/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2022 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 as D import eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.Setting 1.0 as Setting import "../../js/objects.js" as Objects import "../../js/objs/common.js" as ObjectsCommons import "../../js/historylib.js" as HistoryLib import "../../js/utils.js" as Utils import "../../js/mathlib.js" as MathLib /*! \qmltype Dialog \inqmlmodule eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.ObjectLists.Editor \brief Dialog used to edit properties of objects. This class contains the dialog that allows to edit all properties of objects. \todo In the future, this class should be optimized so that each property doesn't instanciate one instance of each setting type. \sa Loader, ObjectLists */ D.Dialog { id: objEditor /*! \qmlproperty string EditorDialog::objType Type of object being edited by the dialog. */ property string objType: 'Point' /*! \qmlproperty int EditorDialog::objIndex Index of the objects amongst the ones of it's type. */ property int objIndex: 0 /*! \qmlproperty var EditorDialog::obj Instance of the object being edited. */ property var obj: Objects.currentObjects[objType][objIndex] title: "LogarithmPlotter" width: 350 height: 400 // Disable closing on return/enter, causing issues with autocomplete. onActionChosen: if(action.key == Qt.Key_Enter || action.key == Qt.Key_Return) action.accepted = false Label { id: dlgTitle anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter text: qsTr("Edit properties of %1 %2").arg(Objects.types[objEditor.objType].displayType()).arg(objEditor.obj.name) font.pixelSize: 20 color: sysPalette.windowText } Column { id: dlgProperties anchors.top: dlgTitle.bottom width: objEditor.width - 20 spacing: 10 D.MessageDialog { id: invalidNameDialog title: qsTr("LogarithmPlotter - Invalid object name") text: "" function showDialog(objectName) { text = qsTr("An object with the name '%1' already exists.").arg(objectName) open() } } Setting.TextSetting { id: nameProperty height: 30 label: qsTr("Name") icon: "common/label.svg" width: dlgProperties.width value: objEditor.obj.name onChanged: function(newValue) { let newName = Utils.parseName(newValue) if(newName != '' && objEditor.obj.name != newName) { if(newName in Objects.currentObjectsByName) { invalidNameDialog.showDialog(newName) } else { history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.NameChanged( objEditor.obj.name, objEditor.objType, newName )) Objects.renameObject(obj.name, newName) objEditor.obj = Objects.currentObjects[objEditor.objType][objEditor.objIndex] objectListList.update() } } } } Setting.ComboBoxSetting { id: labelContentProperty height: 30 width: dlgProperties.width label: qsTr("Label content") model: [qsTr("null"), qsTr("name"), qsTr("name + value")] property var idModel: ["null", "name", "name + value"] icon: "common/label.svg" currentIndex: idModel.indexOf(objEditor.obj.labelContent) onActivated: function(newIndex) { if(idModel[newIndex] != objEditor.obj.labelContent) { objEditor.obj.labelContent = idModel[newIndex] objEditor.obj.update() objectListList.update() } } } // Dynamic properties CustomPropertyList { id: dlgCustomProperties obj: objEditor.obj onChanged: { obj.update() objectListList.update() } } } /*! \qmlmethod void EditorDialog::show() Shows the editor after the object to be edited is set. */ function show() { dlgCustomProperties.model = [] // Reset let objProps = Objects.types[objEditor.objType].properties() dlgCustomProperties.model = Object.keys(objProps).map(prop => [prop, objProps[prop]]) // Converted to 2-dimentional array. objEditor.open() } }