import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQml.Models 2.12 /*! \qmltype ListSetting \inqmlmodule eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.Setting \brief Setting to create and edit lists and dictionaries. \sa EditorDialog, Settings, Icon */ Column { id: control /*! \qmlsignal ListSetting::changed() Emitted when an entry of the setting has been changed. The corresponding handler is \c onChanged. */ signal changed() /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::label Label of the setting. */ property string label: '' /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::icon Icon path of the setting. */ property string icon: '' /*! \qmlproperty bool ListSetting::dictionaryMode true to set the export mode to dictionary, false for list. */ property bool dictionaryMode: false /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::keyType Type for keys for dictionary, can be either "string" or "number". */ property string keyType: "string" /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::keyType Type for values of the dictionary or list, can be either "string" or "number". */ property string valueType: "string" /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::preKeyLabel Text to be put before the key for each entry. */ property string preKeyLabel: "" /*! \qmlproperty string ListSetting::postKeyLabel Text to be put after the key for each entry. Only for dictionaries. */ property string postKeyLabel: ": " /*! \qmlproperty var ListSetting::keyRegexp Regular expression used in the validator for keys. Only for dictionaries. */ property var keyRegexp: /^.+$/ /*! \qmlproperty var ListSetting::valueRegexp Regular expression used in the validator for values. */ property var valueRegexp: /^.+$/ /*! \qmlproperty bool ListSetting::forbidAdding If true, prevents the user from adding or removing new entries. */ property bool forbidAdding: false /*! \qmlproperty bool ListSetting::model Model of the list/dictionnary, in the form of [{key: < key >, val: < value > }]. Use the \a importModel method to set the model. */ property alias model: repeater.model Row { height: 30 width: parent.width; Icon { id: iconLabel anchors.topMargin: icon == "" ? 0 : 3 source: control.visible ? "../" + control.icon : "" width: height height: icon == "" || !visible ? 0 : 24 color: sysPalette.windowText } Label { id: labelItem height: 30 verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter text: qsTranslate("control", "%1: ").arg(control.label) } } Repeater { id: repeater width: control.width model: ListModel {} Row { id: defRow height: addEntryBtn.height width: parent.width Text { id: preKeyText height: parent.height verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter color: sysPalette.windowText text: control.preKeyLabel } TextField { id: keyInput visible: control.dictionaryMode height: parent.height width: visible ? 50 : 0 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: control.keyRegexp } verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter color: sysPalette.windowText text: visible ? control.model.get(index).key : false selectByMouse: true onEditingFinished: { var value = text if(control.keyType == 'int') { value = parseInt(value) if(value.toString()=="NaN") value = "" } if(control.keyType == 'double') { value = parseFloat(value) if(value.toString()=="NaN") value = "" } if(value !== "" && valueInput.acceptableInput) { control.model.setProperty(index, 'key', value) control.changed() } } } Text { id: postKeyText visible: control.dictionaryMode height: parent.height verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter color: sysPalette.windowText text: control.postKeyLabel } TextField { id: valueInput height: parent.height width: parent.width - x - deleteButton.width - 5 validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: control.valueRegexp } verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter color: sysPalette.windowText text: visible ? control.model.get(index).val : false selectByMouse: true onEditingFinished: { var value = text if(control.valueType == 'int') { value = parseInt(value) if(value.toString()=="NaN") value = "" } if(control.valueType == 'double') { value = parseFloat(value) if(value.toString()=="NaN") value = "" } if(value !== "" && keyInput.acceptableInput) { control.model.setProperty(index, 'val', value) control.changed() } } } Item { width: 5 height: parent.height } Button { id: deleteButton width: visible ? parent.height : 0 height: width icon.source: './icons/delete.svg' 'delete' visible: !control.forbidAdding onClicked: { control.model.remove(index) } } } } Button { id: addEntryBtn visible: !control.forbidAdding text: qsTr('+ Add Entry') width: control.width onClicked: { control.model.append({ key: control.keyType == 'string' ? '' : model.count, val: control.valueType == 'string' ? '' : 0 }) } } /*! \qmlmethod void ListSetting::importModel(var importer) Imports either a list or a dictionnary in the model. */ function importModel(importer) { model.clear() for(var key in importer) model.append({ key: control.keyType == 'string' ? key.toString() : parseFloat(key), val: control.valueType == 'string' ? importer[key].toString() : parseFloat(importer[key]) }) } /*! \qmlmethod void ListSetting::exportModel() Exports the model either a list or a dictionnary in the model depending on \a dictionaryMode. */ function exportModel() { if(dictionaryMode) { var ret = {} for(var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) ret[model.get(i).key] = model.get(i).val return ret } else { var ret = [] for(var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) ret.push(model.get(i).val) return ret } } }