/** * LogarithmPlotter - Create graphs with logarithm scales. * Copyright (C) 2022 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .pragma library import "reference.js" as Reference const OPERATION_PRIORITY = { "+": 10, "-": 10, "*": 20, "/": 20 } enum ASEType { UNKNOWN, VARIABLE, NUMBER, STRING, FUNCTION, CONSTANT, OPERATION } class AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.UNKNOWN; execute(variables) { return null; } simplify() { return this; } derivative(variable) { return this; } integrate(variable) { return this; } toEditableString() { return ""; } toLatex() { return ""; } isConstant() { return true; } } class Variable extends AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.VARIABLE; constructor(variableName) { this.varName = variableName; } execute(variables) { if(variables.includes(this.varName)) { return variables[this.varName]; } else { throw new EvalError("Unknown variable " + this.varName + "."); } } derivative(variable) { if(variable == this.varName) return new NumberElement(1); return this; } integrate(variable) { if(variable == this.varName) // ^2/2 return new Operation(new Operation(this, '^', new NumberElement(2)), '/', new NumberElement(2)); return this; } toEditableString() { return this.varName; } toLatex() { return this.varName; } isConstant() { return false; } } class ArrayVariable extends Variable { constructor(arrayName, astIndex) { super(arrayName + "[" + astIndex.toEditableString() + "]") this.arrayName = arrayName; this.astIndex = astIndex; } execute(variables) { if(variables.includes(this.arrayName)) { let index = this.astIndex.execute(variables) if(index % 1 != 0 || index < 0) { // Float index. throw new EvalError("Non-integer array index " + index + " used as array index for " + this.varName + "."); } else if(variables[this.arrayName].length <= index) { throw new EvalError("Out-of-range index " + index + " used as array index for " + this.varName + "."); } else { return variables[this.arrayName][index]; } } else { throw new EvalError("Unknown variable " + this.varName + "."); } toLatex() { return this.varName; } } simplify() { return new ArrayVariable(this.arrayName, this.astIndex.simplify()); } toLatex() { return this.arrayName + '\\left[' + this.astIndex.toLatex() + '\\right]'; } isConstant() { return false; } } class Constant extends Variable { type = ASEType.CONSTANT; constructor(constant) { super(constant) } execute(variables) { if(Reference.CONSTANTS_LIST.includes(this.varName)) { return Reference.CONSTANTS[this.varName]; } else { throw new EvalError("Unknown constant " + this.varName + "."); } } derivative(variable) { if(variable == this.varName) return new NumberElement(0); return this; } integrate(variable) { return new Operation(new Variable(variable), '^', this); } toEditableString() { return this.varName; } toLatex() { return this.varName; } isConstant() { return true; } } class NumberElement extends AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.NUMBER; constructor(number) { this.value = parseFloat(number); } derivative(variable) { return new NumberElement(0); } integrate(variable) { return new Variable(variable); } toEditableString() { return this.value.toString(); } toLatex() { return this.value.toString(); } isConstant() { return true; } } class StringElement extends AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.STRING; constructor(str) { this.str = str; } execute(variables) { return this.str } derivative(variable) { return this; } integrate(variable) { return this; } toEditableString() { return '"' + this.str + '"'; } toLatex() { return this.str; } isConstant() { return true; } } class FunctionElement extends AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.FUNCTION; constructor(functionName, astArguments) { this.function = functionName; this.args = astArguments; } execute(variables) { if(Reference.FUNCTIONS_LIST.includes(this.function)) { let args = this.args.map(arg => arg.execute(variables)); return Reference.FUNCTIONS[this.function](...args); } else { throw new EvalError("Unknown function " + this.function + "."); } } simplify() { let args = this.args.map(arg => arg.simplify(variables)); let newFunc = new FunctionElement(this.function, args); let result; if(newFunc.isConstant() && (result = newFunc.execute({})) % 1 == 0) { // Simplification (e.g. cos(0), sin(π/2)...) return new NumberElement(result); } else { return newFunc; } } derivative(variable) { //TODO: Use DERIVATIVES elements in reference. return new FunctionElement("derivative", this.toEditableString()); } integrate(variable) { //TODO: Use INTEGRALS elements in reference. return new FunctionElement("integrate", this.toEditableString()); } toEditableString() { return this.function + '(' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toEditableString()).join(', ') + ')'; } toLatex() { switch(this.function) { case "sqrt": return '\\sqrt{' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toLatex()).join(', ') + '}'; case "abs": return '\\left|' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toLatex()).join(', ') + '\\right|'; case "floor": return '\\left\\lfloor' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toLatex()).join(', ') + '\\right\\rfloor'; case "ceil": return '\\left\\lceil' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toLatex()).join(', ') + '\\right\\rceil'; default: return '\\mathrm{' + this.function + '}\\left(' + this.args.map(arg => arg.toLatex()).join(', ') + '\\right)'; } } isConstant() { return this.args.every(x => x.isConstant()); } } class Operation extends AbstractSyntaxElement { type = ASEType.OPERATION; constructor(leftHand, operation, rightHand) { this.leftHand = leftHand; this.ope = operation; this.rightHand = rightHand; } evaluate(variables) { switch(this.ope) { case '+': return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) + this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); case '-': return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) - this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); case '*': return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) * this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); case '/': return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) / this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); case '%': return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) % this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); case '^': return Math.pow(this.leftHand.evaluate(variables), this.rightHand.evaluate(variables)); default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } } simplify() { let leftHand = this.leftHand.simplify(); let rightHand = this.rightHand.simplify(); let newOpe = new Operation(leftHand, this.ope, rightHand); if(leftHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && Math.abs(newOpe.value) < 1000000) { // Do not simplify to too big numbers switch(this.ope) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '^': case '%': return new NumberElement(newOpe.value); case '/': if(result % 1 == 0) return new NumberElement(newOpe.value); else { let simplified = simplifyFraction(leftHand.number, rightHand.number) return new Operation(new NumberElement(simplified[0]), '/', new NumberElement(simplified[1])) } return this.leftHand.evaluate(variables) / this.rightHand.evaluate(variables); return Math.pow(this.leftHand.evaluate(variables), this.rightHand.evaluate(variables)); default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } } else { // Simplifications of +- 0 or *1 switch(this.ope) { case '+': case '-': if(leftHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && leftHand.value == 0) return rightHand; else if(rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 0) { if(ope == '-') leftHand.value = -leftHand.value; return leftHand; } else return newOpe case '*': if((leftHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && leftHand.value == 0) || (rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 0)) return new NumberElement(0); else if(leftHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && leftHand.value == 0) return rightHand; else if(rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 1) return leftHand; else return newOpe case '^': if(rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 0) return new NumberElement(1); else if(rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 1) return new NumberElement(leftHand.value); else return newOpe; case '/': if(rightHand.type == ASEType.NUMBER && rightHand.value == 1) return new NumberElement(leftHand.value); else return newOpe; case '%': return newOpe; default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } } } derivative(variable) { switch(this.ope) { case '-': case '+': return new Operation(this.leftHand.derivative(variable), this.ope, this.rightHand.derivative(variable)); case '*': return new Operation( new Operation(this.leftHand.derivative(variable), '*', this.rightHand), '+', new Operation(this.leftHand, '*', this.rightHand.derivative(variable)) ); case '/': return new Operation( new Operation(this.leftHand.derivative(variable), '*', this.rightHand), '+', new Operation(this.leftHand, '*', this.rightHand.derivative(variable)) ); case '^': case '%': return new FunctionElement("integrate", this.toEditableString()); default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } } integrate(variable) { switch(this.ope) { case '-': case '+': return new Operation(this.leftHand.integrate(variable), this.ope, this.rightHand.integrate(variable)); case '*': return new Operation( new Operation(this.leftHand.derivative(variable), '*', this.rightHand), '+', new Operation(this.leftHand, '*', this.rightHand.derivative(variable)) ); case '/': return new Operation( new Operation(this.leftHand.derivative(variable), '*', this.rightHand), '+', new Operation(this.leftHand, '*', this.rightHand.derivative(variable)) ); case '^': case '%': return new FunctionElement("integrate", this.toEditableString()); default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } } toEditableString() { let leftString = this.leftHand.toEditableString(); let rightString = this.rightHand.toEditableString(); if(this.leftHand.type == ASEType.OPERATION && OPERATION_PRIORITY[this.ope] > OPERATION_PRIORITY[this.leftHand.ope]) leftString = "(" + leftString + ")" if(this.rightHand.type == ASEType.OPERATION && OPERATION_PRIORITY[this.ope] > OPERATION_PRIORITY[this.rightHand.ope]) rightString = "(" + rightString + ")" return leftString + " " + this.ope + " " + rightString; } toLatex() { switch(this.ope) { case '-': case '+': return this.leftHand.toLatex() + this.ope + this.rightHand.toLatex(); case '*': return this.leftHand.toLatex() + " \\times " + this.rightHand.toLatex(); case '%': return this.leftHand.toLatex() + " \\mathrm{mod} " + this.rightHand.toLatex(); case '/': return "\\frac{" + this.leftHand.toLatex() + "}{" + this.rightHand.toLatex() + "}" case '^': return this.leftHand.toLatex() + "^{" + this.rightHand.toLatex() + "}"; default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } return this.leftHand.toLatex() + ope + this.rightHand.toLatex(); } isConstant() { return this.leftHand.isConstant() && this.rightHand.isConstant(); } } function simplifyFraction(num,den) { // More than gcd because it allows decimals fractions. let mult = 1; if(num%1 != 0) mult = Math.max(mult,Math.pow(10,num.toString().split('.')[1].length)) else if(den%1 != 0) mult = Math.max(mult,Math.pow(10,den.toString().split('.')[1].length)) let a = Math.abs(num*mult); let b = Math.abs(den*mult); let gcd = 0 if (b > a) {let temp = a; a = b; b = temp;} while (gcd == 0) { if (b == 0) gcd = a; a %= b; if (a == 0) gcd = b; b %= a; } return [num*mult/gcd, den*mult/gcd] }