2016-08-17 13:35:42 +03:00
< ? php
use Ad5001\GameManager\Game ;
use pocketmine\Player ;
use pocketmine\item\Item ;
use pocketmine\block\Block ;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3 ;
use pocketmine\level\Level ;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag ;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\ListTag ;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\StringTag ;
class TNTRun extends Game {
public function __construct ( string $name , Level $level ) {
parent :: __construct ( $name , $level );
$this -> getLogger () -> info ( " TNTRun enabled ! Thanks for choosing TNTRun and remeber to leave a 'review' on projects.ad5001.ga/GameManager/TNTRun/ if you like it :) " );
$text = ' # Welcome to TNTRun config !
# Configure here the max stuffs about the TNTRun game.
# Example:
# maxplayers: 8
# minplayers: 2
# center: [x, z]
# TNTBlock: 13
# WinCommand: give {winner} diamond
# # This is optional but if you want super customisation...
# # WinPHPCode: "$this->getServer()->broadcastMessage($this->winner . \' won the game !\');"
' ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $this -> getDataFolder () . " /config.yml " )) {
file_put_contents ( $this -> getDataFolder () . " /config.yml " , $text );
2016-08-18 08:39:28 +03:00
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ()))) {
2016-08-17 13:35:42 +03:00
$this -> getConfig () -> set ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName (), [ " minplayers " => 2 , " maxplayers " => 8 , " center " => [ 0 , 0 ], " TNTBlock " => 13 , " WinCommand " => " give { winner} diamond " ]);
$this -> doubleJump = [];
$this -> registerCommand ( " tntrun " , " Main TNTRun command ! " , " /tntrun <subcommand> [parameter] " , [], " gamemanager.command.op " );
public function onGameStart () {
$this -> layers = [];
for ( $y = 0 ; $y <= 128 ; $y ++ ) {
if ( $this -> getLevel () -> getBlock ( new Vector3 ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 0 ], $y , $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 1 ])) -> getId () == $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " TNTBlock " ]) {
$this -> layers [] = $y ;
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $player ) {
$player -> sendMessage ( " §l§o§6[§r§l§bTNTRun§o§6]§r§f Game started ! " );
$this -> tpSafePlayer ( $player );
$player -> setGamemode ( 0 );
$i = Item :: get ( Item :: FEATHER , 0 , 10 );
$i -> setCompoundTag ( \pocketmine\nbt\NBT :: parseJSON ( '{display:{Name:"§rDouble jump"},doubleJump:"true"}' ));
$player -> getInventory () -> addItem ( $i );
$this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()] = 10 ;
public function onInteract ( \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerInteractEvent $event ) {
if ( $event -> getPlayer () -> getInventory () -> getItemInHand () -> getId () == Item :: FEATHER and $event -> getPlayer () -> getInventory () -> getItemInHand () -> hasCompoundTag ()) {
// echo $event->getPlayer()->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getCompoundTag();
if ( strpos ( $event -> getPlayer () -> getInventory () -> getItemInHand () -> getCompoundTag (), " doubleJump " )) {
$yaw = $event -> getPlayer () -> yaw ;
if ( 0 <= $yaw and $yaw < 22.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 0 , - 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 22.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 67.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 15040 , - 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 67.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 112.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 15040 , 0 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 112.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 157.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 15040 , 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 157.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 202.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 0 , 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 202.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 247.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , - 15040 , 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 247.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 292.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , - 15040 , 0 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 292.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 337.5 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , - 15040 , - 15040 , - 0.125 );
} elseif ( 337.5 <= $yaw and $yaw < 360 ) {
$this -> doubleJump ( $event -> getPlayer (), 0 , 0 , - 15040 , - 0.125 );
public function doubleJump ( Player $player , $damage , $x , $z , $base ) {
$f = sqrt ( - $x * - $x + - $z * - $z );
if ( $f <= 0 ){
return ;
$f = 1 / $f ;
$motion = new Vector3 ( $player -> motionX , $player -> motionY , $player -> motionZ );
$motion -> x /= 2 ;
$motion -> y /= 2 ;
$motion -> z /= 2 ;
$motion -> x += - $x * $f * - $base ;
$motion -> y = 0.75 ;
// echo $motion->y;
$motion -> z += - $z * $f * - $base ;
// if($motion->y > $base){
// $motion->y = $base + 0.2;
// }
if ( ! isset ( $this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()])) {
$this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()] = 10 ;
if ( $this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()] > 0 ) {
$player -> setMotion ( $motion );
$player -> getInventory () -> getItemInHand () -> setCount ( $this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()]);
$this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()] -- ;
$player -> sendPopup ( " §c " . $this -> doubleJump [ $player -> getName ()] . " double jumps left " );
public function tpSafePlayer ( Player $player ) {
$xrand = rand ( - 3 * count ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()) - 1 , 3 * count ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()) - 1 );
$zrand = rand ( - 3 * count ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()) - 1 , 3 * count ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()) - 1 );
$v3 = new Vector3 ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 0 ] + $xrand , $this -> layers [ count ( $this -> layers ) - 1 ], $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 0 ] + $xrand );
if ( $this -> getLevel () -> getBlock ( $v3 ) -> getId () == $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " TNTBlock " ] and $this -> getLevel () -> getBlock ( new Vector3 ( $v3 -> x , $v3 -> y + 1 , $v3 -> z )) -> getId () == 0 ) {
$player -> teleport ( new Vector3 ( $v3 -> x , $v3 -> y + 1 , $v3 -> z ));
return true ;
} else {
return $this -> tpSafePlayer ( $player );
public function onGameStop () {
$this -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> cancelTask ( $this -> task -> getTaskId ());
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
$p -> setGamemode ( 0 );
if ( $p !== $this -> winner ) {
$p -> teleport ( $this -> getServer () -> getDefaultLevel () -> getSafeSpawn ());
$p -> sendMessage ( " §l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f " . $this -> winner -> getName () . " won the game ! Teleporting back to spawn... " );
} else {
$this -> winner -> sendMessage ( " §l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§fYou won the game ! Teleporting back to spawn... " );
if ( isset ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " WinCommand " ])) {
$this -> getServer () -> dispatchCommand ( new \pocketmine\command\ConsoleCommandSender (), str_ireplace ( " { winner} " , $this -> winner -> getName (), $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " WinCommand " ]));
if ( isset ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " WinPHPCode " ])) {
eval ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " WinPHPCode " ]);
foreach ( $this -> layers as $y ) {
for ( $x = - 3 * count ( $this -> getMaxPlayers ()) + $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 0 ]; $x <= 3 * count ( $this -> getMaxPlayers ()) + $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 0 ]; $x ++ ) {
for ( $z = - 3 * count ( $this -> getMaxPlayers ()) + $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 1 ]; $z <= 3 * count ( $this -> getMaxPlayers ()) + $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " center " ][ 1 ]; $z ++ ) {
if ( $this -> getLevel () -> getBlock ( new Vector3 ( $x , $y , $z )) -> getId () == 0 ) {
$this -> getLevel () -> setBlock ( new Vector3 ( $x , $y , $z ), Item :: fromString ( $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " TNTBlock " ]) -> getBlock ());
public function onJoin ( Player $player ) {
if ( $this -> main -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) + 1 >= $this -> getMinPlayers () and ! $this -> isStarted ()) {
// $this->getLogger()->info("Started !");
$h = $this -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> scheduleRepeatingTask ( $t = new TNTRunStartTask ( $this ), 20 );
$t -> setHandler ( $h );
if ( isset ( $this -> task )) {
$this -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> cancelTask ( $this -> task -> getTaskId ());
$this -> task = $t ;
if ( $this -> main -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) + 1 > $this -> getMaxPlayers () and ! $this -> isStarted ()) {
$player -> teleport ( $this -> getServer () -> getDefaultLevel () -> getSafeSpawn ());
$player -> sendMessage ( " Too many players already in the game ! " );
} elseif ( ! $this -> isStarted ()) {
$player -> setGamemode ( 2 );
$player -> getInventory () -> clearAll ();
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
$p -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . $player -> getName () . " joined the TNTRun game. " . ( $this -> getMinPlayers () - $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) - 1 ) . " players left before starting ! " );
$player -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . " You joined the TNTRun game. " . ( $this -> getMinPlayers () - $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) - 1 ) . " players left before starting ! " );
public function onQuit ( Player $player ) {
if ( $player -> isSurvival () or $player -> isAdventure ()) {
if ( $this -> isStarted ()) {
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
$p -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . $player -> getName () . " left the TNTRun game. { $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) } players left ! " , [ $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()]);
$player -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . " You left the TNTRun game. " . ( $this -> getMinPlayers () - $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ())) . " players left ! " );
} else {
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
$p -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . $player -> getName () . " left the TNTRun game. { $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) } players left before starting ! " , [ $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers ()]);
$player -> sendMessage ( \pocketmine\utils\TextFormat :: YELLOW . " You left the TNTRun game. " . ( $this -> getMinPlayers () - $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ())) . " players left before starting ! " );
public function onPlayerDeath ( \pocketmine\event\player\PlayerDeathEvent $event ) {
$event -> getPlayer () -> setGamemode ( 3 );
$event -> getPlayer () -> removeEffect ( 3 );
if (( $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) - 1 ) == 1 ) {
foreach ( $this -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
if ( $p -> isSurvival ()) {
$this -> winner = $p ;
$p -> removeEffect ( 3 );
$p -> getInventory () -> clearAll ();
$this -> stop ();
$this -> stop ();
} elseif (( $this -> getPlugin () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> getLevel ()) - 1 ) == 0 ) {
$this -> winner = $event -> getPlayer ();
$event -> getPlayer () -> getInventory () -> clearAll ();
$this -> stop ();
public function onBreak ( \pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent $event ) {
$event -> setCancelled ();
2016-08-18 08:39:28 +03:00
if ( $event -> getPlayer () -> isOp () and $event -> getPlayer () -> isCreative () and ! $this -> isStarted ()) {
2016-08-17 13:35:42 +03:00
$event -> setCancelled ( false );
public function onEntityDamage ( \pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent $event ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $event -> getCause (), [ 7 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 ])) {
$event -> setCancelled ();
public function onCommand ( \pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender , \pocketmine\command\Command $cmd , $label , array $args ) {
if ( strtolower ( $cmd -> getName ()) == " tntrun " ) {
if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ])) {
switch ( strtolower ( $args [ 0 ])) {
case " start " :
if ( isset ( $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()])) {
if ( ! $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()] -> isStarted () and $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()] -> getName () == " TNTRun " ) {
2016-08-18 08:39:28 +03:00
$h = $this -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> scheduleRepeatingTask ( $t = new TNTRunStartTask ( $this ), 20 );
$t -> setHandler ( $h );
2016-08-17 13:35:42 +03:00
break ;
case " stop " :
if ( isset ( $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()])) {
if ( $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()] -> isStarted () and $this -> gm -> getLevels ()[ $sender -> getLevel () -> getName ()] -> getName () == " TNTRun " ) {
$this -> winner = $sender ;
$this -> stop ();
break ;
public function getMinPlayers () : int {
// echo $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["minplayers"] . PHP_EOL;
return $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " minplayers " ];
public function getMaxPlayers () : int {
// echo $this->getConfig()->get($this->getLevel()->getName())["maxplayers"] . PHP_EOL;
return $this -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> getLevel () -> getName ())[ " maxplayers " ];
public function getName () : string {
return " TNTRun " ;
class TNTRunStartTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask {
public function __construct ( TNTRun $main ) {
parent :: __construct ( $main -> getPlugin ());
$this -> seconds = 0 ;
$this -> main = $main ;
public function onRun ( $tick ) {
if ( $this -> getOwner () -> getInGamePlayers ( $this -> main -> getLevel ()) < $this -> main -> getMinPlayers ()) {
$this -> main -> getServer () -> broadcastMessage ( " Start cancelled ! Not enought players to start ! " );
$this -> main -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> cancelTask ( $this -> getTaskId ());
} else {
switch ( $this -> seconds ) {
case 0 :
case 10 :
case 20 :
case 25 :
case 26 :
case 27 :
case 28 :
case 29 :
foreach ( $this -> main -> getLevel () -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
$p -> sendMessage ( " §l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f " . strval ( 30 - $this -> seconds ) . " seconds left before the game starts ! " );
break ;
case 30 :
$this -> main -> start ();
$this -> main -> broadcastMessage ( " §l§o§4[§r§l§fTNTRun§o§4]§r§f 5 seconds before starts breaking... " );
case 35 :
$h = $this -> main -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> scheduleRepeatingTask ( $this -> main -> task = new TNTRunBreakBlockTask ( $this -> main ), 5 );
$this -> main -> task -> setHandler ( $h );
$this -> main -> getServer () -> getScheduler () -> cancelTask ( $this -> getTaskId ());
break ;
$this -> seconds ++ ;
class TNTRunBreakBlockTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask {
public function __construct ( TNTRun $main ) {
$this -> level = $main -> getLevel ();
$this -> main = $main ;
parent :: __contruct ( $main );
public function onRun ( $tick ) {
foreach ( $this -> level -> getPlayers () as $p ) {
if ( $this -> level -> getBlock ( new Vector3 ( $p -> x , $p -> y - 1 , $p -> z )) -> getId () == $this -> main -> getConfig () -> get ( $this -> level -> getName ())[ " TNTBlock " ]) {
$this -> level -> setBlock ( new Vector3 ( $p -> x , $p -> y - 1 , $p -> z ), new Block ( 0 , 0 ));