/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2022 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .pragma library .import "common.js" as Common .import "function.js" as F .import "../objects.js" as Objects .import "../utils.js" as Utils .import "../mathlib.js" as MathLib .import "../historylib.js" as HistoryLib .import "../parameters.js" as P .import "../math/latex.js" as Latex class GainBode extends Common.ExecutableObject { static type(){return 'Gain Bode'} static displayType(){return qsTr('Bode Magnitude')} static displayTypeMultiple(){return qsTr('Bode Magnitudes')} static properties() {return { [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','om_0')]: new P.ObjectType('Point'), [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','pass')]: P.Enum.BodePass, [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','gain')]: new P.Expression(), [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','labelPosition')]: P.Enum.Position, [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','labelX')]: 'number', [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','omGraduation')]: 'boolean' }} constructor(name = null, visible = true, color = null, labelContent = 'name + value', om_0 = '', pass = 'high', gain = '20', labelPosition = 'above', labelX = 1, omGraduation = false) { if(name == null) name = Common.getNewName('G') if(name == 'G') name = 'G₀' // G is reserved for sum of BODE magnitudes (Somme gains Bode). super(name, visible, color, labelContent) if(typeof om_0 == "string") { // Point name or create one om_0 = Objects.currentObjectsByName[om_0] if(om_0 == null) { // Create new point om_0 = Objects.createNewRegisteredObject('Point', [Common.getNewName('ω'), true, this.color, 'name']) HistoryLib.history.addToHistory(new HistoryLib.CreateNewObject(om_0.name, 'Point', om_0.export())) om_0.update() labelPosition = 'below' } om_0.requiredBy.push(this) } this.om_0 = om_0 this.pass = pass if(typeof gain == 'number' || typeof gain == 'string') gain = new MathLib.Expression(gain.toString()) this.gain = gain this.labelPosition = labelPosition this.labelX = labelX this.omGraduation = omGraduation } getReadableString() { let pass = this.pass == "low" ? qsTr("low-pass") : qsTr("high-pass"); return `${this.name}: ${pass}; ${this.om_0.name} = ${this.om_0.x}\n ${' '.repeat(this.name.length)}${this.gain.toString(true)} dB/dec` } getLatexString() { let pass = this.pass == "low" ? qsTr("low-pass") : qsTr("high-pass"); return `\\mathrm{${Latex.variable(this.name)}:}\\begin{array}{l} \\textsf{${pass}};${Latex.variable(this.om_0.name)} = ${this.om_0.x.latexMarkup} \\\\ ${this.gain.latexMarkup}\\textsf{ dB/dec} \\end{array}` } export() { return [this.name, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent, this.om_0.name, this.pass.toString(), this.gain.toEditableString(), this.labelPosition, this.labelX, this.omGraduation] } execute(x=1) { if(typeof x == 'string') x = MathLib.executeExpression(x) if((this.pass == 'high' && x < this.om_0.x) || (this.pass == 'low' && x > this.om_0.x)) { var dbfn = new MathLib.Expression(`${this.gain.execute()}*(ln(x)-ln(${this.om_0.x}))/ln(10)+${this.om_0.y}`) return dbfn.execute(x) } else { return this.om_0.y.execute() } } simplify(x = 1) { var xval = x if(typeof x == 'string') xval = MathLib.executeExpression(x) if((this.pass == 'high' && xval < this.om_0.x) || (this.pass == 'low' && xval > this.om_0.x)) { var dbfn = new MathLib.Expression(`${this.gain.execute()}*(ln(x)-ln(${this.om_0.x}))/ln(10)+${this.om_0.y}`) return dbfn.simplify(x) } else { return this.om_0.y.toString() } } canExecute(x = 1) { return true } draw(canvas, ctx) { var base = [canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x), canvas.y2px(this.om_0.y)] var dbfn = new MathLib.Expression(`${this.gain.execute()}*(ln(x)-ln(${this.om_0.x}))/ln(10)+${this.om_0.y}`) var inDrawDom = new MathLib.EmptySet() if(this.pass == 'high') { // High pass, linear line from begining, then constant to the end. canvas.drawLine(ctx, base[0], base[1], canvas.canvasSize.width, base[1]) inDrawDom = MathLib.parseDomain(`]-inf;${this.om_0.x}[`) } else { // Low pass, constant from the beginning, linear line to the end. canvas.drawLine(ctx, base[0], base[1], 0, base[1]) inDrawDom = MathLib.parseDomain(`]${this.om_0.x};+inf[`) } F.Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, dbfn, inDrawDom, MathLib.Domain.R) // Dashed line representing break in function var xpos = canvas.x2px(this.om_0.x.execute()) var dashPxSize = 10 for(var i = 0; i < canvas.canvasSize.height && this.omGraduation; i += dashPxSize*2) canvas.drawLine(ctx, xpos, i, xpos, i+dashPxSize) // Label this.drawLabel(canvas, ctx, this.labelPosition, canvas.x2px(this.labelX), canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX))) } update() { super.update() if(Objects.currentObjects['Somme gains Bode'] != undefined && Objects.currentObjects['Somme gains Bode'].length > 0) { Objects.currentObjects['Somme gains Bode'][0].recalculateCache() } else { Objects.createNewRegisteredObject('Somme gains Bode') } } }