saveDefaultConfig(); if(!stream_resolve_include_path("router.php")) { file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() . "router.php", $this->getResource("handler.php")); } foreach($this->getConfig()->get("Domains") as $d) { @mkdir($this->getDataFolder() . $d); if(!file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . $d . "/index.html") and !file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . $d . "/index.php")) { file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() .$d. "/index.html", $this->getResource("index.html")); } if(!file_exists($this->getDataFolder() .$d. "/404.html")) { file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() . $d . "/404.html", $this->getResource("404.html")); } if(!file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . $d . "/403.html")) { file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() .$d . "/403.html", $this->getResource("403.html")); } } register_shutdown_function("Ad5001\\Online\\Main::shutdown"); set_time_limit(0); $this->port = $this->getConfig()->get("port"); if(!UPnP::PortForward($this->port)) {// Beta for Windows $this->getLogger()->info("Not able to port forward!"); } $this->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask(new execTask($this->getServer()->getFilePath())); } public static function shutdown() { echo "Shutdowned !"; } public function onDisable() { if($this->getConfig()->get("KillOnShutdown") !== "false") { $this->getLogger()->info("Shutdowning....."); switch(true) { case stristr(PHP_OS, "WIN"): shell_exec('FOR /F "tokens=5" %P IN (\'netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr'. $this->port .'\') DO TaskKill.exe /F /PID %P'); $this->getLogger()->info("Shutdowned on Windows !"); break; case stristr(PHP_OS, "DAR") or stristr(PHP_OS, "LINUX"): shell_exec("kill -kill `lsof -t -i tcp:$this->port`"); $this->getLogger()->info("Shutdowned on Linux or MAC !"); break; } } } } /** * Setting rguments for the pocketine infos */ class ArgFillTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask { /* Constructs the class @param $main Main */ public function __construct(Main $main) { $this->main = $main; $this->server = $server; } /* Called when the task runs @param $tick mixed */ public function onRun($tick) { $args = []; // Filling the arguments } } class execTask extends \pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncTask { public function __construct(string $path) { $this->path = $path; } public function onRun() { $address = ''; $port = yaml_parse(file_get_contents("plugins\\Online\\config.yml"))["port"]; switch(true) { case stristr(PHP_OS, "WIN"): // echo '"%CD%\\bin\\php\\php.exe -t %CD%\\plugins\\Online -n -d include_path=\'%CD%\\plugins\\Online\\\' -S ' . $address . ":" . $port . ' -f %CD%\\plugins\\Online\\router.php"'; shell_exec('start /MIN cmd /c "%CD%\\bin\\php\\php.exe -t %CD%\\plugins\\Online -n -d include_path=\'%CD%\\plugins\\Online\\\' -d extension=\'%CD%\\bin\\php\\ext\\php_yaml.dll\' -S ' . $address . ":" . $port . ' router.php"'); break; case stristr(PHP_OS, "DAR"): shell_exec('open -a Terminal "' . $this->path . "bin\\php\\php.exe -t " . $this->path . "plugins\\Online -n -d include_path=\'" . $this->path . "plugins\\Online\\\' -d extension=\'" . $this->path . "bin\\php\\ext\\php_yaml.dll\' -S " . $address . ":" . $port . ' router.php"'); break; case stristr(PHP_OS, "LINUX"): shell_exec('gnome-terminal -e "' . $this->path . "bin\\php\\php.exe -t " . $this->path . "plugins\\Online -n -d include_path=\'" . $this->path . "plugins\\Online\\\' -d extension=\'" . $this->path . "bin\\php\\ext\\php_yaml.dll\' -S " . $address . ":" . $port . ' router.php"'); break; } } }