
320 lines
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2017-04-30 16:08:58 +00:00
'use strict';
// The module 'vscode' contains the VS Code extensibility API
// Import the module and reference it with the alias vscode in your code below
const vscode = require('vscode');
const phpMode_1 = require('./phpMode');
const phpFunctionSuggestions_1 = require('./phpFunctionSuggestions');
exports.phpFileFunctions = {};
exports.phpFileStaticFunctions = {};
exports.phpFileUses = {};
exports.PHP_MODE = { language: 'php', scheme: 'file' };
// this method is called when your extension is activated
// your extension is activated the very first time the command is executed
function activate(context) {
// Do the initial indexing
vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(function(document) {
// Setup our class as a compvarion item provider for function autocompvare
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(phpMode_1.PHP_MODE, {
provideCompletionItems(document, position, token) {
var filename = document.fileName;
var lineText = document.lineAt(position.line).text;
var lineTillCurrentPosition = lineText.substr(0, position.character);
var wordAtPosition = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(position);
var currentWord = '';
if (wordAtPosition && wordAtPosition.start.character < position.character) {
var word = document.getText(wordAtPosition);
currentWord = word.substr(0, position.character - wordAtPosition.start.character);
var clas = /new\s+(\\)?(\w+)(\\\w+)*/.exec(lineText);
var use = /use\s+(\w+)(\\\w+)*/.exec(lineText);
var execute = /->(\w+)/.exec(lineText);
var executeStatic = /::(\w+)/.exec(lineText);
// Check through the list of functions that are included in this file and see if any match
// the starting varter of the word we have so far
var suggestions = [];
// Check what files the current document includes/requires
var currentFileName = document.uri.fsPath.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, '').slice(1);
var currentPath = document.uri.fsPath.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, '').replace("src/", "");
// Look through all included/required files for the current document
for (var f in exports.phpFileFunctions) {
// Checking normal functions
if (execute)
for (var func in exports.phpFileFunctions[f]) {
func = exports.phpFileFunctions[f][func];
if (func.function.indexOf(currentWord) > 0 && execute[1] == currentWord && (func.functionModifiers["public"] || f == currentPath)) {
var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func.function, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function);
params = func.params;
var parameters = [];
params.forEach(function(value, key) {
if (value) {
params[key] = "$" + value[1];
parameters[key] = (typeof value[2] !== "undefined" ? value[2] + " " : "") + value[1];
parameters[key] += typeof value[3] !== "undefined" ? " = " + value[3] : "";
newSuggestion.insertText = func.function+"(" + params.join(", ") + ")";
newSuggestion.documentation = func.comment;
newSuggestion.detail = "(" + parameters.join(", ") + ")";
// Checking static functions
if (executeStatic)
for (var func in exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[f]) {
func = exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[f][func];
if (func.function.indexOf(currentWord) > 0 && executeStatic[1] == currentWord) {
var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(func.function, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Function);
var params = func.params;
var parameters = [];
params.forEach(function(value, key) {
if (value) {
params[key] = "$" + value[1];
parameters[key] = (typeof value[2] !== "undefined" ? value[2] + " " : "") + value[1];
parameters[key] += typeof value[3] !== "undefined" ? " = " + value[3] : "";
newSuggestion.insertText = func.function+"(" + params.join(", ") + ")";
newSuggestion.documentation = func.comment;
newSuggestion.detail = "(" + parameters.join(", ") + ")";
if (f.indexOf(currentWord) > 0) {
if (clas && (clas[2] == currentWord || clas[3] == "\\" + currentWord)) { // New instance
var currentClass = f.substr(0, f.length - 4).replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\");
var params = [];
if (typeof exports.phpFileFunctions[f]["__construct"] !== "undefined") {
params = exports.phpFileFunctions[f]["__construct"].params;
params.forEach(function(value, key) {
if (value) params[key] = "$" + value[1];
if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1);
var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class);
if (typeof clas[1] == "undefined" && typeof exports.phpFileUses[currentPath] !== "undefined" && typeof exports.phpFileUses[currentPath][currentClass] !== "undefined") {
newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass.split("\\")[currentClass.split("\\").length - 1] + "(" + params.join(", ") + ");";
} else {
newSuggestion.insertText = "\\" + currentClass + "(" + params.join(", ") + ");";
newSuggestion.detail = "Class " + currentClass;
} else if (use && (use[1] == currentWord || use[2] == "\\" + currentWord)) { // Use
var currentClass = f.substr(0, f.length - 4);
currentClass = currentClass.replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\");
if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1);
var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class);
newSuggestion.detail = "Class " + currentClass;
newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass + ";\n";
} else if (!(execute && execute[1] == currentWord) && !(executeStatic && executeStatic[1] == currentWord)) { // static classes
var currentClass = f.substr(0, f.length - 4);
currentClass = currentClass.replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "\\");
if (currentClass.startsWith("\\")) currentClass = currentClass.substr(1);
var newSuggestion = new vscode.CompletionItem(currentClass, vscode.CompletionItemKind.Class);
newSuggestion.detail = "Class " + currentClass;
if (typeof exports.phpFileUses[currentPath] !== "undefined" && typeof exports.phpFileUses[currentPath][currentClass] !== "undefined") {
newSuggestion.insertText = currentClass.split("\\")[currentClass.split("\\").length - 1] + "::";
} else {
newSuggestion.insertText = "\\" + currentClass + "::";
return suggestions;
// Setup our plugin to help with function signatures
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider(phpMode_1.PHP_MODE, new phpFunctionSuggestions_1.PhpSignatureHelpProvider(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['docsTool']), '(', ','));
// The command has been defined in the package.json file
// Now provide the implementation of the command with registerCommand
// The commandId parameter must match the command field in package.json
var indexDisposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('pmide.indexPhpFiles', () => {
// The code you place here will be executed every time your command is executed
var printDisposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('pmide.printPhpFiles', () => {
exports.activate = activate;
// this method is called when your extension is deactivated
function deactivate() {}
exports.deactivate = deactivate;
// Function to handle the indexing of PHP files
function indexPhpFiles() {
// Clear out the cached data
exports.phpFileUses = {};
exports.phpFileFunctions = {};
var indexResult = vscode.workspace.findFiles("**/*.php", "", 1000).then(function(list) {
if (list) {
var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
list.forEach((phpFile) => {
var path = phpFile.fsPath;
var fileName = path.replace(vscode.workspace.rootPath, "").replace("src/", "").slice(1);
if (!(fileName in exports.phpFileFunctions)) {
exports.phpFileFunctions[fileName] = [];
if (!(fileName in exports.phpFileStaticFunctions)) {
exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName] = [];
// Read through the PHP file for includes/requires and function definitions
var read = require('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
var lineReader = read.split("\n");
try {
lineReader.forEach(function(line) {
// Thats a bit messy for this one so: $2 = optionnal description comment, $4 = functions specifications (static, public, abstract, final,...), $7 = function name, $8 = arguments, $14 = return of function
var functionRegex = /(\/\*\*?((\s|.|\n)+)\*\/)?\s*(((abstract|public|protected|private|final|static)\s*)*)function\s+(\w+)\(((\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*(,(\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*)*\s*)?\)\s*(:\s*(\w+)\s*)?({|;)/mig
var match = functionRegex.exec(line);
if (match) {
// Matching function modifiers
var functionModifiersLitteral = match[4].replace(/\s/, " ").split(" ");
var functionModifiers = {
"abstract": false,
"public": false,
"protected": false,
"private": false,
"final": false,
"static": false
functionModifiersLitteral.forEach(function(modifier) {
functionModifiers[modifier] = true;
var comment = typeof match[3] !== "undefined" ? match[3].replace(/[*]/gim, "") : "From " + fileName;
// Parameters
var params = [];
if (typeof match[8] !== "undefined") match[8].replace(/\s*,\s*/, ",").split(",").forEach(function(m) {
var paramers = /((\w+)\s+)?(\$\w+)(\s*\=[^,)]+)?/.exec(m)
if (typeof paramers !== "undefined" && paramers !== null) params.push([paramers[0], paramers[3], paramers[2], paramers[5]]); // Later use of knowning which equals to what.
// Exporting function
if (!functionModifiers.static) {
exports.phpFileFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = {
function: match[7],
params: params,
functionModifiers: functionModifiers,
comment: comment
} else {
exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = {
function: match[7],
params: params,
functionModifiers: functionModifiers,
comment: comment
// Check for uses
var includeRegex = /use\s+((\w+\\)*)(\w+)(\s+as\s+(\w+)\s*)?;/;
match = includeRegex.exec(line);
if (match) {
if (!(fileName in exports.phpFileUses)) {
exports.phpFileUses[fileName] = [];
// Check if there is a match of "as" to set it.
var classType = '';
if (typeof match[4] !== "undefined") {
classType = match[5];
} else {
classType = match[3];
exports.phpFileUses[fileName][match[1] + match[3]] = classType;
} catch (e) {
} else {
console.log("No workspace defined");
}, function(reason) {
console.log("Error: " + reason);
// Libraries
if (require('fs').existsSync(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'])) {
var libraryResult = require("child_process").execSync("find " + vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'] + " -maxdepth 10 -type f | fgrep .php").toString().split("\n");
if (libraryResult) {
libraryResult.forEach(function(path) {
if (require('fs').existsSync(path)) {
var fileName = path.replace(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('php')['pocketMinePath'], "").slice(1);
if (!(fileName in exports.phpFileFunctions)) {
exports.phpFileFunctions[fileName] = {};
if (!(fileName in exports.phpFileStaticFunctions)) {
exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName] = [];
// Read through the PHP file for includes/requires and function definitions
var read = require('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
try {
var lineReader = read.split("\n");
lineReader.forEach(function(line) {
// Thats a bit messy for this one so: $2 = optionnal description comment, $4 = functions specifications (static, public, abstract, final,...), $7 = function name, $8 = arguments, $14 = return of function
var functionRegex = /(\/\*\*?((\s|.|\n)+)\*\/)?\s*(((abstract|public|protected|private|final|static)\s*)*)function\s+(\w+)\(((\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*(,(\s*\w+)?\s*\$\w+\s*)*\s*)?\)\s*(:\s*(\w+)\s*)?({|;)/mig
var match = functionRegex.exec(line);
if (match) {
// Matching function modifiers
var functionModifiersLitteral = match[4].replace(/\s/, " ").split(" ");
var functionModifiers = {
"abstract": false,
"public": false,
"protected": false,
"private": false,
"final": false,
"static": false
functionModifiersLitteral.forEach(function(modifier) {
functionModifiers[modifier] = true;
var comment = typeof match[3] !== "undefined" ? match[3].replace(/[*]/gim, "") : "From " + fileName;
// Parameters
var params = [];
if (typeof match[8] !== "undefined") match[8].replace(/\s*,\s*/, ",").split(",").forEach(function(m) {
var paramers = /((\w+)\s+)?(\$\w+)(\s*\=[^,)]+)?/.exec(m)
if (typeof paramers !== "undefined" && paramers !== null) params.push([paramers[0], paramers[3], paramers[2], paramers[5]]); // Later use of knowning which equals to what.
// Exporting function
if (!functionModifiers.static) {
exports.phpFileFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = {
function: match[7],
params: params,
functionModifiers: functionModifiers,
comment: comment
} else {
exports.phpFileStaticFunctions[fileName][match[7]] = {
function: match[7],
params: params,
functionModifiers: functionModifiers,
comment: comment
} catch (err) {
console.error(err); // Fails silently later
} else {
console.log("No workspace defined");
//# sourceMappingURL=extension.js.map