#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Ad5001 # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # Resets all ansi codes. RESET="\e[0m" # Sets the forground color to light green. L_GREEN_FG="\e[32m" # Sets the forground color to red. RED_FG="\e[38;5;204m" pyside6=false pyside2=false latest=false push=true repo="ad5001/ubuntu-pyside-xvfb" # Display text in a box # Signature: () -> string box() { len=${#1} echo "┌─$(yes ─ | head -$len | tr -d "\n")─┐" echo "│ $1 │" echo "└─$(yes ─ | head -$len | tr -d "\n")─┘" } box-red() { echo -n -e "$RED_FG" box "$@" echo -n -e "$RESET" } box-green() { echo -n -e "$L_GREEN_FG" box "$@" echo -n -e "$RESET" } # Returns a string of KEY="VALUES" separated by newlines for the corresponding category. # Signature: (, ) -> string from-toml-dict() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then sed -n -e '1,/\[/ p' "$1" | grep '="' else sed -n -e '/\['"$2"']/,/\[/ p' "$1" | grep '="' fi } # Replaces {KEY} by value in given context. # Signature: stdin+(, ) -> string pass-argument() { while read -r line; do echo "${line//\{$1\}/$2}" done } # Queries a value from an INI/singular dict TOML into for a given key # Signature: stdin+() -> string get-value-of() { while read -r line; do if [ "${line%=*}" = "$1" ]; then echo "$line" | cut -d'"' -f 2 return 0 fi done } # Converts arguments from an INI/singular dict TOML file into a list of build args for docker. # Signature: stdin+(, ) -> string to-docker-args() { # Read stdin out="" while read -r line; do key="${line%=*}" value="$(echo "${line#=*}" | pass-argument REPO "$1" | pass-argument VERSION "$2")" out="$out--build-arg $key=$value"; done echo "$out" } # Builds a pyside directory (with a config.toml for additional parameters. # Signature () -> void build_pyside() { directory=$1 cfg="$directory/config.toml" # Query information from config major=$(from-toml-dict "$cfg" | get-value-of MAJOR_VERSION) version=$(from-toml-dict "$cfg" | get-value-of PYSIDE_VERSION) for build in $(from-toml-dict "$cfg" | get-value-of BUILDS); do # Build each build individidually tag="$(from-toml-dict "$cfg" "$build.settings" | get-value-of TAG | pass-argument VERSION "$version")" latest_tag="$(from-toml-dict "$cfg" "$build.settings" | get-value-of TAG | pass-argument VERSION "${major}-latest")" build_args="$(from-toml-dict "$cfg" "$build.docker-args" | to-docker-args "$repo" "$version")" box-green "Building image $tag..." docker build -t "$tag" $build_args "$directory/${build}" # Tag as latest if [ "$latest" != "false" ]; then docker tag "$tag" "$latest_tag" fi # Push builds if [ "$push" != "false" ]; then if [ "$latest" != "false" ]; then box-green "Pushing image $repo/$tag and $repo/$latest_tag..." docker push "$latest_tag" docker push "$tag" else box-green "Pushing image $repo/$tag..." docker push "$tag" fi fi done } # Query arguments while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --pyside6) pyside6=true ;; --pyside2) pyside2=true ;; --latest) latest=true ;; --no-push) push=false ;; --repo=*) repo="${1#*=}" ;; *) box "Error: Invalid argument." exit 1 esac shift done if [ "$pyside6" = "false" ] && [ "$pyside2" = "false" ]; then box-red "Must at least either use --pyside2 or --pyside6" fi # Build PySide6 if [ "$pyside6" != "false" ]; then build_pyside "pyside6" fi # Build PySide2 if [ "$pyside2" != "false" ]; then build_pyside "pyside2" fi