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title: Nowox
description: A terminal desktop environment.
layout: app
AppIndex: nowox
Background: linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(60,180,255,1) 0%, rgba(40,80,200,1) 100%)
BottomBackground: black
2021-06-14 15:14:16 +00:00
BottomHeight: 18px;
BottomLeft: <img src="/img/full/nowox-bottom-left.png"/>
2021-06-14 15:14:16 +00:00
BottomRight: <!--<img src="/img/full/nowox-bottom-right.png"/>-->
ShowPlatforms: true
TextWhite: true
2021-06-14 15:14:16 +00:00
- Icon: lookup
Title: Discover
URL: "#about-section"
- Icon: download
Title: Download
URL: "#download-section"
Title: Discover Nowox
2021-06-14 15:14:16 +00:00
Content: '**Nowox** (acronym of **No** **W**ayland **O**r **X**11 or **No** **W**indows **O**r **X**Quartz) is a [desktop environment]( for terminals available on all three major desktop and server platforms, and acts like a keyboard-focused **graphical interface** for terminal environments, like SSH sessions or linux framebuffers. It contains numerous built-in programs, and can open external command line programs such [Bash]( or [Qalc](<br>
Please note that Nowox is still an **alpha** software, and does not seek to be exhaustive in terms of features.<br>'
Screenshot: /img/full/en/nowox-presentation.png
- Type: image|text
Image: en/nowox-fm
Content: "# Browse the file system\n
Nowox features a complete file manager which allows you to navigate through the machine's file system with ease, and open files in their corresponding program whether in Nowox, or in external programs. \n
Switch between favorites places and drives with files selections (Ctrl+D) or directly edit your location (Ctrl+L) in order to quicly navigate between your files."
- Type: text|image
Image: en/nowox-sc
Content: "# Take control of your spreadsheets\n
Use the Spreadsheets program to take a peek at your CSV data, or directly edit your formated spreadsheets (comming soon). Nowox' Spreadsheets program allows you to edit per cell style and use [most common functions]("
- Type: image|text
Image: en/nowox-te
Content: "# Check your logs, edit code files\n
With the built-in text editor, you can easily and quicky check your logs. Use the Goto function (Ctrl+G) to jump to a certain line and column of the file. \n
You can also edit code and configurations files easily with the built-in file syntax highlighting engine parsing [Kate syntax files](, while looking up the key you're looking for in search mode (Ctrl+F)."
2021-06-14 15:14:16 +00:00
- Type: text|image
Image: en/nowox-settings
Content: "# Customizable\n
Featuring an extendable settings system, Nowox allows you to tune a lot of things to your liking, whether it's on how Nowox looks, to the screen refresh rate passing by places customization for the File Manager. \n
In addition, Nowox supports many modern terminal features such as 24 bits terminal colors, which can be enabled at will, but are deactivated by default for compatibility purposes."
- Type: image|text
Image: en/nowox-ext
Content: "# Use command line programs\n
Programs such as [Bash]( or [Qalc]( can be used seemlessly into Nowox with the terminal integration supporting a majority of ANSI support codes. \n
Please note that, however, a lot of terminal programs (such as nano or w3m) do not work due to their usage of unknown ANSI codes that makes them refuse to display their content."
Show: true
- Name: all
Title: All platforms*
Platform: Universal
- Title: Executable (.exe) (64 bits)
Name: Nowox-v<version>.exe (2.1 MiB)
URL: "/download/nowox/Nowox-v<version>.exe"
linux: []
Footnote: "*Running Nowox on MacOSX and Linux requires [Mono]( to be installed."