/** * LogarithmPlotter - 2D plotter software to make BODE plots, sequences and distribution functions. * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Ad5001 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Contains polyfill math functions used for reference. export function factorial(x) { if (x < 0) // Integrating by less than 0 if(isFinite(n)) return Infinity else throw new EvalError("Cannot calculate the factorial of -∞.") return gamma(x+1) } let GAMMA_G = 4.7421875 let GAMMA_P = [ 0.99999999999999709182, 57.156235665862923517, -59.597960355475491248, 14.136097974741747174, -0.49191381609762019978, 0.33994649984811888699e-4, 0.46523628927048575665e-4, -0.98374475304879564677e-4, 0.15808870322491248884e-3, -0.21026444172410488319e-3, 0.21743961811521264320e-3, -0.16431810653676389022e-3, 0.84418223983852743293e-4, -0.26190838401581408670e-4, 0.36899182659531622704e-5 ] export function gamma(n) { if(n <= 0) // Integrating by less than 0 if(isFinite(n)) return Infinity else throw new EvalError("Cannot calculate Γ(-∞).") if(n >= 171.35) return Infinity // Would return more than 2^1024 - 1 (aka Number.INT_MAX) if(n === Math.round(n) && isFinite(n)) { // Calculating (n-1)! let res = n - 1 for(let i = n - 2; i > 1; i++) res *= i if(res === 0) res = 1 // 0! is per definition 1 return res } // Section below adapted function adapted from math.js if(n < 0.5) return Math.PI / (Math.sin(Math.PI * n) * gamma(1 - n)) if(n > 85.0) { // Extended Stirling Approx let twoN = n * n let threeN = twoN * n let fourN = threeN * n let fiveN = fourN * n return Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI / n) * Math.pow((n / Math.E), n) * (1 + (1 / (12 * n)) + (1 / (288 * twoN)) - (139 / (51840 * threeN)) - (571 / (2488320 * fourN)) + (163879 / (209018880 * fiveN)) + (5246819 / (75246796800 * fiveN * n))) } --n let x = GAMMA_P[0] for (let i = 1; i < GAMMA_P.length; ++i) { x += GAMMA_P[i] / (n + i) } let t = n + GAMMA_G + 0.5 return Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.pow(t, n + 0.5) * Math.exp(-t) * x } export function arrayMap(f, arr) { if (typeof f != 'function') throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'First argument to map is not a function.')) if (!Array.isArray(arr)) throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'Second argument to map is not an array.')) return arr.map(f) } export function arrayFold(f, init, arr) { if (typeof f != 'function') throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'First argument to fold is not a function.')) if (!Array.isArray(arr)) throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'Second argument to fold is not an array.')) return arr.reduce(f, init) } export function arrayFilter(f, arr) { if (typeof f != 'function') throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'First argument to filter is not a function.')) if (!Array.isArray(arr)) throw new EvalError(qsTranslate('error', 'Second argument to filter is not an array.')) return arr.filter(f) } export function arrayJoin(sep, arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr)) throw new Error(qsTranslate('error', 'Second argument to join is not an array.')) return arr.join(sep) } export function indexOf(target, s) { if (!(Array.isArray(s) || typeof s === 'string')) throw new Error(qsTranslate('error', 'Second argument to indexOf is not a string or array.')) return s.indexOf(target) }