/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { Module } from '../modules.mjs' const unicodechars = ["α","β","γ","δ","ε","ζ","η", "π","θ","κ","λ","μ","ξ","ρ", "ς","σ","τ","φ","χ","ψ","ω", "Γ","Δ","Θ","Λ","Ξ","Π","Σ", "Φ","Ψ","Ω","ₐ","ₑ","ₒ","ₓ", "ₕ","ₖ","ₗ","ₘ","ₙ","ₚ","ₛ", "ₜ","¹","²","³","⁴","⁵","⁶", "⁷","⁸","⁹","⁰","₁","₂","₃", "₄","₅","₆","₇","₈","₉","₀", "pi", "∞"] const equivalchars = ["\\alpha","\\beta","\\gamma","\\delta","\\epsilon","\\zeta","\\eta", "\\pi","\\theta","\\kappa","\\lambda","\\mu","\\xi","\\rho", "\\sigma","\\sigma","\\tau","\\phi","\\chi","\\psi","\\omega", "\\Gamma","\\Delta","\\Theta","\\Lambda","\\Xi","\\Pi","\\Sigma", "\\Phy","\\Psi","\\Omega","{}_{a}","{}_{e}","{}_{o}","{}_{x}", "{}_{h}","{}_{k}","{}_{l}","{}_{m}","{}_{n}","{}_{p}","{}_{s}", "{}_{t}","{}^{1}","{}^{2}","{}^{3}","{}^{4}","{}^{5}","{}^{6}", "{}^{7}","{}^{8}","{}^{9}","{}^{0}","{}_{1}","{}_{2}","{}_{3}", "{}_{4}","{}_{5}","{}_{6}","{}_{7}","{}_{8}","{}_{9}","{}_{0}", "\\pi", "\\infty"] class LatexAPI extends Module { constructor() { super('Latex', [ /** @type {ExprParserAPI} */ Modules.ExprParser ]) /** * true if latex has been enabled by the user, false otherwise. */ this.enabled = Helper.getSettingBool("enable_latex") /** * Mirror method for Python object. * @type {function(string, number, string): string}. */ this.render = Latex.render } /** * Puts element within parenthesis. * * @param {string} elem - element to put within parenthesis. * @returns {string} */ par(elem) { return '(' + elem + ')' } /** * Checks if the element contains at least one of the elements of * the string array contents, but not at the first position of the string, * and returns the parenthesis version if so. * * @param {string} elem - element to put within parenthesis. * @param {Array} contents - Array of elements to put within parenthesis. * @returns {string} */ parif(elem, contents) { elem = elem.toString() if(elem[0] !== "(" && elem[elem.length-1] !== ")" && contents.some(x => elem.indexOf(x) > 0)) return this.par(elem) if(elem[0] === "(" && elem[elem.length-1] === ")") return elem.substr(1, elem.length-2) return elem } /** * Creates a latex expression for a function. * * @param {string} f - Function to convert * @param {(number,string)[]} args - Arguments of the function * @returns {string} */ functionToLatex(f, args) { switch(f) { case "derivative": if(args.length === 3) return '\\frac{d' + args[0].substr(1, args[0].length-2).replace(new RegExp(args[1].substr(1, args[1].length-2), 'g'), 'x') + '}{dx}'; else return '\\frac{d' + args[0] + '}{dx}(x)'; break; case "integral": if(args.length === 4) return '\\int\\limits_{' + args[0] + '}^{' + args[1] + '}' + args[2].substr(1, args[2].length-2) + ' d' + args[3].substr(1, args[3].length-2); else return '\\int\\limits_{' + args[0] + '}^{' + args[1] + '}' + args[2] + '(t) dt'; break; case "sqrt": return '\\sqrt\\left(' + args.join(', ') + '\\right)'; break; case "abs": return '\\left|' + args.join(', ') + '\\right|'; break; case "floor": return '\\left\\lfloor' + args.join(', ') + '\\right\\rfloor'; break; case "ceil": return '\\left\\lceil' + args.join(', ') + '\\right\\rceil'; break; default: return '\\mathrm{' + f + '}\\left(' + args.join(', ') + '\\right)'; break; } } /** * Creates a latex variable from a variable. * * @param {string} vari - variable text to convert * @param {boolean} wrapIn$ - checks whether the escaped chars should be escaped * @returns {string} */ variable(vari, wrapIn$ = false) { if(wrapIn$) for(let i = 0; i < unicodechars.length; i++) { if(vari.includes(unicodechars[i])) vari = vari.replace(new RegExp(unicodechars[i], 'g'), '$'+equivalchars[i]+'$') } else for(let i = 0; i < unicodechars.length; i++) { if(vari.includes(unicodechars[i])) vari = vari.replace(new RegExp(unicodechars[i], 'g'), equivalchars[i]) } return vari; } /** * Converts expr-eval tokens to a latex string. * * @param {Array} tokens - expr-eval tokens list * @returns {string} */ expression(tokens) { let nstack = [] let n1, n2, n3 let f, args, argCount for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { let item = tokens[i] let type = item.type switch(type) { case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.INUMBER: if(item.value === Infinity) { nstack.push("\\infty") } else if(typeof item.value === 'number' && item.value < 0) { nstack.push(this.par(item.value)); } else if(Array.isArray(item.value)) { nstack.push('[' + item.value.map(Modules.ExprParser.Internals.escapeValue).join(', ') + ']'); } else { nstack.push(Modules.ExprParser.Internals.escapeValue(item.value)); } break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP2: n2 = nstack.pop(); n1 = nstack.pop(); f = item.value; switch(f) { case '-': case '+': nstack.push(n1 + f + n2); break; case '||': case 'or': case '&&': case 'and': case '==': case '!=': nstack.push(this.par(n1) + f + this.par(n2)); break; case '*': if(n2 == "\\pi" || n2 == "e" || n2 == "x" || n2 == "n") nstack.push(this.parif(n1,['+','-']) + n2) else nstack.push(this.parif(n1,['+','-']) + " \\times " + this.parif(n2,['+','-'])); break; case '/': nstack.push("\\frac{" + n1 + "}{" + n2 + "}"); break; case '^': nstack.push(this.parif(n1,['+','-','*','/','!']) + "^{" + n2 + "}"); break; case '%': nstack.push(this.parif(n1,['+','-','*','/','!','^']) + " \\mathrm{mod} " + parif(n2,['+','-','*','/','!','^'])); break; case '[': nstack.push(n1 + '[' + n2 + ']'); break; default: throw new EvalError("Unknown operator " + ope + "."); } break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP3: // Thirdiary operator n3 = nstack.pop(); n2 = nstack.pop(); n1 = nstack.pop(); f = item.value; if (f === '?') { nstack.push('(' + n1 + ' ? ' + n2 + ' : ' + n3 + ')'); } else { throw new EvalError('Unknown operator ' + ope + '.'); } break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IVAR: case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IVARNAME: nstack.push(this.variable(item.value.toString())); break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IOP1: // Unary operator n1 = nstack.pop(); f = item.value; switch(f) { case '-': case '+': nstack.push(this.par(f + n1)); break; case '!': nstack.push(this.parif(n1,['+','-','*','/','^']) + '!'); break; default: nstack.push(f + this.parif(n1,['+','-','*','/','^'])); break; } break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNCALL: argCount = item.value; args = []; while (argCount-- > 0) { args.unshift(nstack.pop()); } f = nstack.pop(); // Handling various functions nstack.push(this.functionToLatex(f, args)) break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IFUNDEF: nstack.push(this.par(n1 + '(' + args.join(', ') + ') = ' + n2)); break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IMEMBER: n1 = nstack.pop(); nstack.push(n1 + '.' + item.value); break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IARRAY: argCount = item.value; args = []; while (argCount-- > 0) { args.unshift(nstack.pop()); } nstack.push('[' + args.join(', ') + ']'); break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IEXPR: nstack.push('(' + this.expression(item.value) + ')'); break; case Modules.ExprParser.Internals.IENDSTATEMENT: break; default: throw new EvalError('invalid Expression'); } } if (nstack.length > 1) { nstack = [ nstack.join(';') ] } return String(nstack[0]); } } /** @type {LatexAPI} */ Modules.Latex = Modules.Latex || new LatexAPI() export default Modules.Latex