/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { getRandomColor, textsub } from "../utils.mjs" import Objects from "../objects.mjs" import Latex from "../math/latex.mjs" import {Module} from "../modules.mjs" import {ensureTypeSafety, serializesByPropertyType} from "../parameters.mjs" // This file contains the default data to be imported from all other objects class ObjectsCommonAPI extends Module { constructor() { super('ObjectsCommon', [ Modules.Objects, Modules.ExprParser, Modules.Latex ]) } /** * Creates a new name for an object, based on the allowedLetters. * If variables with each of the allowedLetters is created, a subscript * number is added to the name. * @param {string} allowedLetters * @param {string} prefix - Prefix to the name. * @return {string} New unused name for a new object. */ getNewName(allowedLetters, prefix='') { // Allows to get a new name, based on the allowed letters, // as well as adding a sub number when needs be. let newid = 0 let ret do { let letter = allowedLetters[newid % allowedLetters.length] let num = Math.floor((newid - (newid % allowedLetters.length)) / allowedLetters.length) ret = prefix + letter + (num > 0 ? textsub(num-1) : '') newid += 1 } while(ret in Objects.currentObjectsByName) return ret } /** * Registers the object obj in the object list. * @param {DrawableObject} obj - Object to be registered. */ registerObject(obj) { // Registers an object to be used in LogarithmPlotter. // This function is called from autoload.mjs if(obj.prototype instanceof DrawableObject) { if(!Objects.types[obj.type()]) Objects.types[obj.type()] = obj } else { console.error("Could not register object " + (obj.type()) + ", as it isn't a DrawableObject.") } } } /** @type {ObjectsCommonAPI} */ Modules.ObjectsCommon = Modules.ObjectsCommon || new ObjectsCommonAPI() export const API = Modules.ObjectsCommon /** * Class to extend for every type of object that * can be drawn on the canvas. */ export class DrawableObject { /** * Base name of the object. Needs to be constant over time. * @return {string} Type of the object. */ static type(){return 'Unknown'} /** * Translated name of the object to be shown to the user. * @return {string} */ static displayType(){return 'Unknown'} /** * Translated name of the object in plural form to be shown to the user. * @return {string} */ static displayTypeMultiple(){return 'Unknowns'} /** * True if this object can be created by the user, false if it can only * be instantiated by other objects * @return {boolean} */ static createable() {return true} /** * List of properties used in the Object Editor. * * Properties are set with key as property name and * value as it's type name (e.g 'numbers', 'string'...), * an Enum for enumerations, an ObjectType for DrawableObjects * with a specific type, a List instance for lists, a * Dictionary instance for dictionaries, an Expression for expressions... * * If the property is to be translated, the key should be passed * through the QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP macro in that form: * [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','key')] * Enums that are translated should be indexed in parameters.mjs and * then be linked directly here. * * @return {Object.} */ static properties() {return {}} /** * True if this object can be executed, so that an y value might be computed * for an x value. Only ExecutableObjects have that property set to true. * @return {boolean} */ static executable() {return false} /** * Imports the object from its serialized form. * @return {DrawableObject} */ static import(name, visible, color, labelContent, ...args) { let importedArgs = [name.toString(), visible === true, color.toString(), labelContent] console.log('Importing', this.type(), name, args) for(let [name, propType] of Object.entries(this.properties())) if(!name.startsWith('comment')) { importedArgs.push(ensureTypeSafety(propType, args[importedArgs.length-4])) } return new this(...importedArgs) } /** * Base constructor for the object. * @param {string} name - Name of the object * @param {boolean} visible - true if the object is visible, false otherwise. * @param {color|string} color - Color of the object (can be string or QColor) * @param {Enum} labelContent - One of 'null', 'name' or 'name + value' describing the content of the label. * @constructor */ constructor(name, visible = true, color = null, labelContent = 'name + value') { if(color == null) color = getRandomColor() this.type = this.constructor.type() this.name = name this.visible = visible this.color = color this.labelContent = labelContent // "null", "name", "name + value" this.requiredBy = [] this.requires = [] } /** * Serializes the object in an array that can be JSON serialized. * These parameters will be re-entered in the constructor when restored. * @return {array} */ export() { let exportList = [this.name, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent] for(let [name, propType] of Object.entries(this.constructor.properties())) if(!name.startsWith('comment')) exportList.push(serializesByPropertyType(propType, this[name])) return exportList } /** * String representing the object that will be displayed to the user. * It allows for 2 lines and translated text, but it shouldn't be too long. * @return {string} */ getReadableString() { return `${this.name} = Unknown` } /** * Latex markuped version of the readable string. * Every non latin character should be passed as latex symbols and formulas * should be in latex form. * See ../latex.mjs for helper methods. * @return {string} */ getLatexString() { return this.getReadableString() } /** * Readable string content of the label depending on the value of the latexContent. * @return {string} */ getLabel() { switch(this.labelContent) { case 'name': return this.name case 'name + value': return this.getReadableString() case 'null': return '' } } /** * Latex markup string content of the label depending on the value of the latexContent. * Every non latin character should be passed as latex symbols and formulas * should be in latex form. * See ../latex.mjs for helper methods. * @return {string} */ getLatexLabel() { switch(this.labelContent) { case 'name': return Latex.variable(this.name) case 'name + value': return this.getLatexString() case 'null': return '' } } /** * Returns the recursive list of objects this one depends on. * @return {array} */ getDependenciesList() { let dependencies = this.requires.map(obj => obj) for(let obj of this.requires) dependencies = dependencies.concat(obj.getDependenciesList()) return dependencies } /** * Callback method when one of the properties of the object is updated. */ update() { // Refreshing dependencies. for(let obj of this.requires) obj.requiredBy = obj.requiredBy.filter(dep => dep !== this) // Checking objects this one depends on this.requires = [] let currentObjectsByName = Objects.currentObjectsByName let properties = this.constructor.properties() for(let property in properties) if(typeof properties[property] == 'object' && 'type' in properties[property]) if(properties[property].type === 'Expression' && this[property] != null) { // Expressions with dependencies for(let objName of this[property].requiredObjects()) { if(objName in currentObjectsByName && !this.requires.includes(currentObjectsByName[objName])) { this.requires.push(currentObjectsByName[objName]) currentObjectsByName[objName].requiredBy.push(this) } } if(this[property].cached && this[property].requiredObjects().length > 0) // Recalculate this[property].recache() } else if(properties[property].type === 'ObjectType' && this[property] != null) { // Object dependency this.requires.push(this[property]) this[property].requiredBy.push(this) } // Updating objects dependent on this one for(let req of this.requiredBy) req.update() } /** * Callback method when the object is about to get deleted. */ delete() { for(let toRemove of this.requiredBy) { // Normally, there should be none here, but better leave nothing just in case. Objects.deleteObject(toRemove.name) } for(let toRemoveFrom of this.requires) { toRemoveFrom.requiredBy = toRemoveFrom.requiredBy.filter(o => o !== this) } } /** * Abstract method. Draw the object onto the canvas with the. * @param {CanvasAPI} canvas */ draw(canvas) {} /** * Applicates a drawFunction with two position arguments depending on * both the posX and posY of where the label should be displayed, * and the labelPosition which declares the label should be displayed * relatively to that position. * * @param {string|Enum} labelPosition - Position of the label relative to the marked position * @param {number} offset - Margin between the position and the object to be drawn * @param {Object.} size - Size of the label item, containing two properties, "width" and "height" * @param {number} posX - Component of the marked position on the x-axis * @param {number} posY - Component of the marked position on the y-axis * @param {function} drawFunction - Function with two arguments (x, y) that will be called to draw the label */ drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, offset, size, posX, posY, drawFunction) { switch(labelPosition) { case 'center': drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY-size.height/2) break; case 'top': case 'above': drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY-size.height-offset) break; case 'bottom': case 'below': drawFunction(posX-size.width/2, posY+offset) break; case 'left': drawFunction(posX-size.width-offset, posY-size.height/2) break; case 'right': drawFunction(posX+offset, posY-size.height/2) break; case 'top-left': case 'above-left': drawFunction(posX-size.width, posY-size.height-offset) break; case 'top-right': case 'above-right': drawFunction(posX+offset, posY-size.height-offset) break; case 'bottom-left': case 'below-left': drawFunction(posX-size.width-offset, posY+offset) break; case 'bottom-right': case 'below-right': drawFunction(posX+offset, posY+offset) break; } } /** * Automatically draw text (by default the label of the object on the canvas * depending on user settings. * This method takes into account both the posX and posY of where the label * should be displayed, including the labelPosition relative to it. * The text is get both through the getLatexFunction and getTextFunction * depending on whether to use latex. * Then, it's displayed using the drawFunctionLatex (x,y,imageData) and * drawFunctionText (x,y,text) depending on whether to use latex. * * @param {CanvasAPI} canvas * @param {string|Enum} labelPosition - Position of the label relative to the marked position * @param {number} posX - Component of the marked position on the x-axis * @param {number} posY - Component of the marked position on the y-axis * @param {boolean} forceText - Force the rendering of the label as text * @param {function|null} getLatexFunction - Function (no argument) to get the latex markup to be displayed * @param {function|null} getTextFunction - Function (no argument) to get the text to be displayed * @param {function|null} drawFunctionLatex - Function (x,y,imageData) to display the latex image * @param {function|null} drawFunctionText - Function (x,y,text,textSize) to display the text */ drawLabel(canvas, labelPosition, posX, posY,forceText = false, getLatexFunction = null, getTextFunction = null, drawFunctionLatex = null, drawFunctionText = null) { // Default functions if(getLatexFunction == null) getLatexFunction = this.getLatexLabel.bind(this) if(getTextFunction == null) getTextFunction = this.getLabel.bind(this) if(drawFunctionLatex == null) drawFunctionLatex = (x,y,ltxImg) => canvas.drawVisibleImage(ltxImg.source, x, y, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) if(drawFunctionText == null) drawFunctionText = (x,y,text,textSize) => canvas.drawVisibleText(text, x, y+textSize.height) // Positioned from left bottom // Drawing the label let offset if(!forceText && Latex.enabled) { // With latex let drawLblCb = ((ltxImg) => { this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+canvas.linewidth/2, ltxImg, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionLatex(x,y,ltxImg)) }).bind(this) let ltxLabel = getLatexFunction(); if(ltxLabel !== "") canvas.renderLatexImage(ltxLabel, this.color, drawLblCb.bind(this)) } else { // Without latex let text = getTextFunction() canvas.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif` let textSize = canvas.measureText(text) this.drawPositionDivergence(labelPosition, 8+canvas.linewidth/2, textSize, posX, posY, (x,y) => drawFunctionText(x,y,text,textSize)) } } toString() { return this.name; } } /** * Class to be extended for every object on which * an y for a x can be computed with the execute function. * If a value cannot be found during execute, it will * return null. However, theses same x values will * return false when passed to canExecute. */ export class ExecutableObject extends DrawableObject { /** * Returns the corresponding y value for an x value. * If the object isn't defined on the given x, then * this function will return null. * * @param {number} x * @returns {number|null} */ execute(x = 1) {return 0} /** * Returns false if the object isn't defined on the given x, true otherwise. * * @param {number} x * @returns {boolean} */ canExecute(x = 1) {return true} /** * Returns the simplified expression string for a given x. * * @param {number} x * @returns {string} */ simplify(x = 1) {return '0'} /** * True if this object can be executed, so that an y value might be computed * for an x value. Only ExecutableObjects have that property set to true. * @return {boolean} */ static executable() {return true} }