/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Load prior tests import "../basics/utils.mjs" import "../module/latex.mjs" import "../module/expreval.mjs" import "../module/objects.mjs" import { describe, it } from "mocha" import { expect } from "chai" import { executeExpression, Expression } from "../../src/math/expression.mjs" import ExprEval from "../../src/module/expreval.mjs" describe("Math/Expression", function() { describe("#constructor", function() { it("accepts strings", function() { expect(() => new Expression("2+3")).to.not.throw expect(() => new Expression("x+2")).to.not.throw }) it("accepts already parsed expressions", function() { expect(() => new Expression(ExprEval.parse("2+3"))).to.not.throw expect(() => new Expression(ExprEval.parse("x+2"))).to.not.throw }) it("doesn't accept anything else", function() { expect(() => new Expression()).to.throw("Cannot create an expression with undefined.") expect(() => new Expression(12)).to.throw("Cannot create an expression with a Number.") expect(() => new Expression({})).to.throw("Cannot create an expression with a Object.") expect(() => new Expression(true)).to.throw("Cannot create an expression with a Boolean.") }) }) describe("#variables", function() { it("returns a list of variables for non-constant expressions", function() { expect(new Expression("x+1").variables()).to.deep.equal(["x"]) expect(new Expression("x+n").variables()).to.deep.equal(["x", "n"]) expect(new Expression("u[n] + A.x").variables()).to.deep.equal(["u", "n", "A"]) }) it("returns an empty array if the expression is constant", function() { expect(new Expression("2+1").variables()).to.deep.equal([]) expect(new Expression("sin π").variables()).to.deep.equal([]) expect(new Expression("e^3").variables()).to.deep.equal([]) }) }) describe("#isConstant", function() { it("returns true if neither x nor n are included into the expression", function() { expect(new Expression("2+1").isConstant()).to.be.true expect(new Expression("e^3").isConstant()).to.be.true expect(new Expression("2+f(3)").isConstant()).to.be.true expect(new Expression("sin A.x").isConstant()).to.be.true }) it("returns false if either x or n are included into the expression", function() { expect(new Expression("2+x").isConstant()).to.be.false expect(new Expression("e^n").isConstant()).to.be.false expect(new Expression("2+f(x)").isConstant()).to.be.false expect(new Expression("n + sin x").isConstant()).to.be.false }) }) describe("#requiredObjects", function() { it("returns the list of objects that need to be registered for this expression", function() { expect(new Expression("x^n").requiredObjects()).to.deep.equal([]) expect(new Expression("2+f(3)").requiredObjects()).to.deep.equal(["f"]) expect(new Expression("A.x+x").requiredObjects()).to.deep.equal(["A"]) expect(new Expression("2+f(sin A.x)+n").requiredObjects()).to.deep.equal(["f", "A"]) }) }) describe.skip("#allRequirementsFulfilled", function() { // TODO: Make tests for objects }) describe.skip("#undefinedVariables", function() { // TODO: Make tests for objects }) describe("#toEditableString", function() { it("should return a readable expression", function() { expect(new Expression("2+1").toEditableString()).to.equal("3") expect(new Expression("2+x").toEditableString()).to.equal("(2 + x)") expect(new Expression("x*2+x/3").toEditableString()).to.equal("((x * 2) + (x / 3))") }) it("should be able to be reparsed and equal the same expression", function() { const exprs = ["5", "x/2", "4/2", "sin x"] for(const expr of exprs) { const exprObj = new Expression(expr) expect(new Expression(exprObj.toEditableString()).calc).to.deep.equal(exprObj.calc) } }) }) describe("#execute", function() { it("returns the result of the computation of the expression", function() { expect(new Expression("2+3").execute()).to.equal(5) expect(new Expression("2+3").execute(10)).to.equal(5) expect(new Expression("2+x").execute(10)).to.equal(12) expect(new Expression("sin x").execute(Math.PI)).to.be.approximately(0, Number.EPSILON) }) it("returns the cached value if the expression can be cached", function() { const exprs = ["2+3", "x/2", "4/2", "sin x"] for(const expr of exprs) { const exprObj = new Expression(expr) if(exprObj.canBeCached) expect(exprObj.execute()).to.equal(exprObj.cachedValue) else expect(exprObj.execute()).to.not.equal(exprObj.cachedValue) } }) it("throws an error if some variables are undefined.", function() { expect(() => new Expression("x+n").execute()).to.throw("Undefined variable n.") expect(() => new Expression("sin A.t").execute()).to.throw("Undefined variable A.") expect(() => new Expression("f(3)").execute()).to.throw("Undefined variable f.") }) }) describe("#simplify", function() { it("returns an expression with just the result when no constant or object are used", function() { expect(new Expression("2+2").simplify(Math.PI/2)).to.deep.equal(new Expression("4")) expect(new Expression("x+3").simplify(5)).to.deep.equal(new Expression("8")) expect(new Expression("sin x").simplify(Math.PI/2)).to.deep.equal(new Expression("1")) expect(new Expression("0*e^x").simplify(Math.PI/2)).to.deep.equal(new Expression("0")) }) it("returns a simplified version of the expression if constants are used", function() { const original = new Expression("e^x").simplify(2) const to = new Expression("e^2") expect(original.toEditableString()).to.deep.equal(to.toEditableString()) }) }) describe("#toString", function() { it("returns a human readable string of the expression", function() { expect(new Expression("-2-3").toString()).to.equal("-5") expect(new Expression("0.2+0.1").toString()).to.equal("0.3") expect(new Expression("sin x").toString()).to.equal("sin x") expect(new Expression("sin π").toString()).to.equal("sin π") }) it("should add a sign if the option is passed", function() { expect(new Expression("-2-3").toString(true)).to.equal("-5") expect(new Expression("2+3").toString(true)).to.equal("+5") }) }) describe("#executeExpression", function() { it("directly computes the result of the expression with no variable", function() { expect(executeExpression("2+3")).to.equal(5) expect(executeExpression("sin (π/2)")).to.equal(1) expect(executeExpression("e^3")).to.be.approximately(Math.pow(Math.E, 3), Number.EPSILON) }) it("throws an error if variables are employed", function() { expect(() => executeExpression("x+n")).to.throw("Undefined variable n.") }) }) })