/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import * as Reference from "reference.mjs" const WHITESPACES = " \t\n\r" const STRING_LIMITERS = '"\'`'; const OPERATORS = "+-*/^%?:=!><"; const PUNCTUATION = "()[]{},."; const NUMBER_CHARS = "0123456789" const IDENTIFIER_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉αβγδεζηθκλμξρςστφχψωₐₑₒₓₔₕₖₗₘₙₚₛₜ" export const TokenType = { // Expression type "WHITESPACE": "WHITESPACE", "VARIABLE": "VARIABLE", "CONSTANT": "CONSTANT", "FUNCTION": "FUNCTION", "OPERATOR": "OPERATOR", "PUNCT": "PUNCT", "NUMBER": "NUMBER", "STRING": "STRING", "UNKNOWN": "UNKNOWN" } export class Token { constructor(type, value, startPosition) { this.type = type; this.value = value; this.startPosition = startPosition } } export class ExpressionTokenizer { /** * * @param {InputExpression} input * @param {boolean} tokenizeWhitespaces * @param {boolean} errorOnUnknown */ constructor(input, tokenizeWhitespaces = false, errorOnUnknown = true) { this.input = input; this.currentToken = null; this.tokenizeWhitespaces = tokenizeWhitespaces this.errorOnUnknown = errorOnUnknown } skipWhitespaces() { while(!this.input.atEnd() && WHITESPACES.includes(this.input.peek())) this.input.next(); } readWhitespaces() { let included = ""; while(!this.input.atEnd() && WHITESPACES.includes(this.input.peek())) { included += this.input.next(); } return new Token(TokenType.WHITESPACE, included, this.input.position-included.length) } readString() { let delimitation = this.input.peek(); if(STRING_LIMITERS.includes(delimitation)) { this.input.skip(delimitation) let included = ""; let justEscaped = false; while(!this.input.atEnd() && (!STRING_LIMITERS.includes(this.input.peek()) || justEscaped)) { justEscaped = this.input.peek() === "\\" if(!justEscaped) included += this.input.next(); } this.input.skip(delimitation) let token = new Token(TokenType.STRING, included, this.input.position-included.length) token.limitator = delimitation return token } else { this.input.raise("Unexpected " + delimitation + ". Expected string delimitator") } } readNumber() { let included = ""; let hasDot = false; while(!this.input.atEnd() && (NUMBER_CHARS.includes(this.input.peek()) || this.input.peek() === '.')) { if(this.input.peek() === ".") { if(hasDot) this.input.raise("Unexpected '.'. Expected digit") hasDot = true; } included += this.input.next(); } return new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, included, this.input.position-included.length) } readOperator() { let included = ""; while(!this.input.atEnd() && OPERATORS.includes(this.input.peek())) { included += this.input.next(); } return new Token(TokenType.OPERATOR, included, this.input.position-included.length) } readIdentifier() { let identifier = ""; while(!this.input.atEnd() && IDENTIFIER_CHARS.includes(this.input.peek().toLowerCase())) { identifier += this.input.next(); } if(Reference.CONSTANTS_LIST.includes(identifier.toLowerCase())) { return new Token(TokenType.CONSTANT, identifier.toLowerCase(), this.input.position-identifier.length) } else if(Reference.FUNCTIONS_LIST.includes(identifier.toLowerCase())) { return new Token(TokenType.FUNCTION, identifier.toLowerCase(), this.input.position-identifier.length) } else { return new Token(TokenType.VARIABLE, identifier, this.input.position-identifier.length) } } readNextToken() { if(!this.tokenizeWhitespaces) this.skipWhitespaces() if(this.input.atEnd()) return null; let c = this.input.peek(); if(this.tokenizeWhitespaces && WHITESPACES.includes(c)) return this.readWhitespaces(); if(STRING_LIMITERS.includes(c)) return this.readString(); if(NUMBER_CHARS.includes(c)) return this.readNumber(); if(IDENTIFIER_CHARS.includes(c.toLowerCase())) return this.readIdentifier(); if(OPERATORS.includes(c)) return this.readOperator(); if(Reference.CONSTANTS_LIST.includes(c)) return new Token(TokenType.CONSTANT, this.input.next(), this.input.position-1); if(PUNCTUATION.includes(c)) return new Token(TokenType.PUNCT, this.input.next(), this.input.position-1); if(this.errorOnUnknown) this.input.raise("Unknown token character " + c) else return new Token(TokenType.UNKNOWN, this.input.next(), this.input.position-1); } peek() { if(this.currentToken == null) this.currentToken = this.readNextToken(); return this.currentToken; } next() { let tmp; if(this.currentToken == null) tmp = this.readNextToken(); else tmp = this.currentToken; this.currentToken = null; return tmp; } atEnd() { return this.peek() == null; } skip(type) { let next = this.next(); if(next.type !== type) this.input.raise("Unexpected token " + next.type.toLowerCase() + ' "' + next.value + '". Expected ' + type.toLowerCase()); } }