* The history browser has been completly redesigned, improving UX.
* The history browser now features a filter bar.
* All side panel tabs now have a visually identifiable scrollbar.
* Shorter rich text representations of history entries to improve readability.
* Usage of gradiants and icons to better identify history entries at a glance.
* History entries are now showing the whole label on several lines, instead of cutting it at the end.
* New history action for renaming.
* New history action for coloring. Note: color changing history items created in previous versions of LogarithmPlotter will not be updated to the new action.
* Tooltips for object creation buttons have been added.
* Tooltips have been set to have a delay of 200ms to match most software's handling of them.
* Object creation buttons now have a unified style accross all platforms.
**Added translations**
* History action of renaming objects.
* History action of changing the color of objects.
* Filtering for history browser.
**Fixed bugs**
* Visibility history actions (shown and hidden) are now properly saved, solving the issue that when loading file with one, it's not automaticly changed to "Show".
* Name changes history actions are now properly saved.
* Non translated object type on the "+ Create new object" item selection combobox for Bode Magnitude and Phase.
* Proper handling for future LogarithmPlotter files.
* Shortcuts not being displayed in the menu bar are now properly shown.
* (flatpak) Black versions of the icons when using a black theme with the KDE SDK.
* (debian) Fixed launchpad building properly.
**Internal changes**
* Better organisation on icons.
* Historylib has been separated in several files.
* Trying to switch metainfo once more to try and fix another bug.