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2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
* LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions.
2023-05-21 22:19:58 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2023 Ad5001
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.pragma library
.import "expression.js" as Expr
* Main abstract domain class
* It doesn't represent any kind of domain and is meant to be extended.
class Domain {
constructor() {}
* Checks whether x is included in the domain.
* @param {number} x - The x value.
* @return {bool} true if included, false otherwise.
includes(x) { return false }
* Returns a string representation of the domain.
* @return {string} String representation of the domain.
toString() { return '???' }
* Returns a new domain that is the union between this domain and another.
* @param {Domain} domain - Domain to unionise with this.
* @return {Domain} newly created domain.
union(domain) { return domain }
* Returns a new domain that is the intersection between this domain and another.
* @param {Domain} domain - Domain to get the interscection with this.
* @return {Domain} newly created domain.
intersection(domain) { return this }
* Imports a domain from a string.
* @return {Domain} Found domain, string otherwise.
static import(frm) {
switch(frm.trim().toUpperCase()) {
case "R":
case "":
return Domain.R
case "RE":
case "R*":
case "*":
return Domain.RE
case "RP":
case "R+":
case "ℝ⁺":
return Domain.RP
case "RM":
case "R-":
case "ℝ⁻":
return Domain.RM
case "RPE":
case "REP":
case "R+*":
case "R*+":
case "*⁺":
case "ℝ⁺*":
return Domain.RPE
case "RME":
case "REM":
case "R-*":
case "R*-":
case "ℝ⁻*":
case "*⁻":
return Domain.RME
case "":
case "N":
case "ZP":
case "ℤ⁺":
return Domain.N
case "NLOG":
case "ℕˡᵒᵍ":
return Domain.NLog
case "NE":
case "NP":
case "N*":
case "N+":
case "*":
case "ℕ⁺":
case "ZPE":
case "ZEP":
case "Z+*":
case "Z*+":
case "ℤ⁺*":
case "*⁺":
return Domain.NE
case "Z":
case "":
return Domain.Z
case "ZM":
case "Z-":
case "ℤ⁻":
return Domain.ZM
case "ZME":
case "ZEM":
case "Z-*":
case "Z*-":
case "ℤ⁻*":
case "*⁻":
return Domain.ZME
case "ZE":
case "Z*":
case "*":
return Domain.ZE
return new EmptySet()
* Represents an empty set.
class EmptySet extends Domain {
constructor() {
this.displayName = "∅"
this.latexMarkup = "\\emptyset"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) { return false }
toString() { return this.displayName }
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
union(domain) { return domain }
intersection(domain) { return this }
static import(frm) { return new EmptySet() }
* Domain classes for ranges (e.g ]0;3[, [1;2[ ...)
class Range extends Domain {
constructor(begin, end, openBegin, openEnd) {
if(typeof begin == 'number' || typeof begin == 'string') begin = new Expr.Expression(begin.toString())
this.begin = begin
if(typeof end == 'number' || typeof end == 'string') end = new Expr.Expression(end.toString())
this.end = end
this.openBegin = openBegin
this.openEnd = openEnd
this.displayName = (openBegin ? "]" : "[") + begin.toString() + ";" + end.toString() + (openEnd ? "[" : "]")
this.latexMarkup = `\\mathopen${openBegin ? "]" : "["}${this.begin.latexMarkup};${this.end.latexMarkup}\\mathclose${openEnd ? "[" : "]"}`
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
return ((this.openBegin && x > this.begin.execute()) || (!this.openBegin && x >= this.begin.execute())) &&
((this.openEnd && x < this.end.execute()) || (!this.openEnd && x <= this.end.execute()))
toString() {
return this.displayName
union(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return this
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof Range) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
intersection(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return domain
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.intersection(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return domain.intersection(this)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof Range) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
static import(frm) {
var openBegin = frm.trim().charAt(0) == "]"
var openEnd = frm.trim().charAt(frm.length -1) == "["
var [begin, end] = frm.substr(1, frm.length-2).split(";")
return new Range(begin.trim(), end.trim(), openBegin, openEnd)
* Domain classes for special domains (N, Z, ...)
class SpecialDomain extends Domain {
* @constructs SpecialDomain
* @param {string} displayName
* @param {function} isValid - function returning true when number is in domain false when it isn't.
* @param {function} next - function provides the next positive value in the domain after the one given.
* @param {function} previous - function provides the previous positive value in the domain before the one given.
* @param {bool} moveSupported - Only true if next and previous functions are valid.
* @param items
constructor(displayName, isValid, next = x => true, previous = x => true,
moveSupported = true) {
this.displayName = displayName
this.isValid = isValid
this.nextValue = next
this.prevValue = previous
this.moveSupported = moveSupported
includes(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
return this.isValid(x)
next(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
return this.nextValue(x)
previous(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
return this.prevValue(x)
toString() {
return this.displayName
union(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return this
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof Range) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
intersection(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return domain
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.intersection(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof Range) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
* Domain classes for sets (e.g {0;3}, {0;1;2;pi} ...)
class DomainSet extends SpecialDomain {
constructor(values) {
super('', x => true, x => x, true)
var newVals = {}
this.executedValues = []
for(var value of values) {
var expr = new Expr.Expression(value.toString())
var ex = expr.execute()
newVals[ex] = expr
this.executedValues.sort((a,b) => a-b)
this.values = this.executedValues.map(val => newVals[val])
this.displayName = "{" + this.values.join(";") + "}"
this.latexMarkup = `\\{${this.values.join(";")}\\}`
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
for(var value of this.values)
if(x == value.execute()) return true
return false
next(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
if(x < this.executedValues[0]) return this.executedValues[0]
for(var i = 1; i < this.values.length; i++) {
var prevValue = this.executedValues[i-1]
var value = this.executedValues[i]
if(x >= prevValue && x < value) return value
return null
previous(x) {
if(typeof x == 'string') x = Expr.executeExpression(x)
if(x > this.executedValues[this.executedValues.length-1])
return this.executedValues[this.executedValues.length-1]
for(var i = 1; i < this.values.length; i++) {
var prevValue = this.executedValues[i-1]
var value = this.executedValues[i]
if(x > prevValue && x <= value) return prevValue
return null
toString() {
return this.displayName
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
union(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return this
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) {
var newValues = []
var values = this.values.concat(domain.values).filter(function(val){
return newValues.indexOf(val.execute()) == newValues.length - 1
return new DomainSet(values)
var notIncludedValues = []
for(var value in this.values) {
var value = this.executedValues[i]
if(domain instanceof Range) {
if(domain.begin.execute() == value && domain.openBegin) {
domain.openBegin = false
if(domain.end.execute() == value && domain.openEnd) {
domain.openEnd = false
if(notIncludedValues.length == 0) return domain
return new UnionDomain(domain, new DomainSet(notIncludedValues))
intersection(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return domain
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) {
var domValues = domain.values.map(expr => expr.execute())
this.values = this.values.filter(function(val){
return domValues.indexOf(val.execute()) >= 0
return this
var includedValues = []
for(var i in this.values) {
var value = this.executedValues[i]
if(domain instanceof Range) {
if(domain.begin.execute() == value && !domain.openBegin) {
domain.openBegin = false
if(domain.end.execute() == value && !domain.openEnd) {
domain.openEnd = false
if(includedValues.length == 0) return new EmptySet()
if(includedValues.length == this.values.length) return this
return new IntersectionDomain(domain, new DomainSet(includedValues))
static import(frm) {
return new DomainSet(frm.substr(1, frm.length-2).split(";"))
* Domain representing the union between two domains.
class UnionDomain extends Domain {
constructor(dom1, dom2) {
this.dom1 = dom1
this.dom2 = dom2
this.displayName = this.dom1.toString() + " " + this.dom2.toString()
this.latexMarkup = `${dom1.latexMarkup}\\cup${dom2.latexMarkup}`
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) {
return this.dom1.includes(x) || this.dom2.includes(x)
toString() {
return this.displayName
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
union(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return this
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof Range) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new MinusDomain(this, domain)
intersection(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return domain
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.intersection(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return this.dom1.intersection(domain.dom1).intersection(this.dom2).intersection(domain.dom2)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
static import(frm) {
var domains = frm.trim().split("")
if(domains.length == 1) domains = frm.trim().split("U") // Fallback
var dom2 = parseDomain(domains.pop())
var dom1 = parseDomain(domains.join(''))
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
return dom1.union(dom2)
* Domain representing the intersection between two domains.
class IntersectionDomain extends Domain {
constructor(dom1, dom2) {
this.dom1 = dom1
this.dom2 = dom2
this.displayName = dom1.toString() + " ∩ " + dom2.toString()
this.latexMarkup = `${dom1.latexMarkup}\\cap${dom2.latexMarkup}`
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) {
return this.dom1.includes(x) && this.dom2.includes(x)
toString() {
return this.displayName
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
union(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return this
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof Range) return domain.union(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return this.dom1.union(domain.dom1).union(this.dom2).union(domain.dom2)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new UnionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new MinusDomain(this, domain)
intersection(domain) {
if(domain instanceof EmptySet) return domain
if(domain instanceof DomainSet) return domain.intersection(this)
if(domain instanceof UnionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof IntersectionDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
if(domain instanceof MinusDomain) return new IntersectionDomain(this, domain)
static import(frm) {
var domains = frm.trim().split("∩")
var dom1 = parseDomain(domains.pop())
var dom2 = parseDomain(domains.join('∩'))
return dom1.intersection(dom2)
* Domain representing the minus between two domains.
class MinusDomain extends Domain {
constructor(dom1, dom2) {
this.dom1 = dom1
this.dom2 = dom2
this.displayName = dom1.toString() + "" + dom2.toString()
this.latexMarkup = `${dom1.latexMarkup}\\setminus${dom2.latexMarkup}`
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
includes(x) {
return this.dom1.includes(x) && !this.dom2.includes(x)
toString() {
return this.displayName
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
static import(frm) {
var domains = frm.trim().split("")
if(domains.length == 1) domains = frm.trim().split("\\") // Fallback
var dom1 = parseDomain(domains.shift())
var dom2 = parseDomain(domains.join(''))
return new MinusDomain(dom1, dom2)
Domain.RE = new MinusDomain("R", "{0}")
Domain.RE.displayName = "*"
Domain.RE.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}^{*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.R = new Range(-Infinity,Infinity,true,true)
Domain.R.displayName = ""
Domain.R.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.RP = new Range(0,Infinity,true,false)
Domain.RP.displayName = "ℝ⁺"
Domain.RP.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}^{+}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.RM = new Range(-Infinity,0,true,false)
Domain.RM.displayName = "ℝ⁻"
Domain.RM.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}^{-}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.RPE = new Range(0,Infinity,true,true)
Domain.RPE.displayName = "ℝ⁺*"
Domain.RPE.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}^{+*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.RME = new Range(-Infinity,0,true,true)
Domain.RME.displayName = "ℝ⁻*"
Domain.RME.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{R}^{+*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.N = new SpecialDomain('', x => x%1==0 && x >= 0,
x => Math.max(Math.floor(x)+1, 0),
x => Math.max(Math.ceil(x)-1, 0))
Domain.N.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{N}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.NE = new SpecialDomain('*', x => x%1==0 && x > 0,
x => Math.max(Math.floor(x)+1, 1),
x => Math.max(Math.ceil(x)-1, 1))
Domain.NE.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{N}^{*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.Z = new SpecialDomain('', x => x%1==0, x => Math.floor(x)+1, x => Math.ceil(x)-1)
Domain.Z.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{Z}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.ZE = new SpecialDomain('*', x => x%1==0 && x != 0,
x => Math.floor(x)+1 == 0 ? Math.floor(x)+2 : Math.floor(x)+1,
x => Math.ceil(x)-1 == 0 ? Math.ceil(x)-2 : Math.ceil(x)-1)
Domain.ZE.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{Z}^{*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.ZM = new SpecialDomain('ℤ⁻', x => x%1==0 && x <= 0,
x => Math.min(Math.floor(x)+1, 0),
x => Math.min(Math.ceil(x)-1, 0))
Domain.ZM.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{Z}^{-}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.ZME = new SpecialDomain('ℤ⁻*', x => x%1==0 && x < 0,
x => Math.min(Math.floor(x)+1, -1),
x => Math.min(Math.ceil(x)-1, -1))
Domain.ZME.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{Z}^{-*}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
Domain.NLog = new SpecialDomain('ℕˡᵒᵍ',
x => x/Math.pow(10, x.toString().length-1) % 1 == 0 && x > 0,
function(x) {
var x10pow = Math.pow(10, x.toString().length-1)
return Math.max(1, (Math.floor(x/x10pow)+1)*x10pow)
function(x) {
var x10pow = Math.pow(10, x.toString().length-1)
return Math.max(1, (Math.ceil(x/x10pow)-1)*x10pow)
Domain.NLog.latexMarkup = "\\mathbb{N}^{log}"
2022-03-05 16:35:58 +00:00
var refedDomains = []
* Parses a domain, that can use parenthesises.
* e.g (N [-1;0[) (Z \ {0;3})
* @param {string} domain - string of the domain to be parsed.
* @returns {Domain} Parsed domain.
function parseDomain(domain) {
if(!domain.includes(')') && !domain.includes('(')) return parseDomainSimple(domain)
var domStr
while((domStr = /\(([^)(]+)\)/.exec(domain)) !== null) {
var dom = parseDomainSimple(domStr[1].trim());
domain = domain.replace(domStr[0], 'D' + refedDomains.length)
return parseDomainSimple(domain)
* Parses a domain, without parenthesises.
* e.g N [-1;0[, Z \ {0;3}, N+*...
* @param {string} domain - string of the domain to be parsed.
* @returns {Domain} Parsed domain.
function parseDomainSimple(domain) {
domain = domain.trim()
if(domain.includes("U") || domain.includes("")) return UnionDomain.import(domain)
if(domain.includes("∩")) return IntersectionDomain.import(domain)
if(domain.includes("") || domain.includes("\\")) return MinusDomain.import(domain)
if(domain.charAt(0) == "{" && domain.charAt(domain.length -1) == "}") return DomainSet.import(domain)
if(domain.includes("]") || domain.includes("[")) return Range.import(domain)
if(["R", "", "N", "", "Z", ""].some(str => domain.toUpperCase().includes(str)))
return Domain.import(domain)
if(domain[0] == 'D') return refedDomains[parseInt(domain.substr(1))]
return new EmptySet()