/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2022 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .pragma library .import "common.js" as Common .import "../utils.js" as Utils .import "../mathlib.js" as MathLib .import "../parameters.js" as P .import "../math/latex.js" as Latex class Function extends Common.ExecutableObject { static type(){return 'Function'} static displayType(){return qsTr('Function')} static displayTypeMultiple(){return qsTr('Functions')} /*static properties() {return { 'expression': 'Expression', 'definitionDomain': 'Domain', 'destinationDomain': 'Domain', 'comment1': 'Ex: R+* (ℝ⁺*), N (ℕ), Z-* (ℤ⁻*), ]0;1[, {3;4;5}', 'labelPosition': P.Enum.Position, 'displayMode': new P.Enum('application', 'function'), 'labelX': 'number', 'comment2': 'The following parameters are used when the definition domain is a non-continuous set. (Ex: ℕ, ℤ, sets like {0;3}...)', 'drawPoints': 'boolean', 'drawDashedLines': 'boolean' }}*/ static properties() {return { [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','expression')]: 'Expression', [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','definitionDomain')]: 'Domain', [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','destinationDomain')]: 'Domain', 'comment1': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( 'comment', 'Ex: R+* (ℝ⁺*), N (ℕ), Z-* (ℤ⁻*), ]0;1[, {3;4;5}' ), [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','labelPosition')]: P.Enum.Position, [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','displayMode')]: P.Enum.FunctionDisplayType, [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','labelX')]: 'number', 'comment2': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( 'comment', 'The following parameters are used when the definition domain is a non-continuous set. (Ex: ℕ, ℤ, sets like {0;3}...)' ), [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','drawPoints')]: 'boolean', [QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('prop','drawDashedLines')]: 'boolean' }} constructor(name = null, visible = true, color = null, labelContent = 'name + value', expression = 'x', definitionDomain = 'RPE', destinationDomain = 'R', displayMode = 'application', labelPosition = 'above', labelX = 1, drawPoints = true, drawDashedLines = true) { if(name == null) name = Common.getNewName('fghjqlmnopqrstuvwabcde') super(name, visible, color, labelContent) this.type = 'Function' if(typeof expression == 'number' || typeof expression == 'string') expression = new MathLib.Expression(expression.toString()) this.expression = expression if(typeof definitionDomain == 'string') definitionDomain = MathLib.parseDomain(definitionDomain) this.definitionDomain = definitionDomain if(typeof destinationDomain == 'string') destinationDomain = MathLib.parseDomain(destinationDomain) this.destinationDomain = destinationDomain this.displayMode = displayMode this.labelPosition = labelPosition this.labelX = labelX this.drawPoints = drawPoints this.drawDashedLines = drawDashedLines } getReadableString() { if(this.displayMode == 'application') { return `${this.name}: ${this.definitionDomain} ⟶ ${this.destinationDomain}\n ${' '.repeat(this.name.length)}x ⟼ ${this.expression.toString()}` } else { return `${this.name}(x) = ${this.expression.toString()}\nD${Utils.textsub(this.name)} = ${this.definitionDomain}` } } toLatexString() { if(this.displayMode == 'application') { return `${Latex.variableToLatex(this.name)}:\\begin{array}{llll}${this.definitionDomain.latexMarkup} & \\rightarrow & ${this.destinationDomain.latexMarkup}\\\\x & \\mapsto & ${this.expression.latexMarkup}\\end{array}` } else { return `\\begin{array}{l}${Latex.variableToLatex(this.name)}(x) = ${this.expression.latexMarkup}\\\\ D_{${this.name}} = ${this.definitionDomain.latexMarkup}\\end{array}` } } export() { return [this.name, this.visible, this.color.toString(), this.labelContent, this.expression.toEditableString(), this.definitionDomain.toString(), this.destinationDomain.toString(), this.displayMode, this.labelPosition, this.labelX, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines] } execute(x = 1) { if(this.definitionDomain.includes(x)) return this.expression.execute(x) return null } canExecute(x = 1) { return this.definitionDomain.includes(x) } simplify(x = 1) { if(this.definitionDomain.includes(x)) return this.expression.simplify(x) return '' } draw(canvas, ctx) { Function.drawFunction(canvas, ctx, this.expression, this.definitionDomain, this.destinationDomain, this.drawPoints, this.drawDashedLines) // Label var text = this.getLabel() ctx.font = `${canvas.textsize}px sans-serif` var textSize = canvas.measureText(ctx, text) var posX = canvas.x2px(this.labelX) var posY = canvas.y2px(this.execute(this.labelX)) let drawLabel = function(canvas, ctx, ltxImg) { switch(this.labelPosition) { case 'above': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX-ltxImg.width/2, posY-(ltxImg.height+10), ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'below': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX-ltxImg.width/2, posY+10, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'left': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX-(ltxImg.width+10), posY-ltxImg.height/2, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'right': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX+10, posY-ltxImg.height/2, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'above-left': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX-(ltxImg.width+10), posY-(ltxImg.height+10), ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'above-right': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX+10, posY-(ltxImg.height+10), ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'below-left': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX-(ltxImg.width+10), posY+10, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; case 'below-right': canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX+10, posY+10, ltxImg.width, ltxImg.height) break; } } let ltxLabel = this.getLatexLabel(); if(ltxLabel != "") canvas.renderLatexImage(ltxLabel, this.color, drawLabel.bind(this)) //canvas.drawVisibleImage(ctx, ltxImg.source, posX, posY) /*switch(this.labelPosition) { case 'above': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width/2, posY-textSize.height) break; case 'below': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width/2, posY+textSize.height) break; case 'left': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY-textSize.height/2) break; case 'right': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY-textSize.height/2) break; case 'above-left': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY-textSize.height) break; case 'above-right': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY-textSize.height) break; case 'below-left': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX-textSize.width, posY+textSize.height) break; case 'below-right': canvas.drawVisibleText(ctx, text, posX, posY+textSize.height) break; }*/ } static drawFunction(canvas, ctx, expr, definitionDomain, destinationDomain, drawPoints = true, drawDash = true) { // Reusable in other objects. // Drawing small traits every 0.2px var pxprecision = 1 var previousX = canvas.px2x(0) var previousY; if(definitionDomain instanceof MathLib.SpecialDomain && definitionDomain.moveSupported) { // Point based functions. previousX = definitionDomain.next(previousX) if(previousX === null) previousX = definitionDomain.next(canvas.px2x(0)) previousY = expr.execute(previousX) if(!drawPoints && !drawDash) return while(previousX !== null && canvas.x2px(previousX) < canvas.canvasSize.width) { // Reconverted for canvas to fix for logarithmic scales. var currentX = definitionDomain.next(canvas.px2x(canvas.x2px(previousX)+pxprecision)); var currentY = expr.execute(currentX) if(currentX === null) break; if((definitionDomain.includes(currentX) || definitionDomain.includes(previousX)) && (destinationDomain.includes(currentY) || destinationDomain.includes(previousY))) { if(drawDash) canvas.drawDashedLine(ctx, canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY)) if(drawPoints) { ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2) ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10) } } previousX = currentX previousY = currentY } if(drawPoints) { // Drawing the last cross ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-5, canvas.y2px(previousY)-1, 10, 2) ctx.fillRect(canvas.x2px(previousX)-1, canvas.y2px(previousY)-5, 2, 10) } } else { previousY = expr.execute(previousX) for(var px = pxprecision; px < canvas.canvasSize.width; px += pxprecision) { var currentX = canvas.px2x(px) var currentY = expr.execute(currentX) if((definitionDomain.includes(currentX) || definitionDomain.includes(previousX)) && (destinationDomain.includes(currentY) || destinationDomain.includes(previousY)) && Math.abs(previousY-currentY)<100) { canvas.drawLine(ctx, canvas.x2px(previousX), canvas.y2px(previousY), canvas.x2px(currentX), canvas.y2px(currentY)) } previousX = currentX previousY = currentY } } } }