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2017-11-04 23:09:24 +00:00
namespace Ad5001\PlayerSelectors\selector;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\entity\Entity;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
abstract class Selector {
* Default minecraft selectors params.
* Can be used in selectors that supports them.
// Coordinates of the center, will be modified if player in command
"x" => 0,
"y" => 0,
"z" => 0,
"lvl" => "", // The world to search in. Defaults to the current world in case of console, current world in the case of a player
// Search by coordinates
"dx" => 0, // Distance from the center in x (0 = no limit)
"dy" => 0, // Distance from the center in y (0 = no limit)
"dz" => 0, // Distance from the center in z (0 = no limit)
"r" => 0, // Radius max (0 = no limit)
"rm" => 0, // Radius min
// Search by pitch and yaw
"rx" => 180, // Pitch max
"rxm" => 0, // Pitch min
"ry" => 360, // Yaw max
"rym" => 0, // Yaw min
// Count searching
"c" => 0,
// Player parameters searching
"m" => -1, // Gamemode
"l" => PHP_INT_MAX, // Maximum xp level
"lm" => 0, // Min xp level
"name" => "", // Displayed name of the entity (display name for the player, name tag rename for entity)
"type" => "all", // Type of the entity (only for entity selector). "all" means all entities
"tag" => "Health", // Check if the tag exists in the entity/player.
protected $name;
protected $selectorChar;
protected $acceptModifiers;
* Defines base for a selector
* @param string $name The name of the selector. E.g: "All players", "Entities", ...
* @param string $selectorChar What should be after the "@" to use this selector
* @param bool $acceptModifiers Should the selector accept modifiers? If false, arguments used in commands will be ignored. Can save alot of performances.
public function __construct(string $name, string $selectorChar, bool $acceptModifiers){
$this->name = $name;
$this->selectorChar = $selectorChar;
$this->acceptModifiers = $acceptModifiers;
* Returns the name of the selector. E.g: "All players", "Entities", ...
* @return string
public function getName(): string{
return $this->name;
* Returns the character of the selector. What should be after the "@" to use this selector
* @return string
public function getSelectorChar(): string{
return $this->selectorChar;
* Should the selector accept modifiers? If false, arguments used in commands will be ignored. Can save alot of performances.
* @return bool
public function acceptsModifiers(): bool{
return $this->acceptModifiers;
* Gets all the possible values for a selector depending on the sender and the parameters.
* Return should be an array of all the possible strings that match up to this selector.
* @param CommandSender $sender
* @param String[] $parameters
* @return String[]
abstract public function applySelector(CommandSender $sender, array $parameters = []): array;
* Check if an entity $et matches default params provided in $params.
* @param Entity $et
* @param array $params
* @return bool
public function checkDefaultParams(Entity $et, array $params): bool{
$dist = sqrt($et->distanceSquared(new Vector3($params["x"], $params["y"], $params["z"])));
if(($params["r"] !== 0 && $dist > $params["r"]) || $dist < $params["rm"]) return false; // Not in range
if($params["dx"] !== 0 && abs($et->x - $params["x"]) > $params["dx"]); // Not in x range
if($params["dy"] !== 0 && abs($et->y - $params["y"]) > $params["dy"]); // Not in y range
if($params["dz"] !== 0 && abs($et->z - $params["z"]) > $params["dz"]); // Not in z range
if($params["m"] !== -1 && $et instanceof Player && $et->getGamemode() !== $params["m"]) return false; // Not in the right mode.
if($params["rx"] < $et->getPitch() || $et->getPitch() < $params["rxm"]) return false; // Not in range pitch
if($params["ry"] < $et->getYaw() || $et->getYaw() < $params["rym"]) return false; // Not in range yaw
if($et instanceof Player && ($et->getXpLevel() > $params["l"] || $et->getXpLevel() < $params["lm"])) return false; // Not in range XP
if($params["name"] !== "" && (($et instanceof Player && $et->getDisplayName() !== $params["name"]) ||
(!($et instanceof Player) && $et->getNameTag() !== $params["name"]))) return false; // Not selected name
// Entity type
$etClassName = explode("\\", get_class($et))[count(explode("\\", get_class($et))) - 1];
if(substr($params["type"], 0, 1) == "!" && $etClassName == substr($params["type"], 1)) return false; // Should not be this kind of entity
if($params["type"] !== "all" && $etClassName !== $params["type"]) return false; // Not the required kind of entity
return true; // All checks passed!