
30 lines
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# _____ _ _____ _
# | ___| __ _ ___ | |_ |_ _| _ __ __ _ __ __ ___ | |
# | |_ / _` | / __| | __| | | | '__| / _` | \ \ / / / _ \ | |
# | _| | (_| | \__ \ | |_ | | | | | (_| | \ V / | __/ | |
# |_| \__,_| |___/ \__| |_| |_| \__,_| \_/ \___| |_|
# Travel in MCPE faster and easier than you ever tought !
# Author: Ad5001
# Website:
# Put here the block you want to have as an elevetor.
ElevatorBlock: note_block
# Put here the block you want to have as a booster block
BoostBlock: ice
# Put here how much do you want the amplifier of the speed of the boost to be.
BoostAmplifier: 10
# Put here the block you want to have as a jump to sky block.
JumpBlock: hay_bale
# Put here the amplifier of the jump when steping on the block set above.
JumpAmplifier: 2