#!/usr/bin/env bash cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0" || realpath "$0")")/../build/runtime-pyside6/dist" || exit 1 VERSION=0.6.0 title="LogarithmPlotter v${VERSION} Setup" finalDMGName="LogarithmPlotter-v${VERSION}-setup.dmg" applicationName=LogarithmPlotter backgroundPictureName=logarithmplotter-installer-background.png source=Installer rm -rf Installer mkdir -p Installer mkdir -p Installer/.background cp ../../../assets/native/mac/install-bg.png "./Installer/.background/${backgroundPictureName}" cp -r LogarithmPlotter.app Installer/LogarithmPlotter.app cp ../../../LICENSE.md Installer/LICENSE.md cp ../../../README.md Installer/README.md # Calculating folder size duoutput=$(du -h Installer | tail -n1) size=$(( ${duoutput%M*} + 2)) # +2 for allowing small space to edit. echo "Creating DMG file with size ${size}M." # Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1513578 hdiutil create -srcfolder "${source}" -volname "${title}" -fs HFS+ \ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW -size ${size}M pack.temp.dmg device=$(hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen "pack.temp.dmg" | \ grep -E '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}') sleep 3 echo ' tell application "Finder" tell disk "'${title}'" open set current view of container window to icon view set toolbar visible of container window to false set statusbar visible of container window to false set the bounds of container window to {400, 100, 885, 475} set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged set icon size of theViewOptions to 72 set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:'${backgroundPictureName}'" make new alias file at container window to POSIX file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Applications"} set position of item "'${applicationName}'" of container window to {100, 100} set position of item "Applications" of container window to {375, 100} set position of item "README.md" of container window to {185, 265} set position of item "LICENSE.md" of container window to {290, 265} update without registering applications delay 5 close end tell end tell ' | osascript chmod -Rf go-w "/Volumes/${title}" sync sync hdiutil detach "${device}" hdiutil convert "pack.temp.dmg" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "${finalDMGName}" rm -f pack.temp.dmg rm -rf Installer