type, objects in data['objects'].items():
assert type(obj_type) == str
assert type(objects) == list
for obj in objects:
assert type(obj) == list
def test_read_newer(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
newer_file_path = join(directory.name, "newer.lpf")
with open(newer_file_path, "w") as f:
f.write("LPFv2[other invalid data]")
with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException):
def test_read_invalid_file(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException):
with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException):
def test_write(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
target = join(directory.name, "target.lpf")
data = "example_data"
obj.write(target, data)
with open(target, "r") as f:
read_data = f.read()
# Ensure data has been written.
assert read_data == "LPFv1" + data
def test_tmp_graphic(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
assert obj.gettmpfile() == tmpfile
clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
assert type(clipboard.image()) == QImage
def test_strings(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
assert obj.getVersion() == version
assert type(obj.getDebugInfos()) == str
assert type(obj.getSetting("check_for_updates")) == str
assert type(obj.getSettingInt("check_for_updates")) == float
assert type(obj.getSettingBool("check_for_updates")) == bool
def test_set_config(self, temporary):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
obj.setSetting("last_install_greet", obj.getSetting("last_install_greet"))
obj.setSettingBool("check_for_updates", obj.getSettingBool("check_for_updates"))
obj.setSettingInt("default_graph.xzoom", obj.getSettingInt("default_graph.xzoom"))
def test_fetch_changelog(self, temporary, qtbot):
tmpfile, directory = temporary
obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile)
copy2("../../CHANGELOG.md", "../../LogarithmPlotter/util/CHANGELOG.md")
assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() == 0
qtbot.waitSignal(obj.changelogFetched, timeout=10000)
assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() > 0
qtbot.waitSignal(obj.changelogFetched, timeout=10000)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class MockIO:
class MockFileOpenEvent(QEvent):
def __init__(self, file):
QEvent.__init__(self, QEvent.FileOpen)
self._file = file
def file(self):
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def check_update_callback_type(show_alert, msg_text, update_available):
assert type(msg_text) == str
assert type(update_available) == bool
def test_update():
def test_update(qtbot):
def check_older(show_alert, msg_text, update_available):
check_update_callback_type(show_alert, msg_text, update_available)
assert update_available
@ -50,14 +50,18 @@ def test_update():
runnable = UpdateCheckerRunnable('1.0.0', update_info_newer)
qtbot.waitSignal(update_info_newer.got_update_info, timeout=10000)
runnable = UpdateCheckerRunnable('0.1.0', update_info_older)
qtbot.waitSignal(update_info_older.got_update_info, timeout=10000)
runnable = UpdateCheckerRunnable('0.5.0+dev0+git20240101', update_info_older)
qtbot.waitSignal(update_info_older.got_update_info, timeout=10000)
def test_update_checker():
check_for_updates('0.6.0', MockWindow())
def test_update_checker(qtbot):
update_info = check_for_updates('0.6.0', MockWindow())
assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() == 1
qtbot.waitSignal(update_info.got_update_info, timeout=10000)
check_for_updates('0.6.0', MockWindow())
update_info = check_for_updates('0.6.0', MockWindow())
assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() < 2 # No new update checks where added
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