| onJoin | Player $player | When a player join the game. | It check if there are enought players that joined the game to start or kick the player from the game if there are too much players that have joined and game isn't started |
| onQuit | Player $player | When a player quit the game | Nothing |
| onCommand | \pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, \pocketmine\command\Command $cmd, $label, array $args | When a command (registered by the game (see registerCommand in methods)) is used by the console or a player. | Nothing |
| onInteract | PlayerInteractEvent $event | When a player touch a block and is in the current game | Nothing |
| onChat onPlayerChat | PlayerChatEvent $event | When a player chat and is in the current game | Nothing |
| onPlayerCommand | PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $event | When a player use a command, is in the current game, and the commmand haven't been processed yet | Nothing |
| onDeath onPlayerDeath | PlayerDeathEvent $event | When a player die and is in the current game | Nothing |
| onDrop onPlayerDropItem | PlayerDropItemEvent $event | When a player drop an item and is in the current game | Nothing |
| onPlayerMove onMove | PlayerMoveEvent $event | When a player move in the current game | Nothing |
| onPlayerItemConsume onItemConsume | PlayerItemConsumeEvent $event | When a player use an item in the current game | Nothing |
| onPlayerItemHeld onItemHeld | PlayerItemHeldEvent $event | When a player switch item in the current game | Nothing |
| onDataPacketReceive | DataPacketReceiveEvent $event | When the server receive a packet from a player in the current game | Nothing |
| onDataPacketSend | DataPacketSendEvent $event | When the server send a packet to a player in the current game | Nothing |
| onServerCommand | ServerCommandEvent $event | When the console or RCon send a command | Nothing |
| onBlockBreak onBreak | BlockBreakEvent $event | When a player break a block in the current game. | Nothing |
| onBlockPlace onPlace | BlockPlaceEvent $event | When a player place a block in the current game | Nothing |
| onEntityDamage | EntityDamageEvent | When an entity get damage in the current game | Nothing |