About About LogarithmPlotter LogarithmPlotter v%1 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and repartition functions. Report a bug AppMenuBar &File &Load... &Save Save &As... &Quit &Edit &Undo &Redo &Copy plot &Create &Settings Check for updates on startup Reset redo stack automaticly &Help &Source code &Report a bug &Changelog &Help translating! &About Save unsaved changes? This plot contains unsaved changes. By doing this, all unsaved data will be lost. Continue? Changelog Fetching changelog... Done EditorDialog Edit properties of %1 %2 Name Label content null name name + value + Create new %1 FileDialog Export Logarithm Plot file Import Logarithm Plot file GreetScreen Welcome to LogarithmPlotter Version %1 Take a few seconds to configure LogarithmPlotter. These settings can be changed at any time from the "Settings" menu. Check for updates on startup (requires online connectivity) Reset redo stack when a new action is added to history Changelog Done HistoryBrowser Redo > > Now < Undo ListSetting + Add Entry LogarithmPlotter Objects Settings History Saved plot to '%1'. Loading file '%1'. Unknown object type: %1. Invalid file provided. Could not save file: Loaded file '%1'. Copied plot screenshot to clipboard! &Update &Update LogarithmPlotter ObjectCreationGrid + Create new: ObjectLists Hide all %1 Show all %1 Hide %1 %2 Show %1 %2 Set %1 %2 position Delete %1 %2 Pick new color for %1 %2 PickLocationOverlay Pointer precision: Snap to grid Settings X Zoom Y Zoom Min X Max Y Max X Min Y X Axis Step Y Axis Step Line width Text size (px) X Label Y Label X Log scale Show X graduation Show Y graduation Copy to clipboard Save plot Save plot as Load plot changelog Could not fetch changelog: Server error {}. Could not fetch update: {}. color %1 %2's color changed from %3 to %4. comment Ex: R+* (ℝ⁺*), N (ℕ), Z-* (ℤ⁻*), ]0;1[, {3;4;5} The following parameters are used when the definition domain is a non-continuous set. (Ex: ℕ, ℤ, sets like {0;3}...) Note: Specify the probability for each value. Note: Use %1[n] to refer to %1ₙ, %1[n+1] for %1ₙ₊₁... control %1: create New %1 %2 created. delete %1 %2 deleted. editproperty %1 of %2 %3 changed from "%4" to "%5". %1 of %2 changed from %3 to %4. function Function Functions gainbode Bode Magnitude Bode Magnitudes low-pass high-pass name %1 %2 renamed to %3. parameters above below left right above-left above-right below-left below-right center top bottom top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right application function high low Next to target With label Hidden phasebode Bode Phase Bode Phases point Point Points prop expression definitionDomain destinationDomain labelPosition displayMode labelX drawPoints drawDashedLines om_0 pass gain omGraduation phase unit x y pointStyle probabilities text targetElement approximate rounding displayStyle targetValuePosition defaultExpression baseValues repartition Repartition Repartition functions sequence Sequence Sequences sommegainsbode Bode Magnitudes Sum sommephasesbode Bode Phases Sum text Text Texts update An update for LogarithPlotter (v{}) is available. No update available. Could not fetch update information: Server error {}. Could not fetch update information: {}. visibility %1 %2 shown. %1 %2 hidden. xcursor X Cursor X Cursors