const vscode = require("vscode"); const ext = require("./extension"); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const PROPERTY_NORMAL = 0; const PROPERTY_STATIC = 1; const PROPERTY_CONST = 2; exports.Indexer = { /** @var {Object} */ phpFileUses: {}, /** @var {Object} */ phpFileFunctions: {}, /** @var {Object} */ phpFileStaticFunctions: {}, /** @var {Object} */ phpFileProperties: {}, /** @var {Object} */ done: {}, /** * Gets all functions in a completion item form * * @param {String} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {String} currentWord * @param {String} execute * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} */ getFunctionsFromFile(file, suggestions, currentWord, execute) { for (var func in exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[file]) { func = exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[file][func]; if (func.function.startsWith(currentWord) && execute[1] == currentWord && (func.functionModifiers["public"] || file == ext.currentPath)) { if(typeof exports.Indexer.done[func.function] == "undefined" /*|| exports.Indexer.done[func.function].params !== func.params */) { // Preventing from spamming same method over and over var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func.function, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function); params = func.params; var parameters = []; params.forEach(function (value, key) { if (value) { params[key] = "$" + value[1]; parameters[key] = (typeof value[2] !== "undefined" ? value[2] + " " : "") + value[1]; parameters[key] += typeof value[3] !== "undefined" ? " = " + value[3] : ""; } }); newSuggestion.insertText = func.function + "(" + params.join(", ") + ")"; newSuggestion.documentation = func.comment; newSuggestion.detail = "(function) (" + parameters.join(", ") + ")"; suggestions.push(newSuggestion); exports.Indexer.done[func.function] = func; } } }; return suggestions; }, /** * Returns all indexed static functions of file * * @param {string} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {String} currentWord * @param {String} executeStatic * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} */ getStaticFunctionsFromFile(file, suggestions, currentWord, executeStatic) { for (var func in exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions[file]) { func = exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions[file][func]; if (func.function.startsWith(currentWord) && executeStatic[1] == currentWord) { if(typeof exports.Indexer.done[func.function] == "undefined" /*|| exports.Indexer.done[func.function].params !== func.params*/) { // Preventing from spamming same method over and over var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func.function, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function); var params = func.params; var parameters = []; params.forEach(function (value, key) { if (value) { params[key] = "$" + value[1]; parameters[key] = (typeof value[2] !== "undefined" ? value[2] + " " : "") + value[1]; parameters[key] += typeof value[3] !== "undefined" ? " = " + value[3] : ""; } }) newSuggestion.insertText = func.function + "(" + params.join(", ") + ")"; newSuggestion.documentation = func.comment; newSuggestion.detail = "(function) (" + parameters.join(", ") + ")"; suggestions.push(newSuggestion); exports.Indexer.done[func.function] = func; } } }; return suggestions; }, /** * Gets all properties in a completion item form * * @param {String} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {String} currentWord * @param {String} execute * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} */ getPropertiesFromFile(file, suggestions, currentWord, execute) { for (var func in exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[file]) { func = exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[file][func]; if (func[0].startsWith(currentWord) && execute[1] == currentWord && func[1] == PROPERTY_NORMAL) { if(typeof exports.Indexer.done[func[0]] == "undefined") { // Preventing from spamming same method over and over var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func[0], vscode.CompletionItemKind.Property); newSuggestion.insertText = func[0]; newSuggestion.detail = "(property) " + file.substr(0, file.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); suggestions.push(newSuggestion); exports.Indexer.done[func[0]] = true; } } }; return suggestions; }, /** * Returns all indexed static properties of file * * @param {string} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {String} currentWord * @param {String} executeStatic * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} */ getStaticPropertiesFromFile(file, suggestions, currentWord, executeStatic) { for (var func in exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[file]) { func = exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[file][func]; if (func[0].startsWith(currentWord) && executeStatic[1] == currentWord) { if(typeof exports.Indexer.done[func[0]] == "undefined") { // Preventing from spamming same method over and over if(func[1] == PROPERTY_STATIC){ var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem("$" + func[0], vscode.CompletionItemKind.Property); newSuggestion.insertText = "$" + func[0]; newSuggestion.detail = "(property) " + file.substr(0, file.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); exports.Indexer.done[func[0]] = true; } else if(func[1] == PROPERTY_CONST){ var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func[0], vscode.CompletionItemKind.Constant); newSuggestion.insertText = func[0]; newSuggestion.detail = "(constant) " + file.substr(0, file.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); exports.Indexer.done[func[0]] = true; } if(newSuggestion) suggestions.push(newSuggestion); } } }; return suggestions; }, /** * Gets completion class for a file in format "use ns\class;" * * @param {string} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} */ getClassUse(file, suggestions) { var currentClass = file.substr(0, file.length - 4); currentClass = currentClass.replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1); var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class); newSuggestion.detail = "(class) " + currentClass; newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass + ";\n"; suggestions.push(newSuggestion); return suggestions; }, /** * Gets a class completion (new instance) item from it's class name * * @param {string} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {string} currentPath * @param {array} clas * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} * */ getClassNew(file, suggestions, currentPath, clas) { var currentClass = file.substr(0, file.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); var params = []; if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[file]["__construct"] !== "undefined") { params = exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[file]["__construct"].params; } params.forEach(function (value, key) { if (value) params[key] = "$" + value[2]; }); if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1); var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class); if (typeof clas[1] == "undefined" && typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[currentPath] !== "undefined" && typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[currentPath][currentClass] !== "undefined") { newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass.split("\\")[currentClass.split("\\").length - 1] + "(" + params.join(", ") + ");"; } else { newSuggestion.insertText = "\\" + currentClass + "(" + params.join(", ") + ");"; } newSuggestion.detail = "(class) " + currentClass; suggestions.push(newSuggestion); return suggestions; }, /** * Gets a class completion (static class) item from it's class name * * @param {string} file * @param {vscode.CompletionItem[]} suggestions * @param {string} currentPath * @return {vscode.CompletionItem[]} * */ getClassNormal(file, suggestions, currentPath) { var currentClass = file.substr(0, file.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); var currentPath2 = currentPath.substr(1); currentClass = currentClass.replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\"); if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1); var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class); newSuggestion.detail = "(class) " + currentClass; if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[currentPath] !== "undefined" && typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[currentPath][currentClass] !== "undefined") { newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass.split("\\")[currentClass.split("\\").length - 1]; } else { newSuggestion.insertText = "\\" + currentClass; } suggestions.push(newSuggestion); return suggestions; }, /** * Funcion that handles PHP file registering. * * @return {Void} */ indexPhpFiles() { // Clear out the cached data exports.Indexer.phpFileUses = {}; exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions = {}; exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions = {}; exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties = {}; var libraryResult = []; if (fs.existsSync(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'])) { libraryResult = exports.Indexer.findFilesInDir(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'], ".php"); } if (vscode.workspace.rootPath !== undefined) { var c = exports.Indexer.findFilesInDir(vscode.workspace.rootPath, ".php"); libraryResult = libraryResult.concat(c); } libraryResult.forEach(function (path) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { var fileName = path.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, "").replace(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'], "").replace("src", "").slice(1); if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[fileName] == "undefined") { exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[fileName] = {}; } if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName] == "undefined") { exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName] = {}; } if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[fileName] == "undefined") { exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[fileName] = {}; } if (typeof exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[fileName] == "undefined") { exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[fileName] = {}; } // Read through the PHP file for includes/requires and function definitions var read = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); // Parsing class regexr var fileBaseName = (path.indexOf("/") ? path.split("/") : (path.indexOf("\\") ? path.split("\\") : [path])); fileBaseName = fileBaseName[fileBaseName.length - 1].replace(/\.php$/, ""); if(!read.match(new RegExp("(class|interface)\\s+" + fileBaseName, "mi"))) return; // var classRegexr = new RegExp("(class|interface)\\s+" + fileBaseName + "(\\s+extends ([\w_]+))?(\\s+implements ([\w_\\\\]+))?", "mi"); try { var lineReader = read.split("\n"); lineReader.forEach(function (line) { // Parsing functions: exports.Indexer.parseFunction(line, fileName); // Parsing properties: exports.Indexer.parseProperty(line, fileName); // Check for uses exports.Indexer.parseUse(line, fileName); }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } }); }, /** * Find all files recursively in specific folder with specific extension, e.g: * findFilesInDir('./project/src', '.html') ==> ['./project/src/a.html','./project/src/build/index.html'] * @param {String} startPath Path relative to exports.Indexer file or other file which requires exports.Indexer files * @param {String} filter Extension name, e.g: '.html' * @return {Array} Result files with path string in an array */ findFilesInDir(startPath, filter) { var results = []; if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)) { console.log("no dir ", startPath); return; } var files = fs.readdirSync(startPath); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var filename = path.join(startPath, files[i]); var stat = fs.lstatSync(filename); if (stat.isDirectory()) { results = results.concat(exports.Indexer.findFilesInDir(filename, filter)); //recurse } else if (filename.indexOf(filter) >= 0) { results.push(filename); } } return results; }, /** * Parses and exports.Indexer functions from a line. * @param {String} line * @param {String} fileName */ parseFunction(line, fileName) { // Thats a bit messy for exports.Indexer one so: $2 = optionnal description comment, $4 = functions specifications (static, public, abstract, final,...), $7 = function name, $8 = arguments, $14 = return of function var functionRegex = /(\/\*\*?((\s|.|\n)+)\*\/)?\s*(((abstract|public|protected|private|final|static)\s*)*)function\s+(\w+)\(((\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*(,(\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*)*\s*)?\)\s*(:\s*(\w+)\s*)?({|;)/mig var match = functionRegex.exec(line); if (match) { // Matching function modifiers var functionModifiersLitteral = match[4].replace(/\s/, " ").split(" "); var functionModifiers = { "abstract": false, "public": false, "protected": false, "private": false, "final": false, "static": false }; functionModifiersLitteral.forEach(function (modifier) { functionModifiers[modifier] = true; }) var comment = typeof match[3] !== "undefined" ? match[3].replace(/[*]/gim, "") : "From " + fileName; // Parameters var params = []; if (typeof match[8] !== "undefined") match[8].replace(/\s*,\s*/, ",").split(",").forEach(function (m) { var paramers = /((\w+)\s+)?(\$\w+)(\s*\=[^,)]+)?/.exec(m) if (typeof paramers !== "undefined" && paramers !== null) params.push([paramers[0], paramers[3], paramers[2], paramers[5]]); // Later use of knowning which equals to what. }); // Exporting function if (!functionModifiers.static) { exports.Indexer.phpFileFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = { function: match[7], params: params, functionModifiers: functionModifiers, comment: comment }; } else { exports.Indexer.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = { function: match[7], params: params, functionModifiers: functionModifiers, comment: comment }; } } }, /** * Parses and exports.Indexer uses from a line. * @param {String} line * @param {String} fileName */ parseUse(line, fileName) { var includeRegex = /use\s+((\w+\\)*)(\w+)(\s+as\s+(\w+)\s*)?;/; match = includeRegex.exec(line); if (match) { // Check if there is a match of "as" to set it. var classType = ''; if (typeof match[4] !== "undefined") { classType = match[5]; } else { classType = match[3]; } exports.Indexer.phpFileUses[fileName][match[1] + match[3]] = classType; } }, /** * Parses and exports Indexer properties (also static one) from a line. * @param {String} line * @param {String} fileName */ parseProperty(line, fileName) { var propertiesRegexr = /(protected|private|public|static|const)\s+(\$)?([\w_]+)\s*(;|=)/; match = propertiesRegexr.exec(line); if (match) { if(match[1] == "static" && match[2] == "$") { exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[fileName][match[3]] = [match[3], PROPERTY_STATIC]; } else if(match[1] == "const") { exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[fileName][match[3]] = [match[3], PROPERTY_CONST]; } else { exports.Indexer.phpFileProperties[fileName][match[3]] = [match[3], PROPERTY_NORMAL]; } } }, }