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* LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions.
* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Callable, Self
from PySide6.QtQml import QJSValue
PRINT_PREFIX = (" " * 24)
class SpyAssertionFailed(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, calls):
self.message = message + "\n"
if len(calls) > 0:
self.message += self.render_calls(calls)
self.message += f"{PRINT_PREFIX}0 registered calls."
def repr(self, data):
if isinstance(data, QJSValue):
variant = data.toVariant()
return f"QJSValue<{type(variant).__name__}>({repr(variant)})"
return repr(data)
def render_calls(self, calls):
lines = [f"{PRINT_PREFIX}{len(calls)} registered call(s):"]
for call in calls:
repr_args = [self.repr(arg) for arg in call[0]]
repr_kwargs =[f"{key}={self.repr(arg)}" for key, arg in call[1].items()]
lines.append(f" - {', '.join([*repr_args, *repr_kwargs])}")
return ("\n" + PRINT_PREFIX).join(lines)
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class Methods:
class CalledInterface:
Internal class generated by Spy.was_called.
def __init__(self, calls: list[tuple[list, dict]]):
self.__calls = calls
self.__method = Methods.AT_LEAST_ONCE
self.__times = None
def __apply_method(self, calls):
required = self.__times
calls_count = len(calls)
match self.__method:
case Methods.AT_LEAST_ONCE:
compare = len(calls) >= 1
error = "Method was not called"
case Methods.EXACTLY:
compare = len(calls) == required
error = f"Method was not called {required} times ({required} != {calls_count})"
case Methods.AT_LEAST:
compare = len(calls) >= required
error = f"Method was not called at least {required} times ({required} > {calls_count})"
case Methods.AT_MOST:
compare = len(calls) <= required
error = f"Method was not called at most {required} times ({required} < {calls_count})"
case Methods.MORE_THAN:
compare = len(calls) > required
error = f"Method was not called more than {required} times ({required} >= {calls_count})"
case Methods.LESS_THAN:
compare = len(calls) < required
error = f"Method was not called less than {required} times ({required} <= {calls_count})"
case _:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown method {self.__method}.")
return compare, error
def __bool__(self):
Converts to boolean on assertion.
compare, error = self.__apply_method(self.__calls)
if not compare:
raise SpyAssertionFailed(error+".")
return compare
Chaining methods
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Self:
if len(args) != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot call called interface with more than one argument.")
self.__times = int(args[0])
if self.__method == Methods.AT_LEAST_ONCE:
self.__method = Methods.EXACTLY
return self
def never(self) -> Self:
return self(0)
def once(self) -> Self:
return self(1)
def twice(self) -> Self:
return self(2)
def thrice(self) -> Self:
return self(3)
def at_least(self) -> Self:
self.__method = Methods.AT_LEAST
return self
def at_most(self) -> Self:
self.__method = Methods.AT_MOST
return self
def more_than(self) -> Self:
self.__method = Methods.MORE_THAN
return self
def less_than(self) -> Self:
self.__method = Methods.LESS_THAN
return self
def times(self) -> Self:
return self
Class properties.
def __match_calls_for_condition(self, condition: Callable[[list, dict], bool]) -> tuple[bool, str]:
calls = []
for call in self.__calls:
if condition(call[0], call[1]):
compare, error = self.__apply_method(calls)
return compare, error
def with_arguments(self, *args, **kwargs):
Checks if the Spy has been called the given number of times
with at least the given arguments.
def some_args_matched(a, kw):
args_matched = all((
arg in a
for arg in args
kwargs_matched = all((
key in kw and kw[key] == arg
for key, arg in kwargs.items()
return args_matched and kwargs_matched
compare, error = self.__match_calls_for_condition(some_args_matched)
if not compare:
repr_args = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args])
repr_kwargs = ', '.join([f"{key}={repr(arg)}" for key, arg in kwargs.items()])
raise SpyAssertionFailed(f"{error} with arguments ({repr_args}) and keyword arguments ({repr_kwargs}).", self.__calls)
return compare
def with_arguments_matching(self, test_condition: Callable[[list, dict], bool]):
Checks if the Spy has been called the given number of times
with arguments matching the given conditions.
compare, error = self.__match_calls_for_condition(test_condition)
if not compare:
raise SpyAssertionFailed(f"{error} with arguments matching given conditions.", self.__calls)
return compare
def with_exact_arguments(self, *args, **kwargs):
Checks if the Spy has been called the given number of times
with all the given arguments.
compare, error = self.__match_calls_for_condition(lambda a, kw: a == args and kw == kwargs)
if not compare:
repr_args = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args])
repr_kwargs = ', '.join([f"{key}={repr(arg)}" for key, arg in kwargs.items()])
raise SpyAssertionFailed(f"{error} with exact arguments ({repr_args}) and keyword arguments ({repr_kwargs}).", self.__calls)
return compare
def with_no_argument(self):
Checks if the Spy has been called the given number of times
with all the given arguments.
compare, error = self.__match_calls_for_condition(lambda a, kw: len(a) == 0 and len(kw) == 0)
if not compare:
raise SpyAssertionFailed(f"{error} with no arguments.", self.__calls)
return compare
class Spy:
Class to spy into method calls with natural language expressions.
def __init__(self, function: Callable = None):
self.function = function
self.calls = []
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.calls.append((args, kwargs))
if self.function is not None:
self.function(*args, **kwargs)
def was_called(self) -> CalledInterface:
Returns a boolean-able interface to check conditions for a given number of
time the spy was called.
return CalledInterface(self.calls)
def was_not_called(self) -> CalledInterface:
Returns a boolean-able interface to check that conditions were never fulfilled
in the times the spy was called.
ret = CalledInterface(self.calls)
return ret(0)