
363 строки
7.8 KiB

* ____ _ _ _
* / ___| _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ __ _ | |__ | | ___
* \___ \ | '_ \ | '_ \ / _ \| '__|/ _` || '_ \ | | / _ \
* ___) || |_) || | | || __/| | | (_| || |_) || || __/
* |____/ | .__/ |_| |_| \___||_| \__,_||_.__/ |_| \___|
* |_|
* Spheres world generator. A new survival challenge.
* @author Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu>
* @copyright (C) 2017 Ad5001
* @license NTOSL (View LICENSE.md)
* @package Spherical
* @version 1.0.0
* @link https://download.ad5001.eu/en/view.php?name=Spherable&src=github
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Ad5001\Spherable\generators\spheres;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\biome\BiomeSelector;
use pocketmine\level\generator\biome\Biome;
use pocketmine\level\generator\object\OreType;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\GroundCover;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Ore;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Populator;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
try {
if(!class_exists("pocketmine\\block\\BlockFactory")) {
class_alias("pocketmine\\block\\Block", "pocketmine\\block\\BlockFactory");
} catch(Throwable $e){
class_alias("pocketmine\\block\\Block", "pocketmine\\block\\BlockFactory");
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
class SpheresGenerator extends Generator {
/** @var Level */
protected $level;
/** @var Random */
protected $random;
* @var array[]
* An array of planets made of different blocks.
protected $spheresBlocks = [
[Block::IRON_ORE, 0, 25],
[Block::STONE, 0, 75],
[Block::COAL_ORE, 0, 25],
[Block::STONE, 0, 75],
[Block::GOLD_ORE, 0, 25],
[Block::STONE, 0, 75],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::LAPIS_BLOCK, 0, 93],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::REDSTONE_BLOCK, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD, 12, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD, 13, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD, 14, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD, 15, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD2, 12, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOD2, 13, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::PLANKS, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::LEAVES, 4, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::NOTEBLOCK, 0, 93],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 3],
[Block::SNOW_BLOCK, 0, 97],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::COBWEB, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOL, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOL, 1, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOL, 3, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOL, 4, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::WOOL, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::BOOKSHELF, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 30],
[Block::OBSIDIAN, 0, 70],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::STONE_BRICK, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::GRAVEL, 0, 40],
[Block::STONE, 0, 50],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::SAND, 0, 40],
[Block::SANDSTONE, 0, 53],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::PACKED_ICE, 0, 93],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 3],
[Block::SLIME_BLOCK, 0, 97],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::QUARTZ_BLOCK, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 2],
[Block::NETHERRACK, 0, 98],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 5],
[Block::EMERALD_ORE, 0, 95],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::REDSTONE_LAMP, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::END_STONE, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::NETHER_BRICKS, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::MELON_BLOCK, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::GLOWSTONE, 0, 93],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 7],
[Block::PUMPKIN, 0, 93],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::SOUL_SAND, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::SPONGE, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::PRISMARINE, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::SEA_LANTERN, 0, 90],
[Block::DIAMOND_ORE, 0, 10],
[Block::NETHER_REACTOR, 0, 90],
public function __construct(array $options = []){}
* Inits the class for the var
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function init(ChunkManager $level, Random $random) {
$this->level = $level;
$this->random = $random;
* Returns the name of the generator
* @return string
public function getName() : string{
return "spheres";
* Returns the settings of the generator
* @return array
public function getSettings() : array{
return [];
* Generates a chunk
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @return void
public function generateChunk(int $chunkX, int $chunkZ){
// Leave blank, planets will be generated later
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ);
for($x = 0; $x < 16; $x++) {
for($z = 0; $z < 16; $z++) {
$chunk->setBiomeId($x, $z, 1);
if($chunkX == 16 && $chunkZ == 16) $chunk->setBlockId($x, 254, $z, 2);
* Populates the chunk with planets
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @return void
public function populateChunk(int $chunkX, int $chunkZ){
$this->random->setSeed(0xdeadbeef ^ ($chunkX << 8) ^ $chunkZ ^ $this->level->getSeed());
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ);
$count = $this->random->nextRange(1, 4);
for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++){
$y = $this->random->nextRange(17, Level::Y_MAX - 25);
$maxRadius = $y % 10;
if($maxRadius < 6) $maxRadius = 6;
// $maxRadius is situated between 12 and 20 depending on Y choosen
// Let's add a little bit more random
$radius = $this->random->nextRange(5, (int) round($maxRadius));
// Generating planet
$x = $chunkX * 16 + $this->random->nextRange(0, 15);
$z = $chunkZ * 16 + $this->random->nextRange(0, 15);
$center = new Vector3($x, $y, $z);
$this->generatePlanet($center, $radius);
* Returns the dafault spawn
* @return void
public function getSpawn() : Vector3{
return new Vector3(264, 255, 264);
* Generates a planet
* psmcoreactplugin createlevel4psm Welp spheres 9247603569486
* @param Vector3 $center
* @param int $radius
* @return void
public function generatePlanet(Vector3 $center, int $radius){
$radiusSquared = $radius ** 2;
$currentSphereBlocks = $this->spheresBlocks[array_rand($this->spheresBlocks)];
for ($x = $center->x - $radius; $x <= $center->x + $radius; $x++) {
$xsquared = ($center->x - $x) * ($center->x - $x);
for ($y = $center->y - $radius; $y <= $center->y + $radius; $y++) {
$ysquared = ($center->y - $y) * ($center->y - $y);
for ($z = $center->z - $radius; $z <= $center->z + $radius; $z++) {
$zsquared = ($center->z - $z) * ($center->z - $z);
if($xsquared + $ysquared + $zsquared < $radiusSquared) {
// Choosing a random block to place
$rand = $this->random->nextBoundedInt(100) + 1;
foreach($currentSphereBlocks as $block){
if($rand > $block[2]) {
$rand = $block[2];
} else {
$this->level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block[0], false, false);
$this->level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block[1], false, false);