Adding current progress

This commit is contained in:
Ad5001 2017-10-22 10:45:05 +02:00
commit 24f9ede380
14 ha cambiato i file con 1082 aggiunte e 0 eliminazioni

10 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# RealWorld
Pocketmine Generator for Earth and heightmap based generation.
# Installation
To support all the features including your own heightmap creation, you may need to install the PHP GD extension.
How to do that?
- For PocketMine Server Manager users, check if the plugin is working, if not, just delete the folder located in <YOUR\_OWN\_FOLDER>/.pocketmine/php and restart PocketMine Server Manager.
- For regular pocketmine user, you can get <a href="">the following script to install a PHP with GD included </a>.
You may also need to install

heightmap.png Normal file

File binario non mostrato.


Larghezza:  |  Altezza:  |  Dimensione: 17 MiB

plugin.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
name: RealWorld
author: Ad5001
version: 1.0
api: [3.0.0-ALPHA9]
main: Ad5001\RealWorld\Main
commands: []
permissions: []

resources/heightmap.jpg Normal file

File binario non mostrato.


Larghezza:  |  Altezza:  |  Dimensione: 5.9 MiB

resources/heightmap.png Normal file

File binario non mostrato.


Larghezza:  |  Altezza:  |  Dimensione: 17 MiB

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\command\Command;
use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use pocketmine\Server;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\utils\Utils;
use pocketmine\event\level\LevelInitEvent;
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\utils\Range;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\generator\RealWorld;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\generator\RealWorldLarge;
class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener{
public static $BIOMES_BY_RANGE = [];
* Loads the plugin
* @return void
public function onEnable(){
if(!file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . "heightmap.png")) { // Get default world HeightMap
file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() . "heightmap.png", $this->getResource("heightmap.png"));
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
// Register generators
Generator::addGenerator(RealWorld::class, "realworld");
* Checks when a command is sent.
* @param CommandSender $sender
* @param Command $cmd
* @param string $label
* @param array $args
* @return bool
public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, string $label, array $args): bool{
case "default":
return false;
// /**
// * Checks when a world will start being generated to give it's id to it and start generation
// *
// * @param LevelInitEvent $ev
// * @return void
// */
// public function onLevelInit(LevelInitEvent $ev){
// $lvl = $ev->getLevel();
// $contents = "";
// if(file_exists($this->getDataFolder() . "worldsids.txt")){
// $contents = file_get_contents($this->getDataFolder() . "worldsids.txt") . "\n";
// }
// $contents .= $lvl->getId() . ": " . $lvl->getName();
// file_put_contents($this->getDataFolder() . "worldsids.txt")
// }
* Generates all ranges for biomes.
* Default WATER_HEIGHT is 100
* @return void
public static function generateRanges(){
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE = [];
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::OCEAN] = new Range(RealWorld::MIN_HEIGHT, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::RIVER] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 10);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::SWAMP] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 10);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::DESERT] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 5, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 31);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::ICE_PLAINS] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 10, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 31);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::PLAINS] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 10, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 31);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::FOREST] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 24, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 47);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::BIRCH_FOREST] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 24, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 47);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::TAIGA] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 31, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 47);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::SMALL_MOUNTAINS] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 47, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 95);
self::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE[Biome::MOUNTAINS] = new Range(RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 95, RealWorld::WATER_HEIGHT + 155);

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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\generator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\block\BlockFactory;
use pocketmine\block\CoalOre;
use pocketmine\block\DiamondOre;
use pocketmine\block\Dirt;
use pocketmine\block\GoldOre;
use pocketmine\block\Gravel;
use pocketmine\block\IronOre;
use pocketmine\block\LapisOre;
use pocketmine\block\RedstoneOre;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\level\generator\biome\Biome;
use pocketmine\level\generator\noise\Simplex;
use pocketmine\level\generator\normal\object\OreType as OreType2;
use pocketmine\level\generator\object\OreType;
use pocketmine\level\generator\biome\BiomeSelector;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\GroundCover;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Ore;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Populator;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\Main;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\populator\CavePopulator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\populator\RavinePopulator;
class RealWorld extends Generator{
/** Both two here tells the max and min of water. */
const WATER_HEIGHT = 100;
const MIN_HEIGHT = 60;
/** Converts the original picture height to a minecraft height */
* @var array
* Coordinates of the start point
protected $startPoint = [];
/** @var resource - Heightmap image resource */
protected $heightmap;
/** @var string */
protected $worldpath;
/** @var ChunkManager */
protected $level;
/** @var Random */
protected $random;
/** @var BiomeSelector */
protected $selector;
/** @var int[] */
protected static $cachedHeights = [];
/** @var Biome[] - Biomes that are candidates to be choosen to be generated */
protected $candidatesBiomes = [];
/** @var Populator[] */
private $generationPopulators = [];
/** @var Populator[] */
private $populators = [];
* Constructs the class
* @param array $options
public function __construct($options = []){}
* Inits the class for the variables. mw create Test 902874635 realworld
* Executed on the main thread.
* $level is actually a level instance.
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function init(ChunkManager $level, Random $random) {
$this->level = $level;
$this->random = $random;
if($level instanceof Level) { // First init in main thread
$this->worldpath = getcwd() . "/worlds/" . $level->getName() . "/";
// Initing folder data
@mkdir($this->worldpath . "gendata");
// Checking heightmap
if(!file_exists($this->worldpath . "gendata/heightmap.png")) {
copy(getcwd() . "/plugins/RealWorld/heightmap.png", $this->worldpath . "gendata/heightmap.png");
$this->heightmap = \imagecreatefrompng($this->worldpath . "gendata/heightmap.png");
// Checking gen infos (startpoint, ...)
if(!file_exists($this->worldpath . "gendata/geninfos.json")) {
$data = [];
$data["startPoint"] = [
$random->nextRange(round(-imagesy($this->heightmap)) / 2, round(imagesy($this->heightmap) / 2)),
$random->nextRange(round(-imagesx($this->heightmap)) / 2, round(imagesx($this->heightmap) / 2)),
file_put_contents($this->worldpath . "gendata/geninfos.json", json_encode($data));
$options = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->worldpath . "gendata/geninfos.json"));
$this->startPoint = $options->startPoint;
} else {
// Making selector
$this->selector = new BiomeSelector($this->random, function($temperature, $rainfall){
// Checking the nearest candidate biome that have the closest $temperature and $rainfall.
$bestBiome = [PHP_INT_MAX, Biome::getBiome(Biome::OCEAN)]; // Default biome
foreach($this->candidatesBiomes as $b){
$diffRainFall = abs($b->getRainfall() - $rainfall);
$diffTemperature = abs($b->getTemperature() - $temperature);
$diff = $diffRainFall + $diffTemperature; // Total diff.
if($diff < $bestBiome[0]) $bestBiome = [$diff, $b];
}, Biome::getBiome(Biome::OCEAN));
// Populators
$cover = new GroundCover();
$this->generationPopulators[] = $cover;
$cave = new CavePopulator ();
$this->generationPopulators[] = $cave;
$ravine = new RavinePopulator ();
$this->generationPopulators[] = $ravine;
$ores = new Ore();
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::COAL_ORE), 20, 16, 0, 128),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::IRON_ORE), 20, 8, 0, 64),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::REDSTONE_ORE), 8, 7, 0, 16),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::LAPIS_ORE), 1, 6, 0, 32),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::GOLD_ORE), 2, 8, 0, 32),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::DIAMOND_ORE), 1, 7, 0, 16),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::DIRT), 20, 32, 0, 128),
new OreType(BlockFactory::get(Block::GRAVEL), 10, 16, 0, 128)
$this->populators[] = $ores;
* Generates a chunk
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @return void
public function generateChunk(int $chunkX, int $chunkZ){
$this->random->setSeed(0xdeadbeef ^ ($chunkX << 8) ^ $chunkZ ^ $this->level->getSeed());
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ);
for($x = 0; $x < 16; $x++) {
for($z = 0; $z < 16; $z++) {
// Getting biome & height
$currentX = $chunkX * 16 + $x;
$currentZ = $chunkZ * 16 + $x;
$height = $this->getHeightFromImg($currentX, $currentZ);
$biome = $this->getBiomeFromPos($currentX, $currentZ);
$chunk->setBiomeId($x, $z, $biome->getId());
// Building terrain
for($y = 0; $y < 128; ++$y) {
if($y === 0) {
$chunk->setBlockId($x, $y, $z, Block::BEDROCK);
if($y <= $height) {
$chunk->setBlockId($x, $y, $z, Block::STONE);
} elseif($y <= $this->waterHeight) {
$chunk->setBlockId($x, $y, $z, Block::STILL_WATER);
* Populates chunks.
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @return void
public function populateChunk(int $chunkX, int $chunkZ){
$this->random->setSeed(0xdeadbeef ^ ($chunkX << 8) ^ $chunkZ ^ $this->level->getSeed());
foreach($this->populators as $populator){
$populator->populate($this->level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, $this->random);
$chunk = $this->level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ);
$biome = Biome::getBiome($chunk->getBiomeId(7, 7));
$biome->populateChunk($this->level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, $this->random);
* Gets a biome from a pos.
* @param int $x
* @param int $z
* @return Biome
public function getBiomeFromPos(int $x, int $z): Biome{
$this->candidatesBiomes = [];
if(count(Main::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE) < 0) Main::generateRanges();
$height = $this->getHeightFromImg($x, $z);
// Foreaching all biomes to see which ones could be generated
foreach(Main::$BIOMES_BY_RANGE as $biomeId => $range){
if($range->isInRange($height)) $this->candidatesBiomes[] = Biome::getBiome($biomeId);
// Checking wether there are multiple candidates or not.
// If so, choose a biome.
if(count($this->candidatesBiomes == 1)){
$biome = $this->candidatesBiomes[0];
} else {
$hash = $x * 2345803 ^ $z * 9236449 ^ $this->level->getSeed();
$hash *= $hash + 223;
$xNoise = $hash >> 20 & 3;
$zNoise = $hash >> 22 & 3;
if($xNoise == 3){
$xNoise = 1;
if($zNoise == 3){
$zNoise = 1;
$biome = $this->selector->pickBiome($x + $xNoise - 1, $z + $zNoise - 1);
return $biome;
* Returns a block height based on heightmap.
* @param int $x
* @param int $z
* @return int
public function getHeightFromImg(int $x, int $z): int{
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[$x . ";" . $z])) return round(self::$cachedHeights[$x . ";" . $z]);
// Getting height px of the world
$imgGetDatX = ($x - $this->startPoint[0]) % imagesy($this->heightmap);
if($imgGetDatX < 0) $imgGetDatX += imagesy($this->heightmap);
// Getting width px of the world
$imgGetDatZ = ($z - $this->startPoint[1]) % imagesx($this->heightmap);
if($imgGetDatZ < 0) $z += imagesx($this->heightmap);
// Finally, getting the px to determine the height of the top block
$imgheight = (imagecolorat($this->heightmap, 10, 15) >> 16) & 0xFF; // Getting height from the red channel.
// In a normal heightmap, all the chanel ouputs the same (exepct alpha)
// Smoothing out.
$surroundValues = [];
// Getting surround values
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z-1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x) . ";" . ($z+1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x) . ";" . ($z-1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x-1) . ";" . ($z+1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x-1) . ";" . ($z)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
if(isset(self::$cachedHeights[($x-1) . ";" . ($z-1)])) $surroundValues[] = self::$cachedHeights[($x+1) . ";" . ($z+1)];
$surroundValues[] = $imgheight * self::DEPTH_MULTIPLICATOR + self::WATER_HEIGHT + $this->random->nextBoundedInt(4) - 1;
// Calculating smooth value
$smoothValue = -1; // Starting at -1 to make water depth.
foreach($surroundValues as $v) $smoothValue += $v;
$smoothValue /= count($surroundValues);
if($smoothValue < self::MIN_HEIGHT) $smoothValue = self::MIN_HEIGHT;
self::$cachedHeights[$x . ";" . $z] = $smoothValue;
return round($smoothValue); // Rounding it so that we can use it as a block height
* Return the name of the generator
* @return string
public function getName(): string {
return "realworld";
* Gives the generators settings.
* @return array
public function getSettings(): array {
return [];
* Returns spawn location
* @return Vector3
public function getSpawn(): Vector3 {
return new Vector3(127.5, 128, 127.5);
* Returns a safe spawn location
* @return Vector3
public function getSafeSpawn() {
return new Vector3(127.5, $this->getHighestWorkableBlock(127, 127), 127.5);
* Gets the top block (y) on an x and z axes
* @param $x int
* @param $z int
protected function getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z) {
for($y = Level::Y_MAX - 1; $y > 0; -- $y) {
$b = $this->level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z);
if ($b === Block::DIRT or $b === Block::GRASS or $b === Block::PODZOL) {
} elseif ($b !== 0 and $b !== Block::SNOW_LAYER) {
return - 1;
return ++$y;

Vedi File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\generator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\Main;
class RealWorldLarge extends Generator{
* Inits the class for the var
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function init(ChunkManager $level, Random $random) {}

Vedi File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\generator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\Generator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\Main;
class RealWorldLarge extends Generator{
* Inits the class for the var
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function init(ChunkManager $level, Random $random) {}

Vedi File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Imported from BetterGen (
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\populator;
use pocketmine\level\generator\populator\Populator;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
abstract class AmountPopulator extends Populator {
protected $baseAmount = 0;
protected $randomAmount = 0;
* Crosssoftware class for random amount
* Sets the random addition amount
* @param $amount int
public function setRandomAmount(int $amount) {
$this->randomAmount = $amount;
* Sets the base addition amount
* @param $amount int
public function setBaseAmount(int $amount) {
$this->baseAmount = $amount;
* Returns the amount based on random
* @param Random $random
* @return int
public function getAmount(Random $random) {
return $this->baseAmount + $random->nextRange(0, $this->randomAmount + 1);
* Returns base amount
* @return int
public function getBaseAmount(): int {
return $this->baseAmount;
* Returns the random additional amount
* @return int
public function getRandomAmount(): int {
return $this->randomAmount;

Vedi File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* Imported from BetterGen (
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\populator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\utils\BuildingUtils;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
class CavePopulator extends AmountPopulator {
/** @var ChunkManager */
protected $level;
const STOP = false;
const CONTINUE = true;
* Populates the chunk
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random) {
$this->level = $level;
$amount = $this->getAmount($random);
for($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
$x = $random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 15);
$z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 15);
$y = $random->nextRange(10, $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z));
// echo "Generating cave at $x, $y, $z." . PHP_EOL;
$this->generateCave($x, $y, $z, $random);
// echo "Finished Populating chunk $chunkX, $chunkZ !" . PHP_EOL;
// Filling water & lava sources randomly
for($i = 0; $i < $random->nextBoundedInt(5) + 3; $i ++) {
$x = $random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 15);
$z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 15);
$y = $random->nextRange(10, $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z));
if ($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z) == Block::STONE && ($level->getBlockIdAt($x + 1, $y, $z) == Block::AIR || $level->getBlockIdAt($x - 1, $y, $z) == Block::AIR || $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z + 1) == Block::AIR || $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z - 1) == Block::AIR) && $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y - 1, $z) !== Block::AIR && $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y + 1, $z) !== Block::AIR) {
if ($y < 40 && $random->nextBoolean ()) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::LAVA);
} else {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::WATER);
* Gets the top block (y) on an x and z axes
* @param int $x
* @param int $z
protected function getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z) {
for($y = Level::Y_MAX - 1; $y > 0; -- $y) {
$b = $this->level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z);
if ($b === Block::DIRT or $b === Block::GRASS or $b === Block::PODZOL or $b === Block::SAND or $b === Block::SNOW_BLOCK or $b === Block::SANDSTONE) {
} elseif ($b !== 0 and $b !== Block::SNOW_LAYER and $b !== Block::WATER) {
return - 1;
return ++$y;
* Generates a cave
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $z
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function generateCave($x, $y, $z, Random $random) {
$generatedBranches = $random->nextBoundedInt(10) + 1;
foreach($gen = $this->generateBranch($x, $y, $z, 5, 3, 5, $random) as $v3) {
$generatedBranches --;
if ($generatedBranches <= 0) {
} else {
* Generates a cave branch
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $z
* @param int $length
* @param int $height
* @param int $depth
* @param Random $random
* @yield Vector3
* @return void
public function generateBranch($x, $y, $z, $length, $height, $depth, Random $random) {
if (! (yield new Vector3($x, $y, $z))) {
for($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i ++) {
BuildingUtils::buildRandom($this->level, new Vector3($x, $y, $z), new Vector3($length - $i, $height - $i, $depth - $i), $random, Block::get(Block::AIR));
$x += round(($random->nextBoundedInt(round(30 * ($length / 10)) + 1) / 10 - 2));
$yP = $random->nextRange(-14, 14);
if ($yP > 12) {
$y ++;
} elseif ($yP < - 12) {
$y --;
$z += round(($random->nextBoundedInt(round(30 * ($depth / 10)) + 1) / 10 - 1));
$repeat = $random->nextBoundedInt(25) + 15;
while($repeat-- > 0) {
BuildingUtils::buildRandom($this->level, new Vector3($x, $y, $z), new Vector3($length, $height, $depth), $random, Block::get(Block::AIR));
$x += round(($random->nextBoundedInt(round(30 * ($length / 10)) + 1) / 10 - 2));
$yP = $random->nextRange(- 14, 14);
if ($yP > 12) {
$y ++;
} elseif ($yP < - 12) {
$y --;
$z += round(($random->nextBoundedInt(round(30 * ($depth / 10)) + 1) / 10 - 1));
$height += $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$length += $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$depth += $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
if ($height < 3)
$height = 3;
if ($length < 3)
$length = 3;
if ($height < 3)
$height = 3;
if ($height < 7)
$height = 7;
if ($length < 7)
$length = 7;
if ($height < 7)
$height = 7;
if ($random->nextBoundedInt(10) == 0) {
foreach($generator = $this->generateBranch($x, $y, $z, $length, $height, $depth, $random) as $gen) {
if (! (yield $gen))

Vedi File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* Imported from BetterGen (
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\populator;
use Ad5001\RealWorld\utils\BuildingUtils;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
class RavinePopulator extends AmountPopulator {
/** @var ChunkManager */
protected $level;
const NOISE = 250;
* Populates the chunk
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param int $chunkX
* @param int $chunkZ
* @param Random $random
* @return void
public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random) {
$this->level = $level;
$amount = $this->getAmount($random);
if ($amount > 50) { // Only build one per chunk
$depth = $random->nextBoundedInt(60) + 30; // 2Much4U?
$x = $random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 15);
$z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 15);
$y = $random->nextRange(5, $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z));
$deffX = $x;
$deffZ = $z;
$height = $random->nextRange(15, 30);
$length = $random->nextRange(5, 12);
for($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i ++) {
$this->buildRavinePart($x, $y, $z, $height, $length, $random);
$diffX = $x - $deffX;
$diffZ = $z - $deffZ;
if ($diffX > $length / 2)
$diffX = $length / 2;
if ($diffX < - $length / 2)
$diffX = - $length / 2;
if ($diffZ > $length / 2)
$diffZ = $length / 2;
if ($diffZ < - $length / 2)
$diffZ = - $length / 2;
if ($length > 10)
$length = 10;
if ($length < 5)
$length = 5;
$x += $random->nextRange(0 + $diffX, 2 + $diffX) - 1;
$y += $random->nextRange(0, 2) - 1;
$z += $random->nextRange(0 + $diffZ, 2 + $diffZ) - 1;
$height += $random->nextRange(0, 2) - 1;
$length += $random->nextRange(0, 2) - 1;
* Gets the top block (y) on an x and z axes
* @param $x int
* @param $z int
protected function getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z) {
for($y = Level::Y_MAX - 1; $y > 0; -- $y) {
$b = $this->level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z);
if ($b === Block::DIRT or $b === Block::GRASS or $b === Block::PODZOL or $b === Block::SAND or $b === Block::SNOW_BLOCK or $b === Block::SANDSTONE) {
} elseif ($b !== 0 and $b !== Block::SNOW_LAYER and $b !== Block::WATER) {
return - 1;
return ++$y;
* Buidls a ravine part
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $z
* @param int $height
* @param int $length
* @param Random $random
* @return void
protected function buildRavinePart($x, $y, $z, $height, $length, Random $random) {
$xBounded = 0;
$zBounded = 0;
for($xx = $x - $length; $xx <= $x + $length; $xx ++) {
for($yy = $y; $yy <= $y + $height; $yy ++) {
for($zz = $z - $length; $zz <= $z + $length; $zz ++) {
$oldXB = $xBounded;
$xBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(self::NOISE * 2) - self::NOISE;
$oldZB = $zBounded;
$zBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(self::NOISE * 2) - self::NOISE;
if ($xBounded > self::NOISE - 2) {
$xBounded = 1;
} elseif ($xBounded < - self::NOISE + 2) {
$xBounded = -1;
} else {
$xBounded = $oldXB;
if ($zBounded > self::NOISE - 2) {
$zBounded = 1;
} elseif ($zBounded < - self::NOISE + 2) {
$zBounded = -1;
} else {
$zBounded = $oldZB;
if (abs((abs($xx) - abs($x)) ** 2 + (abs($zz) - abs($z)) ** 2) < ((($length / 2 - $xBounded) + ($length / 2 - $zBounded)) / 2) ** 2 && $y > 0 && ! in_array($this->level->getBlockIdAt(( int) round($xx),(int) round($yy),(int) round($zz)), BuildingUtils::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE) && ! in_array($this->level->getBlockIdAt(( int) round($xx),(int) round($yy + 1),(int) round($zz)), BuildingUtils::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE)) {
$this->level->setBlockIdAt(( int) round($xx),(int) round($yy),(int) round($zz), Block::AIR);

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* Imported from BetterGen (
namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\utils;
use pocketmine\block\Block;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\utils\Random;
class BuildingUtils {
* Fills an area
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function fill(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block = null) {
if ($block == null) $block = Block::get(Block::AIR);
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y --) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Fills an area randomly
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @param Random $random
* @param int $randMax
* @return void
public static function fillRandom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block = null, Random $random = null, $randMax = 3) {
if ($block == null) $block = Block::get(Block::AIR);
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y --) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) if($random !== null ? $random->nextBoundedInt($randMax) == 0 : rand(0, $randMax) == 0) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Custom area filling
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param callable $call
* @param array $params
* @return array
public static function fillCallback(Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, callable $call, ...$params) : array {
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
$return = [];
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --) for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y --) for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) {
$return[] = call_user_func($call, new Vector3($x, $y, $z), ...$params);
return $return;
* Creates walls
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function walls(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y --) {
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage ());
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage ());
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Creates the top of a structure
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function top(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --)
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $pos1->y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $pos1->y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Creates the corners of the structures. Used for mineshaft "towers"
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function corners(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($y = $pos1->y; $y >= $pos2->y; $y --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage ());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos1->z, $block->getDamage ());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos1->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage ());
$level->setBlockIdAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($pos2->x, $y, $pos2->z, $block->getDamage ());
* Fills the bottom of a structure
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function bottom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2, Block $block) {
list($pos1, $pos2) = self::minmax($pos1, $pos2);
for($x = $pos1->x; $x >= $pos2->x; $x --)
for($z = $pos1->z; $z >= $pos2->z; $z --) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $pos2->y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $pos2->y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Builds a structure randomly based on a circle algorithm. Used in caves and lakes.
* @param ChunkManager $level
* @param Vector3 $pos
* @param Vector3 $infos
* @param Random $random
* @param Block $block
* @return void
public static function buildRandom(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos, Vector3 $infos, Random $random, Block $block) {
$xBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$yBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$zBounded = $random->nextBoundedInt(3) - 1;
$pos = $pos->round ();
for($x = $pos->x - ($infos->x / 2); $x <= $pos->x + ($infos->x / 2); $x ++) {
for($y = $pos->y - ($infos->y / 2); $y <= $pos->y + ($infos->y / 2); $y ++) {
for($z = $pos->z - ($infos->z / 2); $z <= $pos->z + ($infos->z / 2); $z ++) {
// if(abs((abs($x) - abs($pos->x)) ** 2 + ($y - $pos->y) ** 2 + (abs($z) - abs($pos->z)) ** 2) < (abs($infos->x / 2 + $xBounded) + abs($infos->y / 2 + $yBounded) + abs($infos->z / 2 + $zBounded)) ** 2
if (abs((abs($x) - abs($pos->x)) ** 2 + ($y - $pos->y) ** 2 + (abs($z) - abs($pos->z)) ** 2) < ((($infos->x / 2 - $xBounded) + ($infos->y / 2 - $yBounded) + ($infos->z / 2 - $zBounded)) / 3) ** 2 && $y > 0 && ! in_array($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z), self::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE) && ! in_array($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y + 1, $z), self::TO_NOT_OVERWRITE)) {
$level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getId ());
$level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $block->getDamage ());
* Returns two Vector three, the biggest and lowest ones based on two provided vectors
* @param Vector3 $pos1
* @param Vector3 $pos2
* @return array
protected static function minmax(Vector3 $pos1, Vector3 $pos2): array {
$v1 = new Vector3(max($pos1->x, $pos2->x), max($pos1->y, $pos2->y), max($pos1->z, $pos2->z));
$v2 = new Vector3(min($pos1->x, $pos2->x), min($pos1->y, $pos2->y), min($pos1->z, $pos2->z));
return [

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namespace Ad5001\RealWorld\utils;
class Range {
/** @var int */
public $from;
/** @var int */
public $to;
* Creates a Range class
* @param int $from
* @param int $to
public function __construct(int $from, int $to) {
$this->from = $from;
$this->to = $to;
* Check if a number is in the range
* @param int $toTest
* @return boolean
public function isInRange(int $toTest){
return $this->from <= $toTest && $toTest < $this->to;