/** * Logarithm Graph Creator - Create graphs with logarithm scales. * Copyright (C) 2020 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .pragma library var powerpos = { "-": "⁻", "0": "⁰", "1": "¹", "2": "²", "3": "³", "4": "⁴", "5": "⁵", "6": "⁶", "7": "⁷", "8": "⁸", "9": "⁹", "+": "⁺", "=": "⁼", "a": "ᵃ", "b": "ᵇ", "c": "ᶜ", "d": "ᵈ", "e": "ᵉ", "f": "ᶠ", "g": "ᵍ", "h": "ʰ", "i": "ⁱ", "j": "ʲ", "k": "ᵏ", "l": "ˡ", "m": "ᵐ", "n": "ⁿ", "o": "ᵒ", "p": "ᵖ", "r": "ʳ", "s": "ˢ", "t": "ᵗ", "u": "ᵘ", "v": "ᵛ", "w": "ʷ", "x": "ˣ", "y": "ʸ", "z": "ᶻ", } var indicepos = { "-": "₋", "0": "₀", "1": "₁", "2": "₂", "3": "₃", "4": "₄", "5": "₅", "6": "₆", "7": "₇", "8": "₈", "9": "₉", "+": "₊", "=": "₌", "a": "ₐ", "e": "ₑ", "h": "ₕ", "i": "ᵢ", "j": "ⱼ", "k": "ₖ", "l": "ₗ", "m": "ₘ", "n": "ₙ", "o": "ₒ", "p": "ₚ", "r": "ᵣ", "s": "ₛ", "t": "ₜ", "u": "ᵤ", "v": "ᵥ", "x": "ₓ", } // Put a text in sup position function textsup(text) { var ret = "" text = text.toString() for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if(Object.keys(powerpos).indexOf(text[i]) >= 0) { ret += powerpos[text[i]] } else { ret += text[i] } } return ret } // Put a text in sub position function textsub(text) { var ret = "" text = text.toString() for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if(Object.keys(indicepos).indexOf(text[i]) >= 0) { ret += indicepos[text[i]] } else { ret += text[i] } } return ret } function simplifyExpression(str) { var replacements = [ // Operations not done by parser. [ // Removing parenthesis when content is only added from both sides. /(^.?|[+-] |\()\(([^)(]+)\)(.?$| [+-]|\))/g, function(match, b4, middle, after) {return `${b4}${middle}${after}`} ], [ // Removing parenthesis when content is only multiplied. /(^.?|[*\/] |\()\(([^)(+-]+)\)(.?$| [*\/]|\))/g, function(match, b4, middle, after) {return `${b4}${middle}${after}`} ], [// Simplification additions/substractions. /(^.?|[^*\/] |\()([-.\d]+) (\+|\-) (\([^)(]+\)|[^)(]+) (\+|\-) ([-.\d]+)(.?$| [^*\/]|\))/g, function(match, b4, n1, op1, middle, op2, n2, after) { var total if(op2 == '+') { total = parseFloat(n1) + parseFloat(n2) } else { total = parseFloat(n1) - parseFloat(n2) } return `${b4}${total} ${op1} ${middle}${after}` } ], [// Simplification multiplications/divisions. /([-.\d]+) (\*|\/) (\([^)(]+\)|[^)(+-]+) (\*|\/) ([-.\d]+)/g, function(match, n1, op1, middle, op2, n2) { if(parseInt(n1) == n1 && parseInt(n2) == n2 && op2 == '/' && (parseInt(n1) / parseInt(n2)) % 1 != 0) { // Non int result for int division. return `(${n1} / ${n2}) ${op1} ${middle}` } else { if(op2 == '*') { return `${parseFloat(n1) * parseFloat(n2)} ${op1} ${middle}` } else { return `${parseFloat(n1) / parseFloat(n2)} ${op1} ${middle}` } } } ], [// Starting & ending parenthesis if not needed. /^\((.*)\)$/g, function(match, middle) { var str = middle // Replace all groups while(/\([^)(]+\)/g.test(str)) str = str.replace(/\([^)(]+\)/g, '') // There shouldn't be any more parenthesis // If there is, that means the 2 parenthesis are needed. if(!str.includes(')') && !str.includes('(')) { return middle } else { return `(${middle})` } } ], // Simple simplifications [/(\s|^|\()0 \* (\([^)(]+\))/g, '$10'], [/(\s|^|\()0 \* ([^)(+-]+)/g, '$10'], [/(\([^)(]\)) \* 0(\s|$|\))/g, '0$2'], [/([^)(+-]) \* 0(\s|$|\))/g, '0$2'], [/(\s|^|\()1 (\*|\/) /g, '$1'], [/(\s|^|\()0 (\+|\-) /g, '$1'], [/ (\*|\/) 1(\s|$|\))/g, '$2'], [/ (\+|\-) 0(\s|$|\))/g, '$2'], [/(^| |\() /g, '$1'], [/ ($|\))/g, '$1'], ] // Replacements replacements.forEach(function(replacement){ while(replacement[0].test(str)) str = str.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1]) }) return str } function makeExpressionReadable(str) { var replacements = [ // variables [/pi/g, 'π'], [/Infinity/g, '∞'], [/inf/g, '∞'], // Other [/ \* /g, '×'], [/ \^ /g, '^'], [/\^\(([^\^]+)\)/g, function(match, p1) { return textsup(p1) }], [/\^([^ ]+)/g, function(match, p1) { return textsup(p1) }], [/(\d|\))×/g, '$1'], [/×(\d|\()/g, '$1'], [/\(([^)(+.\/-]+)\)/g, "$1"], ] str = simplifyExpression(str) // Replacements replacements.forEach(function(replacement){ while(replacement[0].test(str)) str = str.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1]) }) return str } function parseName(str, removeUnallowed = true) { var replacements = [ // Greek letters [/([^a-z]|^)al(pha)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1α$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)be(ta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1β$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ga(mma)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1γ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)de(lta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1δ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ep(silon)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ε$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ze(ta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ζ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)et(a)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1η$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)th(eta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1θ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)io(ta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ι$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ka(ppa)([^a-z]|$)?/g, '$1κ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)la(mbda)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1λ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)mu([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1μ$2'], [/([^a-z]|^)nu([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ν$2'], [/([^a-z]|^)xi([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ξ$2'], [/([^a-z]|^)rh(o)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ρ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)si(gma)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1σ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ta(u)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1τ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)up(silon)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1υ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ph(i)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1φ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ch(i)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1χ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)ps(i)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ψ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)om(ega)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1ω$3'], // Capital greek letters [/([^a-z]|^)gga(mma)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Γ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gde(lta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Δ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gth(eta)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Θ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gla(mbda)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Λ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gxi([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Ξ$2'], [/([^a-z]|^)gpi([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Π$2'], [/([^a-z]|^)gsi(gma)([^a-z]|$)?/g, '$1Σ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gph(i)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Φ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gps(i)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Ψ$3'], [/([^a-z]|^)gom(ega)?([^a-z]|$)/g, '$1Ω$3'], // Underscores [/_\(([^\^]+)\)/g, function(match, p1) { return textsub(p1) }], [/_([^ ]+)/g, function(match, p1) { return textsub(p1) }], // Removing [/[xπℝℕ\\∪∩\]\[ ()^/÷*×+=\d-]/g , ''], ] if(!removeUnallowed) replacements.pop() // Replacements replacements.forEach(function(replacement){ str = str.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1]) }) return str } String.prototype.toLatinUppercase = function() { return this.replace(/[a-z]/g, function(match){return match.toUpperCase()}) } function camelCase2readable(label) { var parsed = parseName(label, false) return parsed.charAt(0).toLatinUppercase() + parsed.slice(1).replace(/([A-Z])/g," $1") } function getRandomColor() { var clrs = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var color = '#'; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { color += clrs[Math.floor(Math.random() * (16-6*(i%2==0)))]; } return color; }