/** * Main file for extension * Almost entiry rewritten by (C) Ad5001 2017 */ 'use strict'; const vscode = require('vscode'); // const phpFuncSuggestion = require('./phpFunctionSuggestions'); const Indexer = (require('./phpCompletionItem')).Indexer; exports.PHP_MODE = { language: 'php', scheme: 'file' }; exports.currentPath = ""; /** * Initial extension activation * * @param {*} context */ function activate(context) { // Do the initial indexing Indexer.indexPhpFiles(); // require("fs").appendFileSync("/home/ad5001/echo.txt", JSON.stringify(Indexer.phpFileProperties)) vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(function(document) { Indexer.indexPhpFiles(); }); // Setup our class as a compvarion item provider for function autocompvare context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(exports.PHP_MODE, { provideCompletionItems(document, position, token) { var filename = document.fileName; var lineText = document.lineAt(position.line).text; var lineTillCurrentPosition = lineText.substr(0, position.character); var wordAtPosition = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(position); var currentWord = ''; if (wordAtPosition && wordAtPosition.start.character < position.character) { var word = document.getText(wordAtPosition); currentWord = word.substr(0, position.character - wordAtPosition.start.character); } // Checking for commun regexps var clas = /new\s+(\\)?(\w+)(\\\w+)*/.exec(lineText); var use = /use\s+(\w+)(\\\w+)*/.exec(lineText); var execute = /->(\w+)/.exec(lineText); var executeStatic = /::(\w+)/.exec(lineText); var classInFunc = /(\(|,\s*)((\\\w+)+)/.exec(lineText); // Check through the list of functions that are included in this file and see if any match // the starting varter of the word we have so far var suggestions = []; // Check what files the current document includes/requires var currentFileName = document.uri.fsPath.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, '').slice(1); var currentPath = document.uri.fsPath.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, '').replace("src", "").replace("//", "/").replace("\\\\", "\\"); // Look through all included/required files for the current document for (var f in Indexer.phpFileFunctions) { // Checking normal functions if (execute) { suggestions = Indexer.getFunctionsFromFile(f, suggestions, currentWord, execute); suggestions = Indexer.getPropertiesFromFile(f, suggestions, currentWord, execute); } // Checking static functions if (executeStatic) { suggestions = Indexer.getStaticFunctionsFromFile(f, suggestions, currentWord, executeStatic); suggestions = Indexer.getStaticPropertiesFromFile(f, suggestions, currentWord, executeStatic); } // Checking for class name if (f.indexOf(currentWord) > 0) { // New instance if (clas && (clas[2] == currentWord || clas[3] == "\\" + currentWord)) { suggestions = Indexer.getClassNew(f, suggestions, currentPath, clas); } else if (use && (use[1] == currentWord || use[2] == "\\" + currentWord)) { // Use suggestions = Indexer.getClassUse(f, suggestions); } else if (!(execute && execute[1] == currentWord) && !(executeStatic && executeStatic[1] == currentWord)) { // static classes suggestions = Indexer.getClassNormal(f, suggestions, currentPath); } } }; Indexer.done = {}; // Reseting cache return suggestions; } })); // Setup our plugin to help with function signatures // context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider(exports.PHP_MODE, new phpFuncSuggestion.PhpSignatureHelpProvider(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['docsTool']), '(', ',')); // Commands registered by plugin /** * Reindex php files command */ var indexDisposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('pmide.indexPhpFiles', function() { Indexer.indexPhpFiles(); }); /** * Prints everything about PHP files. */ var printDisposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('pmide.printPhpFiles', function() { console.log(Object.keys(Indexer.phpFileFunctions).length); console.log(Indexer.phpFileUses, Indexer.phpFileFunctions); }); context.subscriptions.push(indexDisposable); context.subscriptions.push(printDisposable); } exports.activate = activate; exports.deactivate = function() {};