Blindness start: 0:00 Ghost appears + Slowness: 1:04 -> 1:05 Phase 1 stop blindness: 1:06 -> 1:22 (16 secs, short & intense fight period) Moving player around randomly: 1:22 -> 1:28 Blocks diseapear around it: 1:35 -> 1:40 Reblindess + Slowness + Ghost appear: 1:40 -> 1:43 Phase 2: 1:43 -> 2:16 (31 secs, intense more long fight period) Phase 3: 2:17 -> 2:31 (14 secs more calm period) Reblindess + Slowness + Ghost appear: 2:32 -> 2:33 Phase 4: 2:34 -> 2:48 (12 secs, intense period) Moving player around randomly: 2:49 -> 2:56 Blocks diseapear around it: 2:56 -> 3:03 Phase 5: 3:04 -> 3:17 (13 secs, get higher period) Reblindess + Slowness + Ghost appear: 3:17 -> 3:18 Phase 6: 3:19 -> 3:47 (28 secs, intense period) Phase 7: 3:47 -> 4:22 (35 secs, more calm period) If killed before the end, gets reward, otherwise, nothing happends. Reward: Hat of despair: Pumpkin: - Night vision, - when sneak, diseapears (!== invisibility, he cannot be seen nor hit), - if he sneaks more than 12 seconds, having nausea - If he strikes someone while being invisible, he'll loose invisility - if he strikes someone otherwise, the person will get a big creepy sound