""" * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . """ import pytest from os import getcwd, remove from os.path import join from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from json import loads from shutil import copy2 from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, Signal, QThreadPool from PySide6.QtGui import QImage from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication from LogarithmPlotter import __VERSION__ as version from LogarithmPlotter.util import config, helper from LogarithmPlotter.util.helper import ChangelogFetcher, Helper, InvalidFileException pwd = getcwd() helper.SHOW_GUI_MESSAGES = False @pytest.fixture() def temporary(): directory = TemporaryDirectory() config.CONFIG_PATH = join(directory.name, "config.json") tmpfile = join(directory.name, "graph.png") yield tmpfile, directory directory.cleanup() class MockHelperSignals(QObject): changelogFetched = Signal(str) def __init__(self, expect_404): QObject.__init__(self) self.expect_404 = expect_404 self.changelogFetched.connect(self.changelog_fetched) self.changelog = None def changelog_fetched(self, changelog): self.changelog = changelog class TestChangelog: def test_exists(self, qtbot): helper.CHANGELOG_VERSION = '0.5.0' mock_helper = MockHelperSignals(False) fetcher = ChangelogFetcher(mock_helper) fetcher.run() # Does not raise an exception qtbot.waitSignal(mock_helper.changelogFetched, timeout=10000) assert type(mock_helper.changelog) == str assert '404' not in mock_helper.changelog def tests_no_exist(self, qtbot): mock_helper = MockHelperSignals(True) helper.CHANGELOG_VERSION = '1.0.0' fetcher = ChangelogFetcher(mock_helper) fetcher.run() qtbot.waitSignal(mock_helper.changelogFetched, timeout=10000) assert type(mock_helper.changelog) == str assert '404' in mock_helper.changelog class TestHelper: def test_read(self, temporary): # Test file reading and information loading. tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) data = obj.load("ci/test1.lpf") assert type(data) == str data = loads(data) assert data['type'] == "logplotv1" # Checking data['types'] of valid file. # See https://git.ad5001.eu/Ad5001/LogarithmPlotter/wiki/LogarithmPlotter-file-format-v1.0 assert type(data['width']) == int assert type(data['height']) == int assert type(data['xzoom']) in (int, float) assert type(data['yzoom']) in (int, float) assert type(data['xmin']) in (int, float) assert type(data['ymax']) in (int, float) assert type(data['xaxisstep']) == str assert type(data['yaxisstep']) == str assert type(data['xaxislabel']) == str assert type(data['yaxislabel']) == str assert type(data['logscalex']) == bool assert type(data['linewidth']) in (int, float) assert type(data['showxgrad']) == bool assert type(data['showygrad']) == bool assert type(data['textsize']) in (int, float) assert type(data['history']) == list and len(data['history']) == 2 assert type(data['history'][0]) == list assert type(data['history'][1]) == list for action_list in data['history']: for action in action_list: assert type(action[0]) == str assert type(action[1]) == list assert type(data['objects']) == dict for obj_type, objects in data['objects'].items(): assert type(obj_type) == str assert type(objects) == list for obj in objects: assert type(obj) == list def test_read_newer(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) newer_file_path = join(directory.name, "newer.lpf") with open(newer_file_path, "w") as f: f.write("LPFv2[other invalid data]") with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException): obj.load(newer_file_path) def test_read_invalid_file(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException): obj.load("./inexistant.lpf") with pytest.raises(InvalidFileException): obj.load("./pyproject.toml") def test_write(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) target = join(directory.name, "target.lpf") data = "example_data" obj.write(target, data) with open(target, "r") as f: read_data = f.read() # Ensure data has been written. assert read_data == "LPFv1" + data def test_tmp_graphic(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) assert obj.gettmpfile() == tmpfile obj.copyImageToClipboard() clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() assert type(clipboard.image()) == QImage def test_strings(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) assert obj.getVersion() == version assert type(obj.getDebugInfos()) == str assert type(obj.getSetting("last_install_greet").toVariant()) == str assert type(obj.getSetting("check_for_updates").toVariant()) == bool assert type(obj.getSetting("default_graph.xzoom").toVariant()) in [float, int] def test_set_config(self, temporary): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) obj.setSetting("last_install_greet", obj.getSetting("last_install_greet")) obj.setSetting("check_for_updates", obj.getSetting("check_for_updates")) obj.setSetting("default_graph.xzoom", obj.getSetting("default_graph.xzoom")) def test_fetch_changelog(self, temporary, qtbot): tmpfile, directory = temporary obj = Helper(pwd, tmpfile) copy2("../../CHANGELOG.md", "../../LogarithmPlotter/util/CHANGELOG.md") obj.fetchChangelog() assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() == 0 qtbot.waitSignal(obj.changelogFetched, timeout=10000) remove("../../LogarithmPlotter/util/CHANGELOG.md") obj.fetchChangelog() assert QThreadPool.globalInstance().activeThreadCount() > 0 qtbot.waitSignal(obj.changelogFetched, timeout=10000)