About About LogarithmPlotter Om LogarithmPlotter v%1 LogarithmPlotter v%1 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and repartition functions. 2D-plotterprogramvare laget for opprettelse av Bode-diagram, sekvenser, og distribusjonsfunksjoner. Report a bug Rapporter en feil Official website AppMenuBar &File &Fil &Load... &Last inn … &Save &Lagre Save &As... Lagre &som … &Quit &Avslutt &Edit &Rediger &Undo &Angre &Redo &Gjenta &Copy plot &Kopier plott &Create &Opprett &Settings &Innstillinger Check for updates on startup Se etter nye versjoner ved programstart Reset redo stack automaticly Tilbakestill angrehistorikk automatisk Enable LaTeX rendering Expression editor Automatically close parenthesises and brackets Enable syntax highlighting Enable autocompletion Color Scheme &Help &Hjelp &Source code &Report a bug &User manual &Changelog &Help translating! &Thanks &About &Om Save unsaved changes? This plot contains unsaved changes. By doing this, all unsaved data will be lost. Continue? BaseDialog Close Changelog Fetching changelog... Done CustomPropertyList + Create new %1 + Opprett nytt %1 Pick on graph Dialog Edit properties of %1 %2 Rediger egenskaper for %1 %2 LogarithmPlotter - Invalid object name An object with the name '%1' already exists. Name Navn Label content Etikett-innhold null NULL name navn name + value navn + veri EditorDialog Edit properties of %1 %2 Rediger egenskaper for %1 %2 Name Navn Label content Etikett-innhold null NULL name navn name + value navn + veri + Create new %1 + Opprett nytt %1 ExpressionEditor Object Properties Variables Constants Functions Funksjoner Executable Objects Objects Objekter FileDialog Export Logarithm Plot file Eksporter logaritmeplott-fil Import Logarithm Plot file Importer logaritmeplott-fil GreetScreen Welcome to LogarithmPlotter Velkommen til LogarithmPlotter Version %1 Versjon %1 Take a few seconds to configure LogarithmPlotter. These settings can be changed at any time from the "Settings" menu. Sett opp LogarithmPlotter. Disse innstillingene kan endres når som helst fra «Innstillinger»-menyen. Check for updates on startup (requires online connectivity) Se etter nye versjoner ved programstart. (Krever tilkobling til Internett.) Reset redo stack when a new action is added to history Tilbakesitll angrehistorikk når en ny handling legges til Enable LaTeX rendering Automatically close parenthesises and brackets in expressions Enable syntax highlighting for expressions Enable autocompletion interface in expression editor Color scheme: User manual Changelog Done HistoryBrowser Filter... Redo > Angre > > Now > Nå < Undo < Angre ListSetting + Add Entry LogarithmPlotter Objects Objekter Settings Innstillinger History Historikk Saved plot to '%1'. Lagret plott i «%1». Loading file '%1'. Laster inn «%1»-fil. Unknown object type: %1. Ukjent objekttype: %1. Invalid file provided. Ugyldig fil angitt. Could not save file: Kunne ikke lagre fil: Loaded file '%1'. Lastet inn filen «%1». Copied plot screenshot to clipboard! Kopierte plott-skjermavbildning til utklippstavlen! &Update &Oppdater &Update LogarithmPlotter &Installer ny versjon av LogartimePlotter ObjectCreationGrid + Create new: + Opprett ny: ObjectLists Hide all %1 Skjul alle %1 Show all %1 Vis alle %1 Hide %1 %2 Skjul %1 %2 Show %1 %2 Vis %1 %2 Set %1 %2 position Sett %1 %2 posisjon Delete %1 %2 Slett %1 %2 Pick new color for %1 %2 Velg ny farge for %1 %2 ObjectRow Hide %1 %2 Skjul %1 %2 Show %1 %2 Vis %1 %2 Set %1 %2 position Sett %1 %2 posisjon Delete %1 %2 Slett %1 %2 Pick new color for %1 %2 Velg ny farge for %1 %2 PickLocationOverlay Pointer precision: Peker-presisjon: Snap to grid Fest til rutenett Snap to grid: Pick X Pick Y Open picker settings Hide picker settings (no pick selected) Settings X Zoom X-forstørrelse Y Zoom Y-forstørrelse Min X Min. X Max Y Maks. Y Max X Maks. X Min Y Min. Y X Axis Step X-aksesteg Y Axis Step Y-aksesteg Line width Linjebredde Text size (px) Tekststørrelse (piksler) X Label Navn på X-akse Y Label Navn på Y-akse X Log scale Logaritmisk skala i x Show X graduation Vis X-inndeling Show Y graduation Vis Y-inndeling Copy to clipboard Kopier til utklippstavle Save plot Lagre plott Save plot as Lagre plott som Load plot Last inn plott ThanksTo Thanks and Contributions - LogarithmPlotter Source code Original library by Raphael Graf Source Ported to Javascript by Matthew Crumley Website Ported to QMLJS by Ad5001 Libraries included Email English French German Hungarian Github Norwegian Translations included Improve changelog Could not fetch changelog: Server error {}. Could not fetch update: {}. color %1 %2's color changed from %3 to %4. comment Ex: R+* (ℝ⁺*), N (ℕ), Z-* (ℤ⁻*), ]0;1[, {3;4;5} The following parameters are used when the definition domain is a non-continuous set. (Ex: ℕ, ℤ, sets like {0;3}...) Note: Specify the probability for each value. Note: Use %1[n] to refer to %1ₙ, %1[n+1] for %1ₙ₊₁... If you have latex enabled, you can use use latex markup in between $$ to create equations. control %1: create New %1 %2 created. Ny %1 %2 opprettet. delete %1 %2 deleted. %1 %2 slettet. editproperty %1 of %2 %3 changed from "%4" to "%5". %1 av %2 %3 endret fra «%4» til «%5». %1 of %2 changed from %3 to %4. error Cannot find property %1 of object %2. Undefined variable %1. In order to be executed, object %1 must have at least one argument. %1 cannot be executed. Invalid expression. Invalid expression (parity). Unknown character "%1". Illegal escape sequence: %1. Parse error [%1:%2]: %3 Expected %1 Unexpected %1 Function definition is not permitted. Expected variable for assignment. Unexpected ".": member access is not permitted Unexpected "[]": arrays are disabled. Unexpected symbol: %1. Function %1 must have at least one argument. First argument to map is not a function. Second argument to map is not an array. First argument to fold is not a function. Second argument to fold is not an array. First argument to filter is not a function. Second argument to filter is not an array. Second argument to indexOf is not a string or array. Second argument to join is not an array. EOF No object found with names %1. No object found with name %1. Object cannot be dependent on itself. Circular dependency detected. Object %1 depends on %2. Circular dependency detected. Objects %1 depend on %2. Error while parsing expression for property %1: %2 Evaluated expression: %3 Error while attempting to draw %1 %2: %3 Undoing last change. expression LogarithmPlotter - Parsing error Error while parsing expression for property %1: %2 Evaluated expression: %3 LogarithmPlotter - Drawing error function Function Funksjon Functions Funksjoner gainbode Bode Magnitude Bode-magnitude Bode Magnitudes Bode-magnituder low-pass lavpass high-pass høypass historylib New %1 %2 created. Ny %1 %2 opprettet. %1 %2 deleted. %1 %2 slettet. %1 of %2 %3 changed from "%4" to "%5". %1 av %2 %3 endret fra «%4» til «%5». %1 %2 shown. %1 %2 vist. %1 %2 hidden. %1 %2 skjult. latex No Latex installation found. If you already have a latex distribution installed, make sure it's installed on your path. Otherwise, you can download a Latex distribution like TeX Live at https://tug.org/texlive/. DVIPNG was not found. Make sure you include it from your Latex distribution. An exception occured within the creation of the latex formula. Process '{}' ended with a non-zero return code {}: {} Please make sure your latex installation is correct and report a bug if so. An exception occured within the creation of the latex formula. Process '{}' took too long to finish: {} Please make sure your latex installation is correct and report a bug if so. name %1 %2 renamed to %3. parameters above below left right above-left above-right below-left below-right center top bottom top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right application function high low Next to target With label Hidden phasebode Bode Phase Bode-fase Bode Phases Bode-faser point Point Punkt Points Punkter position Position of %1 %2 set from "%3" to "%4". Position of %1 set from %2 to %3. prop expression definitionDomain destinationDomain labelPosition displayMode labelX drawPoints drawDashedLines om_0 pass gain omGraduation phase unit x y pointStyle probabilities text disableLatex targetElement approximate rounding displayStyle targetValuePosition defaultExpression baseValues repartition Repartition Distribusjon Repartition functions Distribusjonsfunksjoner sequence Sequence Følge Sequences Følger sommegainsbode Bode Magnitudes Sum Bode-magnitudesum sommephasesbode Bode Phases Sum Bode-fasesum text Text Tekst Texts Tekster update An update for LogarithPlotter (v{}) is available. En ny versjon av LogartimePlotter (v{}) er tilgjengelig No update available. Ingen nye versjoner. Could not fetch update information: Server error {}. Fant ikke ut om det er noen nye versjoner. Tjenerfeil {}. Could not fetch update information: {}. Kunne ikke hente info om hvorvidt det er nye versjoner: {}. visibility %1 %2 shown. %1 %2 vist. %1 %2 hidden. %1 %2 skjult. xcursor X Cursor X-peker X Cursors X-pekere