<!-- Omegamma - Hugo theme for ad5001.eu and related websites Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --> <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Common app data --> {{ $site := .Site }} {{ $lang := .Site.Language.Lang }} {{ $appindex := .Params.SectionHeader.AppIndex }} {{ $i18nData := index .Site.Data $lang }} {{ $i18nAppData := index $i18nData.apps $appindex }} {{ $AppData := index .Site.Data.metadata $appindex }} <!-- Store disclaimers --> {{ $disclaimers := newScratch }} {{ $disclaimers.Set "snapcraft" false }} {{ $disclaimers.Set "firefox" false }} <html lang="{{ $lang }}"> {{- partial "head.html" . -}} <body> {{- partial "header.html" . -}} <div id="content"> {{ partial "section-app-header.html" (dict "Data" .Params.SectionHeader "Site" .Site) }} <br> <!-- About section --> <section id="about-section" class="center content-center padding-container"> <h1>{{ .Params.About.Title }}</h1> <p>{{ .Params.About.Content | markdownify }}</p> </section> <!-- other sections --> {{ range .Params.Sections }} <section class="center content-center columns-container padding-container"> {{ if eq .Type "text|image" }} <div class="column col2 text-left vertical-center"> {{ .Content | markdownify }} </div> <div class="column col2"> <img class="vertical-center fill-width" alt="{{ .Alt }}" src="/img/{{ .Image }}" loading="lazy"/> </div> {{ else if eq .Type "image|text" }} <div class="column col2"> <img class="vertical-center fill-width" alt="{{ .Alt }}" src="/img/{{ .Image }}" loading="lazy"/> </div> <div class="column col2 text-left vertical-center"> {{ .Content | markdownify }} </div> {{ else if eq .Type "text/image" }} <div class="column col1 col1-fill text-center"> {{ .Content | markdownify }} <img src="/img/{{ .Image }}" alt="{{ .Alt }}" loading="lazy"/> </div> {{ else if eq .Type "text" }} <div class="column col1 col1-fill text-center"> {{ .Content | markdownify }} </div> {{ end }} </section> <br> {{ end }} <section id="technical-details-section" class="center content-center padding-container"> <hr> <h1 class="flex flex-center"><i class="icon-wrench icon-larger-text"></i>{{ i18n "technicalSheet" }}</h1> <div class="grid"> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-universal icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "supportedPlatforms" }} {{ partial "platforms.html" $AppData.platforms }} </p> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-lang icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "translated" }} {{ partial "flags.html" $AppData.translated }}<!--{{ partial "translations.html" $AppData.translated }}--> </p> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-git icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "latestVersion" }}v{{ $AppData.version }} </p> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-git icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "status" }}{{ $i18nAppData.status }} </p> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-code icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "programingLanguages" }}{{ delimit $AppData.languages ", " }} </p> <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-frameworks icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "frameworks" }} {{ delimit $i18nAppData.frameworks ", " | markdownify }} </p> {{ if $AppData.touchfriendly }} <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-touch icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "touchFriendly" }} </p> {{ end }} {{ if $AppData.keyboardoriented }} <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-keyboard icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "keyboardOriented" }} </p> {{ end }} <p class="inline column col2"> <i class="icon-license icon-as-text"></i> {{ i18n "license" }} {{ $AppData.license | markdownify }} </p> </div> <div class="grid flex-center"> {{ partial "links.html" .Params.Technical.Links }} </div> </section> {{ if .Params.Download.Show }} <!-- download section --> <section id="download-section" class="center content-center padding-container text-center"> <hr> <h1 class="flex flex-center"><i class="icon-download icon-larger-text"></i>{{ i18n "download" }}</h1> {{ i18n "downloadApp" (dict "Name" .Name "Version" $AppData.version "Platforms" (delimit $AppData.platforms ", ")) }} <a href="https://artifacts.accountfree.org/service/rest/repository/browse/apps.ad5001.eu-apps/{{ $appindex }}/">{{ i18n "olderVersions" }}</a> <br><br> <!-- download table --> <div class="center columns-container"> {{ $download := .Params.Download }} {{ range $download.Categories }} <div class="column app-download col{{ len $download.Categories | safeHTMLAttr }}"> <div class="fill-width primary vertical-center app-download-platform"> <i class="icon-{{ lower .Platform }} icon-as-text"></i>{{ .Title }} </div> <div class="app-os-sources"> {{ $links := index $download.Links .Name }} {{ range $links }} <div> <h3>{{ .Title }}</h3> {{ if hasPrefix .Title "Flatpak" }} <a rel="nofollow noreferrer" href="https://flathub.org/apps/details/{{ .Index }}"> {{ partial "badge.html" (dict "Icon" "flathub" "Lang" $lang "Alt" "storeFlathub" ) }} <br> <img loading='lazy' src="https://img.shields.io/flathub/v/{{ .Index }}?label=on%20flathub&logo=Flathub&logoColor=white&color=4A86CF" alt="Version on flathub"/> <img loading='lazy' src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://api.ad5001.eu/badges/flathub/?query={{ .Index }}" alt="Installs on flathub"/> </a> <br><br>{{ i18n "warnExternalWebsite" "flathub.org" }} {{ else if hasPrefix .Title "Snap" }} {{ $disclaimers.Set "snapcraft" true }} <a rel="nofollow noreferrer" href="https://snapcraft.io/{{ .Index }}"> {{ partial "badge.html" (dict "Icon" "snapcraft" "Lang" $lang "Alt" "storeSnapcraft" ) }} <br> <img loading='lazy' src="https://badgen.net/snapcraft/v/{{ .Index }}?label=on%20snapstore&color=FA6441&icon=https://ad5001.eu/icons/skills/snapcraft.svg" alt="Version on snapstore"/> <img loading='lazy' src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://api.ad5001.eu/badges/snapstore/?query={{ .Index }}" alt="Installs on snapstore"/> </a> <br><br>{{ i18n "warnExternalWebsite" "snapcraft.io" }} {{ else if hasPrefix .Title "Launchpad" }} {{ $disclaimers.Set "launchpad" true }} <a rel="nofollow noreferrer" href="https://launchpad.net/~ad5001/+archive/ubuntu/{{ .Index }}/"> {{ partial "badge.html" (dict "Icon" "launchpad" "Lang" $lang "Alt" "storeLaunchpad" ) }} </a> <br><br>{{ i18n "warnExternalWebsite" "launchpad.net" }}<!--<br><br> {{ i18n "withTheCommandLine" }}<br> <p class="text-left code">$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ad5001/logarithmplotter<br>$ sudo apt update</p>--> {{ else if hasPrefix .Title "Firefox" }} {{ $disclaimers.Set "firefox" true }} <a rel="nofollow noreferrer" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/{{ .Index }}/"> {{ partial "badge.html" (dict "Icon" "amo" "Lang" $lang "Alt" "storeFirefoxAddons" ) }} <br> <img loading='lazy' src="https://img.shields.io/amo/v/{{ .Index }}?logo=Firefox" alt="{{ $AppData.version }} on addons.mozilla.org"/> <img loading='lazy' src="https://badgen.net/amo/stars/{{ .Index }}" alt="Rating on addons.mozilla.org"/> <img loading='lazy' src="https://badgen.net/amo/users/{{ .Index }}" alt="User count on addons.mozilla.org"/> </a> <br><br>{{ i18n "warnExternalWebsite" "addons.mozilla.org" }} {{ else }} {{ i18n "file" }} {{ replace .Name "<version>" $AppData.version }}<br><br> <div class="primary center fit-content" role="button"> {{ $filename := replace .File "<version>" $AppData.version }} <a href="https://artifacts.accountfree.org/repository/apps.ad5001.eu-apps/{{ $appindex }}/v{{ $AppData.version }}/{{ $filename }}" download rel="noreferrer"> <i class="icon-download icon-as-text"></i>{{ i18n "download" }} </a> </div> {{ end }} </div> <hr> {{ end }} </div> </div> {{ end }} </div> <p>{{ .Params.Download.Footnote | markdownify }} </p> <!-- Disclaimers --> {{ if ($disclaimers.Get "snapcraft") }} <p>{{ i18n "disclaimerSnapcraft" | markdownify }}</p> {{ end }} {{ if ($disclaimers.Get "firefox") }} <p>{{ i18n "disclaimerFirefox" | markdownify }}</p> {{ end }} </section> {{ end }} </div> {{- partial "footer.html" . -}} <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "SoftwareApplication", "name": "{{ .Title }}", "description": "{{ .Page.Description }}.", "applicationCategory": "{{ $AppData.category }}", "image": "{{ .Params.HeaderImage }}", "operatingSystem": "{{ delimit $AppData.platforms ", " }}", "offers": { "price": 0.00, "priceCurrency": "EUR" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ad5001", "url": "https://ad5001.eu" }, "softwareVersion": "{{ $AppData.version }}", "license": "{{ $AppData.spdx }}" } </script> </body> </html>