/** * Logarithm Graph Creator - Create graphs with logarithm scales. * Copyright (C) 2020 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .pragma library .import "expr-eval.js" as ExprEval .import "utils.js" as Utils const parser = new ExprEval.Parser() class Expression { constructor(expr) { this.expr = expr this.calc = parser.parse(expr).simplify() } isConstant() { return this.expr.indexOf("x") == -1 } evaluate(x = 0) { return this.calc.evaluate({ "x": x, "pi": Math.PI, "π": Math.PI, "inf": Infinity, "Infinity": Infinity, "∞": Infinity, "e": Math.E }) } toEditableString() { return this.calc.toString() } toString(forceSign=false) { var str = this.calc.toString() if(str[0] == "(") str = str.substr(1) if(str[str.length - 1] == ")") str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1) str = Utils.makeExpressionReadable(str) if(str[0] != '-' && forceSign) str = '+' + str return str } } // Domains class EmptySet { constructor() {} includes(x) { return false } toString() { return "∅" } static import(frm) { return new EmptySet() } } class Domain { constructor(begin, end, openBegin, openEnd) { if(typeof begin == 'number' || typeof begin == 'string') begin = new Expression(begin.toString()) this.begin = begin if(typeof end == 'number' || typeof end == 'string') end = new Expression(end.toString()) this.end = end this.openBegin = openBegin this.openEnd = openEnd this.displayName = (openBegin ? "]" : "[") + begin.toString() + ";" + end.toString() + (openEnd ? "[" : "]") } includes(x) { return ((this.openBegin && x > this.begin.evaluate()) || (!this.openBegin && x >= this.begin.evaluate())) && ((this.openEnd && x < this.end.evaluate()) || (!this.openEnd && x <= this.end.evaluate())) } toString() { return this.displayName } static importFrom(frm) { switch(frm.trim().toUpperCase()) { case "R": case "ℝ": return Domain.R break; case "RE": case "R*": case "ℝ*": return Domain.RE break; case "RP": case "R+": case "ℝ⁺": return Domain.RP break; case "RM": case "R-": case "ℝ⁻": return Domain.RM break; case "RPE": case "REP": case "R+*": case "R*+": case "ℝ*⁺": case "ℝ⁺*": return Domain.RPE break; case "RME": case "REM": case "R-*": case "R*-": case "ℝ⁻*": case "ℝ*⁻": return Domain.RME break; default: var openBegin = frm.trim().charAt(0) == "]" var openEnd = frm.trim().charAt(frm.length -1) == "[" var [begin, end] = frm.substr(1, frm.length-2).split(";") console.log(frm, begin, end, openBegin, openEnd) return new Domain(begin.trim(), end.trim(), openBegin, openEnd) break; } } } Domain.R = new Domain(-Infinity,Infinity,true,true) Domain.R.displayName = "ℝ" Domain.RP = new Domain(0,Infinity,true,false) Domain.RP.displayName = "ℝ⁺" Domain.RM = new Domain(-Infinity,0,true,false) Domain.RM.displayName = "ℝ⁻" Domain.RPE = new Domain(0,Infinity,true,true) Domain.RPE.displayName = "ℝ⁺*" Domain.RME = new Domain(-Infinity,0,true,true) Domain.RME.displayName = "ℝ⁻*" class DomainSet { constructor(values) { var newVals = [] values.forEach(function(value){ newVals.push(new Expression(value.toString())) }) this.values = newVals } includes(x) { var xcomputed = new Expression(x.toString()).evaluate() var found = false this.values.forEach(function(value){ if(xcomputed == value.evaluate()) { found = true return } }) return found } toString() { return "{" + this.values.join(";") + "}" } static importFrom(frm) { return new DomainSet(frm.substr(1, frm.length-2).split(";")) } } class UnionDomain { constructor(dom1, dom2) { this.dom1 = dom1 this.dom2 = dom2 } includes(x) { return this.dom1.includes(x) || this.dom2.includes(x) } toString() { return this.dom1.toString() + " ∪ " + this.dom2.toString() } static importFrom(frm) { var domains = frm.trim().split("∪") if(domains.length == 1) domains = frm.trim().split("U") // Fallback return new UnionDomain(parseDomain(domains[0].trim()), parseDomain(domains[1].trim())) } } class IntersectionDomain { constructor(dom1, dom2) { this.dom1 = dom1 this.dom2 = dom2 } includes(x) { return this.dom1.includes(x) && this.dom2.includes(x) } toString() { return this.dom1.toString() + " ∩ " + this.dom2.toString() } static importFrom(frm) { var domains = frm.trim().split("∩") return new IntersectionDomain(parseDomain(domains[0].trim()), parseDomain(domains[1].trim())) } } class MinusDomain { constructor(dom1, dom2) { this.dom1 = dom1 this.dom2 = dom2 } includes(x) { return this.dom1.includes(x) && !this.dom2.includes(x) } toString() { return this.dom1.toString() + "∖" + this.dom2.toString() } static importFrom(frm) { var domains = frm.trim().split("∖") if(domains.length == 1) domains = frm.trim().split("\\") // Fallback return new MinusDomain(parseDomain(domains[0].trim()), parseDomain(domains[1].trim())) } } Domain.RE = new MinusDomain("R", "{0}") Domain.RE.displayName = "ℝ*" function parseDomain(domain) { if(domain.indexOf("U") >= 0 || domain.indexOf("∪") >= 0) return UnionDomain.importFrom(domain) if(domain.indexOf("∩") >= 0) return IntersectionDomain.importFrom(domain) if(domain.indexOf("∖") >= 0 || domain.indexOf("\\") >= 0) return MinusDomain.importFrom(domain) if(domain.charAt(0) == "{" && domain.charAt(domain.length -1) == "}") return DomainSet.importFrom(domain) if(domain.indexOf("]") >= 0 || domain.indexOf("]") >= 0) return Domain.importFrom(domain) if(domain.toUpperCase().indexOf("R") >= 0 || domain.indexOf("ℝ") >= 0) return Domain.importFrom(domain) return new EmptySet() }