
171 строка
7.6 KiB

* ____ _ _ _
* / ___| _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ __ _ | |__ | | ___
* \___ \ | '_ \ | '_ \ / _ \| '__|/ _` || '_ \ | | / _ \
* ___) || |_) || | | || __/| | | (_| || |_) || || __/
* |____/ | .__/ |_| |_| \___||_| \__,_||_.__/ |_| \___|
* |_|
* Spheres world generator. A new survival challenge.
* @author Ad5001 <mail@ad5001.eu>
* @copyright (C) 2017 Ad5001
* @license NTOSL (View LICENSE.md)
* @package Spherical
* @version 1.0.0
* @link https://download.ad5001.eu/en/view.php?name=Spherable&src=github
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Ad5001\Spherable\commands;
use pocketmine\Server;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\command\Command;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\level\Position;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\entity\Effect;
use Ad5001\Spherable\Main;
use Ad5001\Spherable\generators\spheres\SpheresGenerator;
class sphgenCommand extends Command{
* Constructs the class
* @param Main $main
public function __construct(Main $main){
$this->main = $main;
parent::__construct("sphgen", "Spheres games base command", "/sphgen <createworld|join|tp> <world name> [player]");
$this->setUsage("§4§o[§r§4Usage§o§4]§r§4 /sphgen <createworld|join|tp> <world name>[player]");
* When the command is executed
* @param CommandSender $sender
* @param string $commandLabel
* @param array $args
* @return bool
public function execute(CommandSender $sender, string $commandLabel, array $args): bool {
if(count($args) < 2){
$this->setUsage("§4§o[§r§4Usage§o§4]§r§4 /sphgen <createworld|join|tp> <world name> [player]");
return true;
case "createworld":
case "cw":
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Permission§o§4]§r§4 You don't have the permission to execute this command. If you believe this is an error, please contact the server administrator.");
return true;
(int) round(rand(0, (int) (round(time() / memory_get_usage(true)) * (int) str_shuffle("127469453645108") / (int) str_shuffle("12746945364"))))
, SpheresGenerator::class , []);
$sender->sendMessage("§a§o[§r§aSuccess§o§a]§r§a Generating world $args[1]...");
if(Server::getInstance()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("PSMCore") !== null){
\Ad5001\PSMCore\API::addPlayerAction('Tp to challenge world "' . $args[1] . '"', "sphgen tp {$args[1]} %p");
case "join":
case "j":
if(file_exists(Server::getInstance()->getDataPath() . "worlds/{$args[1]}/level.dat")){
if(Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1]) == null){
if(Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1])->getProvider()->getGenerator() == "spheres"){
$sender->teleport(new Position(264, 256, 264,Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1])));
$effect = Effect::getEffectByName("resistance");
$sender->sendMessage("§a§o[§r§aSuccess§o§a]§r§a Teleporting to challenge world $args[1]...");
} else {
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Error§o§4]§r§4 Spheres world $args[1] doesn't exist. Generate a world using /sphgen cw <world name>.");
} else {
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Error§o§4]§r§4 Spheres world $args[1] doesn't exist. Generate a world using /sphgen cw <world name>.");
case "tp":
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Permission§o§4]§r§4 You don't have the permission to execute this command. If you believe this is an error, please contact the server administrator.");
return true;
if(count($args) < 3){
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Usage§o§4]§r§4 /sphgen $args[0] <world name> <player>");
return true;
if(file_exists(Server::getInstance()->getDataPath() . "worlds/{$args[1]}/level.dat")){
if(Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1]) == null){
if(Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1])->getProvider()->getGenerator() == "spheres"){
if(Server::getInstance()->getPlayer($args[2]) == null) {
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Error§o§4]§r§4 Player $args[2] doesn't exists or isn't connected.");
return true;
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayer($args[2]);
$player->teleport(new Position(264, 256, 264,Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($args[1])));
$effect = Effect::getEffectByName("resistance");
$player->sendMessage("§a§o[§r§aSuccess§o§a]§r§a {$sender->getName()} teleported you to to challenge world $args[1]...");
$sender->sendMessage("§a§o[§r§aSuccess§o§a]§r§a Teleporting $args[2] to challenge world $args[1]...");
} else {
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Error§o§4]§r§4 Spheres world $args[1] doesn't exist. Generate a world using /sphgen cw <world name>.");
} else {
$sender->sendMessage("§4§o[§r§4Error§o§4]§r§4 Spheres world $args[1] doesn't exist. Generate a world using /sphgen cw <world name>.");
return true;
* Generates custom data for command
* @param Player $player
* @return array
public function generateCustomCommandData(Player $player): array {
$cmdData = parent::generateCustomCommandData($player);
$cmdData["permission"] = "sphereable.cmd.join";
$cmdData["aliases"] = [];
$cmdData["overloads"]["default"]["input"]["parameters"] = [
0 => [
"type" => "stringenum",
"name" => "subcmd",
"optional" => false,
"enum_values" => [
1 => [
"type" => "string",
"name" => "world",
"optional" => false
2 => [
"type" => "string",
"name" => "player",
"optional" => true
return $cmdData;