eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter.desktop logarithmplotter.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0+ LogarithmPlotter 2D logarithmic-scaled plotter software to make Bode plots, sequences and distribution functions 2D-Grafiksoftware mit logarithmischer Skalierung zur Erstellung von Bode-Diagramms, Folgen und Verteilungsfunktionen Logiciel de traçage 2D pour les diagrammes de Bode, les suites et les fonctions de répartition Síkbeli ábrázolásszoftver Bode-ábrák, sorozatok és eloszlási funkciók készítéséhez 2D-plotterprogramvare laget for opprettelse av Bode-diagram, sekvenser, og distribusjonsfunksjoner

LogarithmPlotter is, as it's name suggests, a plotter made with logarithm scales in mind. With an object system similar to Geogebra's, it allows dynamic creation of both logarithmic-scaled and non logarithmic-scaled plots with very few limitations.

It's primary use is to quickly create asymptotic Bode plots, but it's extensible nature and ability to switch to non-logarithmic scales allow it to create other things with it, like sequences or statistical repartition functions.


LogarithmPlotter is available in:

Learn more:

LogarithmPlotter est, comme son nom l'indique, un créateur de graphes et diagrammes 2D réalisé avec l'échelle logarithmique en tête. Avec un système d'objets similaire à Geogebra, ce qui lui permet de créer des graphes à échelle logarithmique et non logarithmique avec peu de limitations.

Son intérêt principal est de permettre de créer des diagrammes asymptotiques de Bode, mais sa nature extensible et sa capacité à passer à une échelle non-logarithmique lui permet de créer d'autres choses.


LogarithmPlotter est disponible en:

En savoir plus:

A LogarithmPlotter egy logaritmus-ábrázoló, amely logaritmikus léptékek figyelembevételével készült. A Geogebrához hasonló objektumrendszerrel dinamikus parcellák létrehozását teszi lehetővé, nagyon kevés korlátozással.

Elsődleges felhasználása az aszimptotikus Bode-ábrák gyors létrehozása, de bővíthető jellege és a nem logaritmikus skálákra váltás lehetősége lehetővé teszi, hogy más dolgokat is létrehozzon vele, például sorozatokat vagy statisztikai újraosztási függvényeket.

Science Education Qt medium xlarge xsmall

Changes for v0.4.0:


  • Fully ported to PySide6 (Qt6).
  • Greet screen settings are now scrollable.
  • Changelog is now freezed to current version.


  • Customizable color schemes for expressions.
  • New, rewamped and improved picked location overlay settings:
  • It's now possible to disable picking x or y when setting a location.
  • Properties which are related to positioning (X, Y, Label's X position) can now be set using the picker.
  • Visual redesign that enhances readability of settings.
  • There is now a button to hide picker settings.

Fixed bugs

  • Cursors in expression are now easier to see.
  • Symbols in LaTeX rendered Texts cause the LaTeX renderer to crash.
  • Underscores in distribution names are automatically removed if the name is modified.
  • Autocomplete categories now properly respect theme colors.
  • Functions in expressions (like indexOf, map...) now properly send errors when the arguments are of the wrong type or count.
  • Executable Objects called (like functions, bode magnitures, phases...) now send an error if provided with no arguments.
  • Function calls with no argument no longer make LogarithmPlotter crash under certain circumstances.
  • Thank you dialog's lists are no longer draggable.

Internal changes

  • A lot of inner changes led by porting to Qt6, fixing a lot of bugs at the same time.
  • Disabled auto detect of visual theme if the QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE environment variable is set.
  • (macOS, Windows, Flatpak) Drastically reducing installer sizes (more than halved).
  • (Launchpad/Ubuntu) Using custom built packages of PySide6, meaning smaller installation and distro dependency.

Changes for v0.3.0:


  • New completely revamped expression editor:
  • Automatic closing of parentheses and brackets (can be disabled in settings).
  • Syntax highlighting (can be disabled in the settings).
  • Autocompletion is now available (for function names, variables and constants, object names and properties) (can be disabled in the settings).
  • Object properties can now be used in expressions (e.g. if you have a point named A, you can use A.x to access its x value).
  • Similarly executable objects (Functions, bode magnitudes and phases, distributions, and sequences) can be now be used in expressions (e.g. if you have a function named 'f', you can access its value using `f(value)`).
  • LaTeX-rendered formulas are now used in the Objects and History tabs when LaTeX rendering is enabled.
  • Errors in formulas are now reported in message boxes.


  • The Object Editor dialog has been completely reworked internally, resulting in notable performance improvements.
  • Vast improvements to the objects system: names are now consistently reported and cannot be shared amongst different objects.
  • Disabled access to custom variable and function definition in expressions (can cause issues and vulnerabilities)
  • When using the set position cursor on Points and Texts, the position change is now saved a single history action: the position setting.
  • Distribution are now prefixed with an 'F_' to prevent confusion with X Cursors.

Added translations

  • Autocompletion categories (English, French, German, Hungarian).
  • Expression editor settings (English, French, German, Hungarian).
  • Expression syntax errors (English, French, German, Hungarian).
  • On top of the above:
  • Hungarian: v0.2.0 added text (thanks @ovari!)
  • Spanish: Menu bars (thanks @Sergio Varela)
  • You can contribute to translation on Weblate.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixing Texts not being properly recognized as texts when saving.
  • Text's 'Disable LaTeX' property is now properly saved.
  • X Cursors LaTeX rendering made the app crash.
  • Attempting to insert special character no longer automatically saves the expression you're editing.
  • Proper HDPI support for icons and buttons (note: HDPI is not available for the rendered canvas yet).
  • Support for non-latin characters in variables (e.g. greek letters, subtext, suptext)
  • Silent error when misentering variable names in the expression editor causing internal issues preventing you from changing the expression ever again and causing issues and rendering.
  • Fixing some utils function simplifying parentheses when they shouldn't have (note: you may see more parentheses than before in expressions).
  • (flatpak and KDE SDK) Fixing the sometimes invisible buttons on the objects tab on startup.
  • (macos) Application string version does not match LogarithmPlotter's version.
  • (debian) (Normally) Fixing deb building.

Internal changes

  • Object dependencies are now registered on both the dependant object, and the object it's depending on.
  • Objects now have a proper per-name registry.
  • Object Editor Dialog has been reworked to use loaders instead of loading and hiding every property editor for each property.
  • Reworked the file loading system to be able to load dependencies properly.

Changes for v0.2.0:


  • (EXPERIMENTAL) LogarithmPlotter now has an optional LaTeX integration.
  • It requires a LaTeX installation, including `latexmk` and `dvipng` available in the PATH.
  • NOTE: LaTeX support is disabled by default and is only for working for the rendering on the graph.
  • NOTE: The objects and history tab still use the legacy text based expression rendering.
  • Thanks and contributions dialog, showing included libraries and translations, their license and author(s).
  • LaTeX rendering can be disabled for texts, even if LaTeX is enabled.


  • History re/undos only redraw the graph every 4 change at most in order to speed up the process when re/undoing a lot of changes.
  • Gradients are no longer hidden when filtered out in the history tab.

Added translations

  • LaTeX options and error messages
  • Thanks and contribution dialog
  • New option for text.
  • Fixed translation of "repartition" which should be "distribution" in certain remaining strings.

Fixed bugs

  • (macos) #1 - Opening files don't work on compiled versions of LogarithmPlotter on MacOS
  • (snapcraft) Fixed bug preventing from launching LogarithmPlotter. This fix has been backported to v0.1.8.
  • (snapcraft) Files are now properly opened.
  • (snapcraft) Added changelog support.

Internal changes

  • Moved python modules to "util" directory for more clarity.
  • Moved flatpak metainfo to eu.ad5001.LogarithmPlotter repository.
  • Componented the Mathlib library in order to have a more readable source.
  • Added documentation for most internal JavaScript modules.
  • Merge label drawing methods due to it's complexity.
  • (flatpak) Updated SDK version to v5.15-21.08.

Changes for v0.1.8:


  • There is now a user manual for LogarithmPlotter! Contributions apprecriated.


  • A link to LogarithmPlotter's official website has been added in the about dialog.
  • A link to the user manual has been added both on the greeting screen and the `Help` menu.

Added translations

  • User manual.
  • Official website.

Fixed bugs

  • The label position of X Cursors now display the label even when unexpected values are entered.
  • X Cursors target object in history are now properly rendered when no object were selected
  • Fixed slight clipping at the bottom of the border.
  • TextInput no longer allow to input forbidden characters for numbers.
  • ALT+ shortcuts on the menu bar now work. NOTE: May break some mobile configuration. Qt bug report
  • (flatpak) Buttons on side menu to create object now have proper width on startup.

Internal changes

  • There is now a script to generate offline versions of the manual based on their online version.
  • Sidebar button width is now fixed.
  • Artifacts have been added to appstream metadata.

Changes for v0.1.7:


  • The history browser has been completly redesigned, improving UX.
  • The history browser now features a filter bar.
  • All side panel tabs now have a visually identifiable scrollbar.


  • Shorter rich text representations of history entries to improve readability.
  • Usage of gradiants and icons to better identify history entries at a glance.
  • History entries are now showing the whole label on several lines, instead of cutting it at the end.
  • New history action for renaming.
  • New history action for coloring. Note: color changing history entries created in previous versions of LogarithmPlotter will not be updated.
  • Tooltips for object creation buttons have been added.
  • Tooltips have been set to have a delay of 200ms to match most software's handling of them.
  • Object creation buttons now have a unified style accross all platforms.

Added translations

  • History action of renaming objects.
  • History action of changing the color of objects.
  • Filtering for history browser.

Fixed bugs

  • Visibility history actions (shown and hidden) are now properly savedmaking loading them not automaticly changed to "Show".
  • Name changes history actions are now properly saved.
  • Non translated object type on the "+ Create new object" item selection combobox for Bode Magnitude and Phase.
  • Proper handling for future LogarithmPlotter files.
  • Shortcuts not being displayed in the menu bar are now properly shown.
  • (flatpak) Black versions of the icons when using a black theme with the KDE SDK.
  • (debian) Fixed launchpad building properly.

Internal changes

  • Better organisation on icons.
  • Historylib has been separated in several files.
  • Trying to switch metainfo once more to try and fix another bug.
  • Keywords added to metainfo.

Changes for v0.1.6:


  • A new changelog popup is available at startup and in the help menu.

Added translations

  • Object properties names.
  • Object properties enum values.
  • Object comments.
  • Most elements using a ":".

Fixed bugs

  • X Cursor's targets can now be set to null.
  • History now imports domains and objects properly.
  • Proper handling for future LogarithmPlotter files.
  • (debian) Fixing bug that created a /build directory and didn't put the icons in the right directories.


  • Other: Refractoring done on helper.
  • Other: All QML elements are now properly commented.
  • Other: Scripts have been moved to it's own directory.
  • Other: Added changelog to metainfo for flathub.

Changes for v0.1.5:


  • LogarithmPlotter has now better handling of very high values in logarithmic scale.

Added translations

  • Flatpak metadata, including translated image.

Fixed bugs

  • (!) File saving dialog was not working.
  • (!) Debian packages does include any language file.
  • X Cursor pointing does not detect any object.

Changes for v0.1.4:


  • LogarithmPlotter detects unsaved changes.
  • LogarithmPlotter is now translated!
  • New translation: English by Ad5001: 100%
  • New translation: French by Ad5001: 100%
  • New translation: German by Ad5001: 100%
  • New translation: Hungarian by Óvári (@ovari on github): 100%
  • New translation: Norvegian by Allan Nordhøy (@comradekingu on github): 80%

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed bug: No notification when closing LogarithmPlotter with unsaved changes.
  • Fixed bug: π unavailable in symbols.

Changes for v0.1.3:

Fixed bugs

  • Sandboxed packages (snapcraft and flatpak) won't show error messages related to update checks.
  • Equations of the form (x + y) / z were not being simplified properly.

Changes for v0.1.2:

Fixed bugs

  • Unable to move Bode diagrams elements when having deleted the sum element.
  • Names were not not being changed from previous object when editing a new one.
  • Bode Magnitude was not drawn far enough.
  • Bode Magnitude had undefined ending.
  • Other bugs patched in v0.1.1.

Changes for v0.1:

  • Initial release.
Ad5001 Plot Plotter Log Logarithm Logarithmic Bode Magnitude Diagram Graph Phase Sequence Distribution